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Old 2004-09-25, 08:13   Link #1
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War for humanity!!!

The 'war' you see in the thread title means 'war' in general.

This thread is for disussing war/conflict as a good thing for humanity. Please take a 'third person' perspective on this issue.
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Old 2004-09-25, 10:12   Link #2
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War has been the driving force behind most of the techological inovation. Without war we would not have

Air planes as functional means of travel, or jet power.

Space exploration (rocket technology)

The internet (although not made during a time of war, this was designed for communication in case of a nuclear attack).

Nuclear power (although that might be a good thing to do without).

Canned goods (Napoleon sponsered a contest to see who could make food stuffs last for his army. Canning was the answer, even though the inventor did not know why it worked).
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Old 2004-09-25, 11:43   Link #3
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It decrease overpopulation.
Wars are good entertainment.

I should stop here or the pacifist inside me deletes this post.
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Old 2004-09-25, 12:58   Link #4
Lord Raiden
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Well, picking up from where Yoska left off, depending on how you look at it, war is:

1. A gigantic game of mortal chess where the stakes are high and it is winner takes all.
2. War can be fun, not for the killing or destroying part, but for the incredible challenge of actually trying to win against a tough opponent.
3. The brainpower involved to concieve and properly execute strategies, counter strategies, offenses, defences, split second decisions is massive, and reaction times are greatly increased and honed through war too.

Now this isn't saying that I condone war, but in its own odd way, war is beneficial in certain ways.
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Old 2004-09-25, 17:22   Link #5
Grouky Freak
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I'm not going to state the good points that were given before, I fully agree with them, especially umbrae's those I'd like to add :

- Cultural exchange :
Wars have been throughout history a great vector for cultural exchange of all kinds (technological, scientifical, artistic......)

- Bracing of population :
From a species point of view, bracing the overall population is a good thing, and war help in that.

- Social Stability :
Wars have always been good for the stability (political and social) of a country providing the war is fought at the border or not too far. (which might or might not be a good thing depending on the current political leadership)

- Economical Growth :
Wars are also a factor of economic growth. War economy is usually very productive with a low unemployment rate. (now this might be at the expense of comfort...)

can't think of much more right now.....
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Old 2004-09-25, 17:59   Link #6
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war is bad, or atleast thas what i think.
but us being humans, fighting is in our nature, just as children we fight our siblings without knowing anything about the world. this shows that fighting is our instinct, thus making war unavoidable.
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Old 2004-09-25, 18:28   Link #7
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Originally Posted by Yoska
It decrease overpopulation.
I'd think Famines would work better for reducing overpopulation...

But no water=king.

Though wars do make good entertainment.
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Old 2004-09-25, 18:55   Link #8
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Yeah, Wars bring good entertainment. And that's why I like wars. Plus, After wars it created a new beginning for people to start again.
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Old 2004-09-25, 20:32   Link #9
Lord Raiden
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Well, you have a point there X-1000. War tends to force you to start from scratch by clearing out the old and making you build new. It also pushes aside old things that wouldn't move otherwise on their own.
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Old 2004-09-25, 23:25   Link #10
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There can never be peace without war/conflict.Sorry, i didn't make my statement clearer in the first post.War in general means 'conflict',bascially.As in conflict with oneself and his external environment.Without war/chaos/conflict there can never be peace/serenity by comparison or otherwise.War also gives people a clearer idea of how far you can go with someting and how far you cannnot.War also gives us a scope of ourselves we would never have known unless we experience it,something like life experience.
-World peace.Something we would never have unless the world's population finds nirvana,as discribed in the Buddhist religions.Ultimately conflict from the external always originates from the internal,like how multi-cellular organisms come from the tiniest cells.So,unless we all solve every little problem within our selves,we can never attain true 'peace',thus 'war' would continue.
On the other hand,why do we need peace anyway?Sadly,it isn't my place to ask because i haven't experience true 'peace',if i had,i must have forgotten
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Old 2004-09-26, 00:13   Link #11
Za Paper
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My theory is that because man has no natural enemies, mother nature has preprogrammed us to kill each other as a way to control our population. Maybe it would have been best if mother nature had us follow the lemmings example. Every couple of years people throw themselves en masse into the ocean.
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Old 2004-09-26, 00:39   Link #12
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Originally Posted by Za Paper
My theory is that because man has no natural enemies, mother nature has preprogrammed us to kill each other as a way to control our population. Maybe it would have been best if mother nature had us follow the lemmings example. Every couple of years people throw themselves en masse into the ocean.
Yes,war may be the result of our subconscious attempt to eliminate each other to control the population.If this were true,the world should have blown over into world war III no?The Earth is bursting at the seams already,but we still support 'world peace' etc.Maybe mankind was destined for war and perhaps 'peace' is just a short recess.So if nature designed us to eliminate each other to control the population,yet we still support 'peace'(*In a general sense*)does that mean man is not part of nature anymore?So in our efforts to seek perfect peace,are we defying nature?The sad truth is,we would never know the 'correct' answer because we don't truly know if we were programmed to kill each other,thus controling the population size.
-I follow your post on how mother nature programmed us to kill of each other to control the population.But throwing ourselves en masse into the ocean is just plain stupid.
(*If i have offended anyone who supports 'lemmings' due to my lack of realisation of whatever truth may be behind such actions,please forgive me.*)
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Old 2004-09-26, 01:07   Link #13
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War if fought over territory, to gain or protect it. Everything that lives fights for territory.
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Old 2004-09-26, 01:08   Link #14
Aria Company
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How can anyone really say war has benefits? Sure in the last few hundred years war has pushed the development of technology along at a pace far faster than would have been possible during a period of peace, but to suggest any other benefits to having a war is naive beyond all understanding.
Cultural exchange? Sure you can argue that, but mostly this exchange has involved a stonger group exchanging the views of the people they conquer for their own. Of course the conquerer keeps anything they find useful about the conquered civilization, but the things that were lost in war far outweigh the things that were spread.
Social stability? Wars do rally the people of a nation against the foreign threat, but is this really stability? Once the war is over, or has dragged on for a long time, all the problems resurface.
Economic growth? Wars bankrupt nations. Look at Iraq. The Us has spent around 200 billion dollars on it, and it's nowhere near a major war. Sure unemployment is lower during a war, but only because a good portion of the population is busy fighting, and the rest are building weapons for them. Once the war is over the arms factories shut down and the soldiers come home. Now you have a huge debt to pay for the guns and bombs, people who were building them out of work, and soldiers coming home from war out of work. Unemployment is much higher than it was before the war, and it takes years to recover.
There's nothing good about war. If there was, it wouldn't be something to be avoided/
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Old 2004-09-26, 01:36   Link #15
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Originally Posted by Kamui4356
How can anyone really say war has benefits? Sure in the last few hundred years war has pushed the development of technology along at a pace far faster than would have been possible during a period of peace, but to suggest any other benefits to having a war is naive beyond all understanding.
Cultural exchange? Sure you can argue that, but mostly this exchange has involved a stonger group exchanging the of the peoplviews e they conquer for their own. Of course the conquerer keeps anything they find useful about the conquered civilization, but the things that were lost in war far outweigh the things that were spread.
Social stability? Wars do rally the people of a nation against the foreign threat, but is this really stability? Once the war is over, or has dragged on for a long time, all the problems resurface.
Economic growth? Wars bankrupt nations. Look at Iraq. The Us has spent around 200 billion dollars on it, and it's nowhere near a major war. Sure unemployment is lower during a war, but only because a good portion of the population is busy fighting, and the rest are building weapons for them. Once the war is over the arms factories shut down and the soldiers come home. Now you have a huge debt to pay for the guns and bombs, people who were building them out of work, and soldiers coming home from war out of work. Unemployment is much higher than it was before the war, and it takes years to recover.
There's nothing good about war. If there was, it wouldn't be something to be avoided/
War does have benefits.Even if the benefits are outweighed by he negative impacts of war,they are what they are.
Cultural exchange.Yes,you are right sadly,the majority of cultural exchange which takes place as an effect of war isn't 'the best method of cultural exchange because most of the conquered party's religion's relics/heritage is destroyed'.But the thing about this sad situation is the fact that cultural exchange did take place,in fact more cultural exchange should take place during/after war as compared to a period of peace.And yes,you are right,such methods of cultural exchange should be avoided for better alternatives.
Social Stability.Yes,war does create social stability by uniting a threatend party against a hostile force/opposition/government.And you are right,again.The problems would eventually resurface.On the other hand however,after the war the community learns the devastating effects of the war itself(*The negative side of things tend to fresher in people's memories*),thus strengthening the 'community spirit'.The issue on social stability really depends on the individual inside the community itself and how he and the community decide to react to various changes,this itself is a fact.War teaches them lessons on which is the better way to react to the situation.(*Generally speaking.*)
Economic growth.War gives economies of the parties involved a major back-step which takes years to recover from.This ironically teaches governments to avoid war as much as possible.(*I know how lame and feeble that sounded,but it's sadly true~*)

War happens when two parties don't meet eye-eye,bascially.But revalations can only arise out of conflict.The law of equavilent trade,sadly for those revalations to be discovered,certain prices must be paid.The negative impacts of war are prices for a shortcut to discovering those revalations,whatever those might be.yes,youc an avoid war altogether and still arrive at the same point you would after the war,thus learning of the same revalations you would after the war.But naturally you would take a longer time,and time isn't the most renewable resource.

Although Kamui4356's post is excellent and show the hideous insight of war,it is ,sadly, off topic.This thread was to discuss the good effects of war.And the thing is,war is good for humanity in the long run,however sad and sorrowful that may sound.(*Yes,war sucks,but it's the truth*)
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Old 2004-09-26, 09:00   Link #16
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I'm a little shocked. How can any of you say "war is fun" and "war is entertainment"? How about we ask Russia to drop a few nukes on the US so you can have "fun"?

Man, you people don't have any idea of how horrible war would be. Just like many of those people who were shipped to Iraq. They think they'll listen to rock n' roll and shoot a few arabs there and blast a few more there. They were so wrong. Stupid idiots.

Sure, war has advanced our techonology, a lot, but is that necessarily a good thing? Would you miss the internet if you didn't know a thing like it could even exist? I can't say I see a single good thing about war. Every "good" thing war accomplishes can be done in better ways.
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Old 2004-09-26, 09:15   Link #17
Lord Raiden
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Actually, I do know the horror of war. I was in the army in places I care to forget and got shot at a lot. So yes, I do know the horror of war from the grunt level. That still doesn't change my views of it.
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Old 2004-09-26, 09:16   Link #18
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Naturally I would not miss the internet if I had never conceived the idea. Nor would I miss my ex if I had never met her. Yet that does not mean that I, am not better for having experienced both.

Believe me, I am not stating that war is great because it advances technology. The advancements are simply one of the few bright spots that let us look back at times of war and say "well at least something good came out of that". From world war one, we perfected the ideal of the aircraft. working out aerodynamics, and engines that make the modern single engine prop planes possible. Yet I do not feel that in any way justifies the 8,538,315 killed, 21,219,452 wounded, and 7,750,919 missing people. Their is nothing that will justify that, their is nothing that will correct that. But at least our children will have gotten something from that period of time aside of a larger grave yard.
Just because these inventions were spurred by the war, does not mean they were tainted by it. An object is not a product of it's environment like people. We are influenced by what is around us, and what we grow up with. A child growing up in a war zone is much less likely to be social adept than some one who went to private schools and graduated head of his class at Cambridge. Yet, a 60000000 horse power motor that uses 1 gallon of fuel per day a max output. Even if invented in a war that destroys 95% of the earth population, is not a bad thing. It will not have issues later on in history where it does not get along with people, or starts stalking and killing people to wear their face as a mask. It will simply be used as a tool. If it is used for the benefit or downfall of humanity simply depends on who is using it and why.
I am not happy these things were invented during, or because of a war. I am not glad even so much that these wars happened. But the products they have left us with, I am quite happy to have available. The internet is most likely the greatest teaching tool humanity has ever devised. Allowing a poor minority child growing up in the worst areas of the world to obtain access to the same educational material as a Yale student. If it was invented as a plan for a nuclear war, I find it ironic, not damming.

Also about entertainment. Any one who has sat and watched a war film, read a book about a war, or played soldiers as children cannot say war is entertaining. After all, it gave you the inspiration, or inspired the person who wrote your entertainment. The actual war itself may not be entertaining in it's honest down to earth, ground zero reality. Yet their are elements of entertainment to be obtained by war. Movies, Books, Plays, Video Games, TV shows, and basically every other entertainment media has used war as a source for it's entertainment. Once again, a fact I tend to find oddly ironic. I simply chalk it up to the fact that humans tend to have a sick curiosity, and a good ability to disassociate random things from reality. When I play Battle Field Vietnam on my PC, I do not think of the uncle I had that was shot in the head by a VC sniper. I do not consider honestly crawling through a jungle, hoping that a shoot of bamboo does not pierce my shoe splintering as it goes through my foot, eventually leading to an infection causing an amputation at the knee. I simply think of having fun, and working with my team to capture control points. A little disassociation goes a long way.
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Old 2004-09-26, 10:12   Link #19
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Originally Posted by Archuka
I'm a little shocked. How can any of you say "war is fun" and "war is entertainment"? How about we ask Russia to drop a few nukes on the US so you can have "fun"?

Man, you people don't have any idea of how horrible war would be. Just like many of those people who were shipped to Iraq. They think they'll listen to rock n' roll and shoot a few arabs there and blast a few more there. They were so wrong. Stupid idiots.

Sure, war has advanced our techonology, a lot, but is that necessarily a good thing? Would you miss the internet if you didn't know a thing like it could even exist? I can't say I see a single good thing about war. Every "good" thing war accomplishes can be done in better ways.
You have to look at your history books more child. You will find that humans have been at war ever since they have picked up a pebble and threw it at one another. It is in human nature to conquer through some means. Most if not all political advancement is done through revolution because it is necessary for one to overthrow a party that has control over the nations military. The communist revolution in China and Russia are recent examples of revolutions. America has gone thought its independent war and is celebrated on the 4th of July as Independence Day. Europe has gone through its wars too from the time of kings when sword and virtue is the weapon to the gun and bullet. No country has not gone through changes without conflict.

During war between two ideals people are spurred come up with ideas so that they can have an advantage over the enemy. Many weapons are made and new concepts in science forged during the time or turmoil. Thus conflict is to some sense a catalyst for human ingenuity.

Originally Posted by Archuka
Man, you people don't have any idea of how horrible war would be. Just like many of those people who were shipped to Iraq. They think they'll listen to rock n' roll and shoot a few arabs there and blast a few more there. They were so wrong. Stupid idiots.

So why does one join the army for? I believe that one joins the army to fight and die for the countries ideals not listen to rock n’rock and take pot shots at the other side. One joins the army out of patriotism for one country and for pain millions back home will be saved from what they are suffering.

In fact it is people like you that are the “stupid idiots” that are corrupting the world; you armchair activist s will never understand the true suffering of conflict for you never suffered before. People like you have a miss conception of being in a military force. You believe that you cannot die and that you get paid for running some laps and doing some drills. But in fact you are paid so you will die for your country so that its cause can come out victorious.

Originally Posted by Archuka
Sure, war has advanced our technology, a lot, but is that necessarily a good thing? Would you miss the internet if you didn't know a thing like it could even exist? I can't say I see a single good thing about war. Every "good" thing war accomplishes can be done in better ways.
You have never started form nowhere have you? Why don’t you just go to a jungle or the north of China and live off the land. You armchair activist s speak so gallantly and nobly in your central heated houses and have fully stocked refrigerators. Have you ever had to think if you can eat tonight? Thought not. You most likely think “What should I eat?” instead. War has brought about many things that puts dinner on the plate. Advanced agriculture and methods of storing food have all come from the byproduct of conflict. Medical techniques and medicines have come from researches during time so war. Each casualty was a human guinpig for doctors to experiment upon. You armchair activists have benefited from this.

Last edited by CalamitiesEnd; 2004-09-27 at 01:58.
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Old 2004-09-26, 11:38   Link #20
Mad Cat
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War brings jobs to people.
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