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Old 2022-03-28, 01:07   Link #98
Key Board
Join Date: Nov 2003
Originally Posted by mangamuscle View Post
Why is China's military so shockingly corrupt? Will Xi jinping be able to control the army?

If what this video says is true, then china's army might be a mirror image of the russian army, a big bully that can push around small and weak adversaries, but hasn't won a war since WWII and can be stopped in its track by an smaller but more capable army *coff* Taiwain *coff*

Not only that, xi jingping seems not entirely in control of the military, which might do a coup'de etat if he makes a false move (like embarrassing china the same way putin has embarrased russia in the world arena).
Honestly this is an inherent problem with military. Every military wants to save face and present a tough guy image. But as a result, every intel or self assessment you get can be skewed either by ego, pleasing autocrats, or the military industrial agenda. criticisms becomes harder.

The US has problems with this too. The famed Navy SEALs? It only means you have a high pain tolerance. It doesn’t say anything else about your performance. And let’s just day they’re not promoting the brightest guys.

Originally Posted by AnimeFan188 View Post

China Violates The PhilippinesÂ’ Sovereignty While Russia
Distracts The U.S.:
China has been having territorial debuts with over 10 countries.

I'm getting reports from Indonesia that they're exerting pressure over the Natuna islands again. And island that is mostly inhabited by Malay Indonesians.

I worry because I have family in Indonesia and every time mainland China does some dumb shit, the blame always seems to fall on Chinese diasporas who want nothing to do with the mainland

"Legitimacy is based on three things. First of all, the people who are asked to obey authority have to feel like they have a voice—that if they speak up, they will be heard. Second, the law has to be predictable. There has to be a reasonable expectation that the rules tomorrow are going to be roughly the same as the rules today. And third, the authority has to be fair. It can’t treat one group differently from another.” Malcolm Gladwell

Last edited by Key Board; 2022-03-28 at 04:33.
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