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Old 2023-07-06, 23:35   Link #21
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Muriel really seems to reflect the type that loves the idea of something, but hasn't bothered to actually learn anything about it. Credit to her for how much effort she's put into trying to improve her manga and clearly has gotten plenty of "support" from her brother. But she doesn't have a clue what the standards are for the stories she wants to tell. It's one thing to try and add a personal spin to something. But she really should master the basics first. Starting point might honestly be coming up with better names for her characters though.

It's kind of too bad the brother did decide to literally threaten people to make them spend time with his sister. No wonder she's not getting any better with his style of coddling. Can't really say it's forcing them closer together since Aki already took the step on her own to try and spend more time with Masamune.

Still though, things are definitely moving along. Got Kanetsugu both finding out that Yoshino is working with Masamune and revealing that fact to her. Have to think we're talking about making her play the role of double spy or else Aki will be informed about it. Even if the picture only shows that Yoshino is spending time with Masamune without Aki knowing about it...that'd be effective enough.
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Old 2023-07-07, 20:05   Link #22
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Originally Posted by FlareKnight View Post
Muriel really seems to reflect the type that loves the idea of something, but hasn't bothered to actually learn anything about it. Credit to her for how much effort she's put into trying to improve her manga and clearly has gotten plenty of "support" from her brother. But she doesn't have a clue what the standards are for the stories she wants to tell. It's one thing to try and add a personal spin to something. But she really should master the basics first. Starting point might honestly be coming up with better names for her characters though.
She's EXACTLY like the American weeaboos from the early 2000s trying to imitate manga

Like I said so much secondhand embarrassment Even I knew back then you shouldn't name your characters after Japanese food you like.


Many 90s anime characters were named after FOREIGN FOOD like Chocolat, Tiramisu, Carrot, Milk, Marron, Pudding, Lime, Cherry, and so on.

How dare the Japanese take jabs at us when that happened they are no less ridiculous.
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Old 2023-07-10, 09:34   Link #23
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It's bad enough that Kanetsugu's figured out Yoshino's plan, but she even ratted her out to her parents! And Yoshino can't call him out because the spectre of her child self and something she feels guilty about is haunting her. Though Chibi!Yoshino in that maid outfit is pretty cute, minus her emotional breakdown in the present-day .

(Also how is Kanetsugu planning for grandchildren? Adopt? Find some way to get Aki knocked up ?)

Meanwhile Masaume and Aki are playing out a classic high school romcom for French Girl Otaku Muriel, but the most they can do is some handholding...though that's a lot even for them, but I love how Aki takes the lead the second time around .

Ah yes, Aki's insatiable appetite. These two may not be willing to go so far as to feed each other, but Masamune letting it slip about Aki's dogs makes her finally open up about the real reason she won't accept his feelings and why she became such an overeater...and how she sees their shared past together .

Aki was really lonely. Yoshino had chicken pox (also was that her mom?), her parents were constantly fighting, all she had were her two dogs Sean and Lancelot...but then one day she defends a chubby boy from bullies and he became the only one who would listen to and be there for her, and sincerely empathize with what she was going through. Her parents tried to butter her up to choose them, but Masamune genuinely wanted Aki to feel better. It's no wonder she fell for him .

Watching Aki teach Masamune to be more brave and them teaming-up to get at his bullies was pretty great. These two really worked well together back then, and even if Aki's parents were separating, she was happy just to have Masamune...until he left and seemingly abandoned her, breaking her heart .

Of course from Masamune's perspective not only did she seemingly reject him in the most insulting way possible, but she also left him at the prey of the bullies who came back for him that night. And she has the gall to act like that never happened and that she's the victim? It gets to a point where Masamune breaks character and calls her out for her apparent BS, which totally wrecks their current relationship .

It says a lot for how Aki must feel about Masamune now that despite how prickly she is around him, having him act like that hurt her so badly that she doesn't have any time for Kanetsugu and needs to run to Yoshino for emotional support...which is the same thing that happened eight years ago, even though she doesn't realize the two boys were the same .
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Old 2023-07-10, 13:16   Link #24
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If you didn't feel anything for these two kids, you are made of stone.

Also good on Muriel for being considerate and understanding instead of selfish after the fight.
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Old 2023-07-11, 16:57   Link #25
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Originally Posted by Chiibi View Post
Many 90s anime characters were named after FOREIGN FOOD like Chocolat, Tiramisu, Carrot, Milk, Marron, Pudding, Lime, Cherry, and so on.

How dare the Japanese take jabs at us when that happened they are no less ridiculous.
I only remember Chocola Misu and Tira Misu from Sorceror Hunters back in the day. After doing some digging around it seems that characters named Carrot and Marron were in that series too. So which old-school anime series are Milk, Pudding, Lime, and Cherry from?
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Old 2023-07-11, 23:16   Link #26
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Originally Posted by Chiibi View Post

If you didn't feel anything for these two kids, you are made of stone.

Also good on Muriel for being considerate and understanding instead of selfish after the fight.
It did do a good job of putting things into perspective for why they fell in love as kids and how they were so important to each other, so much that you want to see the misunderstandings finally cleared up so we can move forward...although now Masamune and Aki's relationship feels like it's back to square one again, so not sure where they go from here .
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Old 2023-07-13, 11:47   Link #27
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The flashback was good. Really helped fill in a lot of things and set up why they were so important to each other. At the very least it's clear why Masamune would be so upset that he went on this ridiculous revenge plan and why Aki was so despondent that she basically swore off romance and started binge eating.

The big issue of course is that things don't line up for each other. Masamune so unable to think rationally that he was pretty much throwing his whole disguise out the window while raging at her.

Not a good spot. Honestly I think third parties will have to intervene. Aki already reached out in the first place with telling her story. Then it was all thrown in her face like that. I don't see her being the one to try and reconcile. But if Masamune had the ability to reconcile over something like this he wouldn't have started on a revenge plan in the first place. He would have kept trying to speak to Aki to figure out what was going on.

A painful episode that started out with Yoshino's troubles. I can't even say blackmail since she was already ratted out.
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Old 2023-07-17, 09:40   Link #28
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Oh hey, Yoshino's big sis! Always fun when she makes a brief, but memorable, appearance .

Yoshino is still grabbing food from the lunch rush as always, but things aren't the same for Masamune and Aki. Aki is stress eating even more than usual and not happy about it, and Masamune is even more obsessed with his muscles (as if that was even possible). Things are definitely tense for these two .

I guess Kanetsugu really doesn't have much choice but to keep up this farce and get Aki's money. Her little sister has medical problems and the Gasou name is preventing them from giving her affordable medical care. All the same though, it's still scummy how she's preying on Aki's emotional vulnerability .

Find a girl like Neko who will take you out and hear out your troubles with another girl despite her obvious feelings for you. All the same, if Masamune is so obsessed with revenge against Aki, doesn't that mean there's a chance he can love Neko too? Poor girl is still so in love with him .

I can't believe Muriel's brother followed them all the way to Japan...just to hand Masamune the manuscript for Muriel's MasamunexAki fanfic. It's all well and good how it ended happily for the pair there, and made Masamune dwell on how sad it is how things turned out between the two of them, yet it's Muriel's letter that helps Masamune put two and two together that there was a third party watching their relationship the whole time .

Oh hey, Aki's Yuri Girl Guard! And they're still torn between worshipping Aki and making sure she doesn't end up with any man .

Poor does laundry and he gets Chinatsu kicked in the back because she thinks he stole her panties and socks .

Well, Masamune finally confronts Yoshino, and it turns out it WAS her who played Aki that time and called him "Pig's Foot." Yoshino was behind everything !
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Old 2023-07-17, 11:16   Link #29
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So finally Makabe (probably) has reached the truth. Of course the reason Yoshino would do such a thing remains up in the air. But it does make more sense than Aki randomly behaving the way she did in the flashback. She had every motivation to not behave that way and no real reason to say it. I suppose as of yet Yoshino's reasons remain up in the air, but it makes more sense. Yoshino really leaned too much into the Pigs Foot thing which was a risky move considering it wasn't something Aki had memories about.

For a good chunk of the episode it was frustrating how Makabe was so easily able to consider Aki's memories being unreliable and twisted for convenience, but had absolute faith in his own. Finally he took a step back to realize how the flow of events just didn't make any sense. Aki was there for him when he needed her and he was striving to do the same for her. So for her to suddenly reject him just doesn't make any sense. But he's been so angry that he's never stopped to realize it.

I suppose there's points given to Muriel. I still think calling the cops on her brother would be completely justified. But at the very least she was good help here. Because there's just no way Makabe would figure anything out without help. Credit to Neko for making her move. Might as well if Makabe is so certain the feelings he has for Aki aren't love. Though seems like a hopeless endeavor on her part...

Yoshino's choices are really coming home to roost though. Both past and present. I do feel for her in terms of her family situation. It's not like she's growing up on a farm where helping out with the family business has some logic to it. Sucks that she and her sister should be born into what is basically slavery. If the rich family wants a maid or servant for their young child...hire someone! So if her motivation was just being pissed off at her situation I'm not too shocked. But in that case she actually made her life even harder because of the eating disorder she would have caused Aki to pick up.

Sorry Gasou. You are such a scumbag even a sick little sister doesn't create any sympathy for you. Maybe efforts were focused on helping the little sister instead of trying to score cash then things would be better. The Gasou name is getting in the way of getting her proper medical care? How about pointing out that if she dies because the family failed to give her basic medical care that will do a lot more harm to the Gasou family name? Can pull that stunt against Yoshino but can't figure out how to manipulate the Gasou family as a whole here?
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Old 2023-07-17, 11:36   Link #30
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I forget why though....I think she was just jealous or something

The Yuri guards have always been pretty annoying but Sonaka's design is adorable. It's wasted on a useless character like this....WHY can't she be a shoujo heroine or something?

I'll freaking steal that hairstyle...nobody will notice.

Originally Posted by Mazryonh View Post
I only remember Chocola Misu and Tira Misu from Sorceror Hunters back in the day. After doing some digging around it seems that characters named Carrot and Marron were in that series too. So which old-school anime series are Milk, Pudding, Lime, and Cherry from?
Milk-some obscure OVA called Knights of Lamune. But there's also Super Milk-chan whose anime ran on Toonami and it was really dumb.

Pudding-Tokyo Mew Mew. We also have Lettuce, Quiche, and Tart.

Lime and Cherry- Saber Marionette series.


Last edited by Chiibi; 2023-07-17 at 11:49.
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Old 2023-07-24, 09:36   Link #31
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Poor Masamune...he really doesn't want to believe Yoshino has been lying to him this whole time after everything they've been through. He even jumps immediately when she said she didn't...which was also just to prove she has been lying to him .

The one thing Kanetsugu and Aki's Yuri Girl Posse can agree on is they want Masamune nowhere near Aki. Of course, they also have no idea that Kanetsugu is pretty much playing everyone .

So Yoshino was actually happy that she had chickenpox because it meant she didn't have to deal with Aki. She was so tired (and kind of resentful) of being stuck catering to Aki's whims or getting treated like nothing more than her plaything, even if she knew that was basically her job (though that didn't help). And just when she's hoping Aki might be upset or sad about it, she sees her having genuine fun with someone else, a boy who, unlike Yoshino, actually seems to enjoy being with Aki and making her happy in a way Yoshino never could. And that's when true hatred festered in her heart .

Jeez, Aki had the triple threat of getting sick + her parents still arguing even when she was sick + her mom leaving her after the divorce. The only thing she had left to look forward to was Masamune, but that just angered Yoshino more because she'd been there with her their entire lives and it felt like Aki didn't care about her .

What a coincidence that there was a lifelike Aki doll with removeable Aki hair that helped Yoshino impersonate Aki and pull the stunt that started all this. Although even she realized she messed up when she heard Masamune's desperate, heartbroken, pleading and saw the emotional damage it did to Aki .

So the reason Aki never realized it was Masamune when she saw Makabe while Yoshino she still associates him with being chubby? Well, that and she's kind of dense, but still .

Yoshino was using Masamune to get him toether with Aki, not so he'd dump her but so they could really be together. Basically Yoshino's penance for what she'd done, because it still weighs on her. And what can you say to such a genuine smile on Yoshino's face ?

I love how Masamune finally shuts up the girl posse .

I get Kanetsugu has a lot riding on getting Aki's money for her sister, but she's still preying on Aki's kindness with a lie. But I guess it weighs on her a little .

Oh snap, Masamune just slugged Kanetsugu! He just slugged a girl and he doesn't even know it! And now he's asking Aki out for real. Is he going to tell her the truth !?
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Old 2023-07-24, 12:57   Link #32
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Originally Posted by Chiibi View Post
Milk-some obscure OVA called Knights of Lamune. But there's also Super Milk-chan whose anime ran on Toonami and it was really dumb.

Pudding-Tokyo Mew Mew. We also have Lettuce, Quiche, and Tart.

Lime and Cherry- Saber Marionette series.

And now Tokyo Mew Mew is getting a new anime. I wonder if those food-themed character names will return. Thanks for telling me which series those old characters were from.

Yes, I agree that the Japanese throwing shade at westerners for naming fictional characters after Japanese foods sounds ridiculous when you remember those old 1990s anime character names.
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Old 2023-07-24, 16:26   Link #33
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Its happening!!!111
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Old 2023-07-24, 19:46   Link #34
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I don't blame Yoshino for generally being upset. It's downright ridiculous that she was basically born to be Aki's plaything. Doesn't seem like her parents cared much about her either. She was only kept isolated for Aki's sake. But even her parents didn't seem to ever ask how she was doing or feeling. But we're talking about parents that couldn't risk their jobs to stand up for their own kid. That'll put anyone in a bad place mentally. All the more so if Aki was pretty brutal with Yoshino herself. And just because she learned some things from encountering Makabe that didn't make her treat Yoshino any better. Aki was dealing with a lot, but that didn't leave her even able to see Yoshino as someone to sympathize with. She absolutely took Yoshino's presence for granted.

Not that anything she did there was good. After all Makabe was innocent in all of it. Aki probably deserved a wake-up call of some sort. But that was definitely a lot. Hoenstly with the tone of that scene I think if Makabe hadn't shown up calling out for Aki then Yoshino might have just smothered her...The atmosphere was getting pretty dark!

Of course like any small act of revenge it had the potential to leave Yoshino with regrets. And there was no clear way to resolve the situation either. Maybe she could have told Aki what happened. But that wouldn't help find Masamune, she might not believe it, and frankly Yoshino's situation is too vulnerable to give Aki a legitimate reason to treat her badly. Regret is one thing, but making her own life a living hell willingly might be a bit much.

There was no real win for Yoshino from the start of her life. Which is a sad thing to face. Obviously she came to like Masamune, but she could hardly stomach playing things as cruelly as possible to get that kind of ending for herself. She had the option of course. Aki was too dense to ever figure it out and if she simply lied then Masamune would never doubt her either. Could have really let the revenge plan play out. Then she jumps in his arms after he's vented as his strongest collaborator. But just couldn't do it.

At this point she's taking the best loss that she can here. Masamune and Aki should be set to be happy. Maybe she'll get treated a bit worse overall, but look at where her life is already. At least can find some atonement in setting things right. Honestly I do hope things work out ok for her. The Aki and Makabe ship works and I'm good with that. But at least let Yoshino walk away from this thing with some joy.

Satisfying punch. I don't care if Kanetsugu is a girl. Had that one coming. Yoshino's stunt at least was a quick action of a kid in a bad situation. Kanetsugu is old enough to know better and has been doing this nonsense on repeat. Frankly needs to clean up the mess in her own family and that'll do a lot more for her sister than manipulating others for money.
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Old 2023-07-25, 00:42   Link #35
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This episode was SO good too....Gasou definitely deserved that punch. Yet it's hard to hate someone for just trying to take care of their family.

(like I said before, I do not hate any of the (important) characters in this series.)

Lots of people seem to want Yoshino as the winning girl. But that ship REALLY doesn't work for me. Her feelings for Makabe don't make very much sense; we don't really see any chemistry or bond between them....and he and Aki have SO much history and they clearly both want each other even now. Aki's the only girl he's ever focused on...and hypothetically, if everything HAD been the way he thought it was and yeeted Aki from his life...he'd probably try dating Neko before Yoshino. I don't think he thinks of Yoshino romantically even one iota....and rightfully so.

Don't misunderstand; I like Yoshino a lot.

Just not with Makabe. That pairing would be totally random from Makabe's POV...and Yoshino's suddenly revealed feelings had no build up. The writing in this series is VERY tight...except for Yoshino's crush. We should have gotten hints that Yoshino wanted him all along since season 1 and that was her plot for helping with the revenge goal.
Even one tiny scene of her lovingly touching the photograph of him and smirking to herself would have been enough for me!, we didn't get that.

Not to mention....having Yoshino win Makabe's heart and getting together with him would completely ruin her entire character's PURPOSE!?

Yoshino's role in the story revolves around one theme only: Redemption. The ENTIRE point of her has been to correct her selfish act of destroying something beautiful between two innocent children.
She was wrong for that and she knows it.
She is a good character BECAUSE she is trying to fix it and she isn't getting what she wants for herself!
This entire story falls to pieces if she is chosen.

Originally Posted by Mazryonh View Post
And now Tokyo Mew Mew is getting a new anime.

Yeah....about that...
Not that I like telling people what NOT to watch but....

It's terrible, compared to the 2002 one. Absolutely everything about the new anime is a DOWNGRADE.

I've ranted about it quite a bit. Same problems as MANY MANY modern remakes; "let's just rush through everything; ignore personality and important character moments and just show the action without giving the audience a reason to GIVE a damn about anybody because now they're just boring and shallow".

I also hate the new designs and the new colors. I. HATE. THEM. The first ones were great!? IF IT ISN'T BROKEN, DON'T FIX IT.

The original Mew Mew was vibrant and cute; THIS NEW THING IS DULL AS DIRT. YUCK.

Thanks for telling me which series those old characters were from.
Sure thing.

Yes, I agree that the Japanese throwing shade at westerners for naming fictional characters after Japanese foods sounds ridiculous when you remember those old 1990s anime character names.
Glass houses.

Last edited by Chiibi; 2023-07-25 at 01:20.
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Old 2023-07-25, 10:49   Link #36
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Originally Posted by Chiibi View Post
This episode was SO good too....Gasou definitely deserved that punch. Yet it's hard to hate someone for just trying to take care of their family.

(like I said before, I do not hate any of the (important) characters in this series.)

Lots of people seem to want Yoshino as the winning girl. But that ship REALLY doesn't work for me. Her feelings for Makabe don't make very much sense; we don't really see any chemistry or bond between them....and he and Aki have SO much history and they clearly both want each other even now. Aki's the only girl he's ever focused on...and hypothetically, if everything HAD been the way he thought it was and yeeted Aki from his life...he'd probably try dating Neko before Yoshino. I don't think he thinks of Yoshino romantically even one iota....and rightfully so.

Don't misunderstand; I like Yoshino a lot.

Just not with Makabe. That pairing would be totally random from Makabe's POV...and Yoshino's suddenly revealed feelings had no build up. The writing in this series is VERY tight...except for Yoshino's crush. We should have gotten hints that Yoshino wanted him all along since season 1 and that was her plot for helping with the revenge goal.
Even one tiny scene of her lovingly touching the photograph of him and smirking to herself would have been enough for me!, we didn't get that.

Not to mention....having Yoshino win Makabe's heart and getting together with him would completely ruin her entire character's PURPOSE!?

Yoshino's role in the story revolves around one theme only: Redemption. The ENTIRE point of her has been to correct her selfish act of destroying something beautiful between two innocent children.
She was wrong for that and she knows it.
She is a good character BECAUSE she is trying to fix it and she isn't getting what she wants for herself!
This entire story falls to pieces if she is chosen.
Honestly, anime-only, but I don't see where Yoshino might like Masamune romantically. I think she's grown closer to him and maybe she's been impressed by his dedication, but that's about it.
Yeah....about that...
Not that I like telling people what NOT to watch but....

It's terrible, compared to the 2002 one. Absolutely everything about the new anime is a DOWNGRADE.

I've ranted about it quite a bit. Same problems as MANY MANY modern remakes; "let's just rush through everything; ignore personality and important character moments and just show the action without giving the audience a reason to GIVE a damn about anybody because now they're just boring and shallow".

I also hate the new designs and the new colors. I. HATE. THEM. The first ones were great!? IF IT ISN'T BROKEN, DON'T FIX IT.

The original Mew Mew was vibrant and cute; THIS NEW THING IS DULL AS DIRT. YUCK.
I actually really enjoyed the remake myself .
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Old 2023-07-31, 09:35   Link #37
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Masamune calling out Aki's bad personality while asking her out is so Masamune .

Kanetsugu vs Masamune! Kanetsugu is calling out Masamune for being a shallow pretty boy, but now Masamune has enough strength to reveal the truth to Aki about him being the REAL Masamune...and she finally calls him "Masamune" again !

And Kanetsugu is her exposed cleavage. I love how she just bails out immediately after .

Oh snap! Aki actually agreed to go out with him! They're...they're actually a couple now!? Masamune won!? It's almost hard to believe, and Masamune is in enough of a daze he almost dies during his evening underwear exercise routine (though his sister didn't help) .

Though Masamune is still the most popular guy in school and the one who frequently gets confessed to by other girls, even when word about him and Aki gets out. I have to admire that one girls' willingness to not only have bare legs in winter but also to be okay with being Masamune's 2nd woman. She's down bad enough to be content with his leftovers .

If anyone has a right to be unhappy about Masamune and Aki being together, it's Neko. Although she implies she's content thinking the relationship is going to turn into a hot mess and implode on itself and...I can't really blame her there .

Well, I guess things worked out for the best for Kanetsugu. Her sister is better, she's finally sold off all the family trappings that were holding her back, and now she can properly live as a girl. She definitely seems happier, happy enough to tease Masamune about joining his Harem .

What an auspicious start to dating Aki...already getting her food! Though it seems like Aki is trying in her own way, like she wanted to each lunch with Masamune, though she also seems to want him to put on some pounds again like he used to have. But I guess from her perspective she means well, even if both she and Masamune have no idea what they're doing .

And Masamune never exposed Yoshino, and he still feels grateful and close to her despite everything, though she wants them to break all contact moving forward. But she at least made Masamune realize he can spend Christmas Eve with Aki (her birthday no less!) so hopefully that goes well .
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Old 2023-07-31, 20:11   Link #38
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I get that Yoshino still feels bad and obviously it's tough being around him when he's already made his choice. But what is her plan exactly? Even if she cuts off contact now...if things go well then he's going to be around a lot. Both at school and down the road...Is she planning on actually leaving and going off to do her own thing? I wouldn't necessarily say that's the wrong call considering how being born into that situation really warped her life to this point. But I can't see it going that simply.

Regardless, I'd say things worked out. Honestly glad that Kanetsugu finally did...what she should have done from the beginning! Instead of running that stupid scam, just make the necessary choices for the sake of her sister. I'd call it a win/win. She got the punch to the face that frankly she deserved and now things are looking much more stable. Not letting that stupid family put the kid's life in danger.

Man some of those girls are pretty hungry at this time of year . I mean wow. Masamune will need to keep a strong level of control to keep from being tempted.

I'm curious about how Masamune and Aki will settle things though. She clearly is still in love with the image of the round Masamune she knew as a kid. While he's honestly pretty dedicated to being fit. Both of them of course have gone down very extreme paths since they parted ways. The only difference is that Aki maintains her image while Masamune's hard work really did get him in good shape. Is he going to let himself go a bit? Or is Aki going to have to just give up on it and let Masamune maintain the state he's worked hard to get to?

That couple is adorably awkward. They are struggling to figure things out and the moment someone makes a move they both get frazzled .
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Old 2023-08-01, 16:59   Link #39
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Gasou MUST be wearing a shorter wig in her 'Masamune' form because nobody can grow her hair in that amount of time.

Aki and Makabe are so cute and awkward.

Neko, just let Makabe go and pay attention to the precious creature who actually LIKES you already!!

She has no idea how lucky she is!!

The only difference is that Aki maintains her image while Masamune's hard work really did get him in good shape. Is he going to let himself go a bit? Or is Aki going to have to just give up on it and let Masamune maintain the state he's worked hard to get to?
It comes off to me that Makabe genuinely does not like unhealthy food anymore so he is probably just going to stick to his current diet. Once you decide to change your eating habits, it's very very hard to go I've heard from other people who do this. They simply no longer crave the junk after avoiding it for years and years.

(I'm an absolute sugar addict though so I can't speak from experience! )

Originally Posted by Frontier View Post
I actually really enjoyed the remake myself .
Several people do but it just didn't grab me AT ALL, man. I was soooooooo bored. I went back and rewatched the first two episodes of 2002 Mew and was sooooooo entertained.

This felt like Sailor Moon vs Sailor Moon Crystal all over again. Everything is rushed AF and all the charm is just GONE somehow. I can't explain it.
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Old 2023-08-07, 09:31   Link #40
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
Aki is such a tsundere girlfriend, although if Masamune actually finds her smugness charming, then I guess it works. Especially when he manages to snag a Christmas Eve/Birthday date out of her .

I pity whoever ends up being Chinatsu's boyfriend and has to go along with her whims. Although of course the mom was once mistaken for a child while on a date with Makabe Papa .

You can tell Aki is taking this date seriously when she's trying to find the perfect outfit. And I can't fault her choice, that dress and coat is a terrific combination. Even better is seeing Aki with her hair down. She looks much more mature and beautiful !

Movie date round 2! This time they actually sit together like a proper couple, though it's sweet how Masamune can't take his eyes off Aki this time. And of course Aki gets emotional and eats all the popcorn .

What better way to recover from an emotional tear-jerker than by eating at a cafe? Too bad all their attempts to eat somewhere are foiled like it's a Shojo manga. But I guess that's a good excuse to invite Aki to your home .

Poor Masamune. If only he'd listened to what his sister was saying. I guess they only got tickets for the two of them, but it feels like they basically ditched him for a Hot Springs Trip. Though now Masamune and Aki are left alone, at his house, with no one but each other .

Aki acts all smug and confident but it's when the two try making pancakes together that they feel like a real sweet and sincere couple...up until Aki is trying to force Masamune to eat like she really wants him to gain weight .

Masamune wants Aki to face the person he is now, not the person she remembers him being with all the fat and chubbiness. I like how once they're in his room they fall back into using their first names again as Masamune tries to get through to Aki. And of course in true romcom fashion they trip and Masamune ends up on top of her .

Jeez, making a teenager dress up in a Santa Dress and work at your Christmas Party? I mean, Yoshino looked great but it feels kind of exploitave. I guess I shouldn't be surprised with this family .

Aki is quick to defend the date because she did actually enjoy herself, but...Masamune is growing hives because he realizes he's still traumatized enough that he can't even touch Aki, and Aki found both his present to her (which she loves) and his notebook detailing his entire revenge plan and wondering what it was all about. All the while thinking she's lacking as a woman to make Masamune feel that way. Definitely the next big hurdle for this couple .
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