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Old 2011-03-04, 04:00   Link #1
Kurumada's lost child
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US media covers the middle east protests extensively but fails at home

In spite that US corporations have a very large degree of freedom and policies in their favor, I would even argue that the US is a heaven for them, they don't seem satisfied in the least. They are waging political war on collective bargaining, public education, healthcare, the minimum wage, pensions, the privatization of the penitentiary system and deregulation.

In order to achieve these goals they use two big weapons:

A) Buying political influence through campaign founding, now made unlimited thanks to resolution of the supreme court last year. Lets not forget that corporations are deemed as individuals under US law.

B) Their complete control over the media which only covers "news" favorable to corporate interests.

The protests in Wisconsin are the perfect example of the current extent of corporate power in America, and let me tell you, it is frightening.

I'll leave you with a prophetic article I found a while ago. It is from the 90s.

"Fact: The media are being increasingly monopolized by parent corporations with pro-corporate or conservative agendas."


Source =

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Old 2011-03-04, 04:04   Link #2
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Honestly, what else is new? Of course Western biased news outlets aren't going to report on issues concerning the hands that feed them.

Greed is what greed does.
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Old 2011-03-04, 04:16   Link #3
blinded by blood
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This thread = belaboring the obvious.

Honestly, if you don't already know this, you are either blind or have been living under a rock for the past fifty or so years.
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Old 2011-03-04, 04:43   Link #4
Gamilas Falls
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Trouble is, there again is no realistic solution offered.

Mind you that the rolling cycle that is civilization will adjust and correct, and evolve over time. It always has.
Dessler Soto, Banzai!
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Old 2011-03-04, 04:48   Link #5
flying ^
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Originally Posted by synaesthetic View Post

Honestly, if you don't already know this, you are either blind or have been living under a rock for the past fifty or so years.

and who buys newspaper from newstands these days...
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Old 2011-03-04, 04:53   Link #6
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Originally Posted by Sugetsu View Post
"Fact: The media are being increasingly monopolized by parent corporations with pro-corporate or conservative agendas."
And for this reason, I turn away from corporate media. And I've been learning quite a bit through this show:

While in my car, I tend to listen more and more to progressive talk radio. Those on "conservative" side may label these as "liberal" radio. The link above, I hear it on my home. And this, despite being a member of a Christian church. As much as the conservatives run around siding with politicians opposed to social issues like gay marriage, abortion, and others of that nature -- these issues tend to keep the public blind to what's really going on in this country:

"Class warfare in America"

If you look around, there isn't much talk about this. For the most part, discussion on this topic boils down to.
  • Is there really class warfare in America?
  • No, that's not possible. This is America. Anyone can move up and down the social classes. Etc.

But in reality, y'have the members of the uppermost classes in America looking to use their wealth - dumb down the population - and - manipulate the government and information in the media in order to achieve one goal: gain wealth and keep it. Of course, this pattern isn't unique to America. It happens everywhere. And it has happened numerous times in history.

Bottom line: Class warfare IS happening in America. When you hear things like, the upper 5% of America owning at least 50% of the country's wealth, you know that there's something wrong about that. At the same time, CEO's in America nowadays earn roughly 400 times more than a middle class worker. This is unlike the 1980's where CEOs earned a good 20-40 times more than a middle class worker.

Originally Posted by Ithekro View Post
Mind you that the rolling cycle that is civilization will adjust and correct, and evolve over time. It always has.
On this note, America is on its way down. It is up to its leaders AND its people to prevent that.
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Old 2011-03-04, 04:57   Link #7
blinded by blood
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I get my news from the Internet, mostly--and mostly from foreign news outlets and blogs. It's as accurate as I can hope for in a world where current events are routinely warped in the name of profit.
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Old 2011-03-04, 05:04   Link #8
Gamilas Falls
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One suggestion would be to expand outward (or perhaps downward into the Oceans). You cannot control what you cannot reach.

That was sort of the thinking of various prosecuted groups in Europe in the 1600s and early 1700s. If we can get away from the government so that it takes them months to reach us for anything, we will be "free" of them. Didn't entirely work, and Ocean colonies won't be that far way, but space colonies...those can be months to years away from Earth...even just within our solar system (communications isn't that far away since even radio will make it to the outer planets after a delay. However physical enforcement is difficult on extremely long supply lines.)
Dessler Soto, Banzai!
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Old 2011-03-04, 05:07   Link #9
blinded by blood
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Originally Posted by Ithekro View Post
One suggestion would be to expand outward (or perhaps downward into the Oceans). You cannot control what you cannot reach.
That's the whole thing about space development. These currently existing models of government all depend upon one thing--the people being stuck in one place.

Develop easy space travel and current models of government will cease to exist; they can't exist, after all, if they can't prevent people from "opting out."

Shame all of this is hundreds, if not thousands, of years in the future.
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Old 2011-03-04, 05:26   Link #10
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Originally Posted by synaesthetic View Post
That's the whole thing about space development. These currently existing models of government all depend upon one thing--the people being stuck in one place.

Develop easy space travel and current models of government will cease to exist; they can't exist, after all, if they can't prevent people from "opting out."

Shame all of this is hundreds, if not thousands, of years in the future.
Expansion won't help. It only delays the problem. Not that I'm against space travel, but I'd rather it be done in the name of exploration, science, and human progress, not conquest and resource plundering controlled by militaristic/corporate governments. We have enough of that problem here on Earth. Space travel with our current system structure would basically be the Gundam story sans giant robots (or maybe with them ).

Humans are like any other species on the planet, we grow in population in proportion to the available resources and land that can sustain that growth. With no real natural predators to cull the population, our biggest enemy is our own destructive impulses. Honestly it's probably a good thing we aren't ready for space yet.
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Old 2011-03-04, 05:29   Link #11
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It's not always so maliciously conspiratorial you know. A lot of the people working in the journalism field are just as human and capable of thought and decency as the rest of us. The problem is that we humans are not very good at the big picture thing, and good-intentioned individuals regularly fall into the trap of using the dominant jargon of the day -- which is often shaped by the most skilled and unscrupulous of the spin doctors. Those who set the tone of debate, set the topic of debate, gets to talk about what they want to talk...and often not talk about what they don't want to talk.

"Why are you against fiscal responsibility?"

Instead of, oh,

"Why aren't we cutting down on our military-industrial complex?"
(Cue hysterical laughter from the audience)

So, in effect, in an America where there's a center-right, a right, and a far right so fucking off the charts they might as well call themselves Spartans[1], people of "decent disposition" who prefers to compromise in the "middle ground" compromise somewhere in the right wing of things and congratulate themselves on their balanced perspective and gentility.

One such example would be New York Times columnist David Brooks, who regularly take a "balanced" and "mild" perspective in his editorials. Unlike many of the NYTimes readers who consider him a corporate hack (and they never forgave him for his uncritical support of the Iraq War either), I imagine he is a decent, relatively honest journalist...who probably falsely believes himself a balanced moderate as he allows himself to be repeatedly led by bolder trend-setters of the political fashion of the day who goes, these days, further and further dangerously to the right. He talks of things mildly, decently, reasonably, and utterly misses out regularly on the hypocrisies inherent in the assumptions of the day which he accepts as his own.

There are times when honest souls have to stand against everything their mainstream society consider good. When the Great Compromise of 1850 was reached on the topic of slavery in the United States, it was probably one of the greatest triumphs of the art of moderation and political compromise in American political history [the Great Compromiser Henry Clay himself roused from his deathbed to achieve it], preserving the Union for another decade, and...send thousands of freed blacks back into cruel, horrid slavery, people who had tasted sweet freedom and thought themselves rescued, and set the North on fire with sheer outrage.

[1]Alpha Centauri.
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Old 2011-03-04, 13:45   Link #12
Obey the Darkly Cute ...
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As I like to say, the political conversation in the US is so far right-shifted you need special goggles to see half of it. I speak as someone who has *WATCHED* it shift right since the 1960s and shake my head to think that Eisenhower, Goldwater, Nixon, and even Reagan would be raving liberals to the "conservative wing" today.

Corporate news has shifted this way since the late 80s when the decision was made that news is "entertainment and a profit center" rather than "a community service required to keep my broadcasting license and it can be reviewed/revoked by the PEOPLE of the community".

I have to check foreign news outlets to get a picture of what is going on in the US anymore. I do have the various PBS news, analysis, documentaries - but the far right is dedicated to stripping the people's funding of a community information channel (despite the fact there's plenty of corporate funding punching holes in what PBS will cover anyway - always watch the funding of any documentary, news, analysis and consider what questions were NOT posed)

Last edited by Vexx; 2011-03-04 at 13:57.
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Old 2011-03-04, 14:50   Link #13
blinded by blood
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I'm sitting here just wondering what options we actually have to stem the tide of this nonsense. Can we do anything? Can we balance the distribution of power somehow?

When a few people have all the power they're going to inevitably be corrupted by it, but it's worse--the few with the power now were corrupt to begin with, and adding more power just makes them more corrupt and more power-hungry...
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Old 2011-03-04, 15:01   Link #14
Gamilas Falls
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We proposed once in Political Science to use the then up an coming Internet to form a Fourth Check to the balance system. The People. With the Internet it is possible for everyone to be involved in government. Problem is that people can't spend all that much time on government, their families, and their jobs at the same time. Thus the People via Internet balance on the other three branches of government is tricky or even foolhardy at best. Thiis would have been intended to be a nationwide check on the written laws, budgets, and other things to keep both the politicians, and beauracts in check between elections. It wasn't thought out very well, and was mostly an exercise in a way to change the republic into more of a democracy that so far has not been possible outside of City-States or countries that only consider free, males of a certain age can vote, or perhaps even require military service to be considered a citizen to vote.
Dessler Soto, Banzai!
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Old 2011-03-04, 16:24   Link #15
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Just some notes;

I remember reading one of those books about how CBS and the mainstream media was over liberal, it was just an attack on Dan Rather.

Also, while thought provoking, I don't recommend RT as a great foriegn news source. They go out of their way to focus on stories that damn US and US interests and largely ignore stuff that Papa Putin does with real scrutinity. It's not CCTV World but it certainly isn't Al Jazeera or France 24 either.

Anyways, this is old news.

For corporate US news services, I use the New York Times and Washington Post and CNN's international version (domestic is appauling)

Main sources in order of trust/frequency of usage

France 24
Al Jazeera
Washington Post
New York Times

Dude, the Corporation for Pubic Broadcasting is going to get raped to some degree, doesn't matter how many greenwich villagers and San Fransiscans write in (I like PBS and LOVE NPR news but people think that it's for pinkos or rich people). It's going to get cut because, unfortunetly news aside, it's rather out moded and doesn't do anything that cable doesnt do. Not to mention the fact that no one watches it.

Although I believe the pro-corporate and likely pro conservative agenda arguement, I don't pay enough attention to really test it. I stopped commercial media because it treats viewers like idiots, especially cable news and generally does a poor job of covering stories in substansative detail.
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Old 2011-03-07, 18:09   Link #16
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Originally Posted by Ithekro View Post
We proposed once in Political Science to use the then up an coming Internet to form a Fourth Check to the balance system. The People.
The People, in conjunction with Legis., Exec, and Jud. branches?

I tend to see a balance system on a larger scale consisting of: People, Government, and Business. The common denominator for each of these three branches fall on the flow of money.
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Old 2011-03-07, 18:48   Link #17
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Simply put, people will vote with their feet.

However, what is more likely to happen is cable news magnified....or it'll turn into the more traditional Newspaper scene.

Europeans will know what I am talking about, each daily (or news source in general) is the voice of a certain politcal viewpoint or party and coverage will reflect that. That is likely going to continue on the internet as audiences continue to fragment.

Problem is though, I worry about journalistic standards becoming even MORE lax and new sources eventually becoming no better than the PRC's People's Daily only for profit.
That's the blessing and curse of user generated content, ANYONE can post ANYTHING.
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Old 2011-03-07, 22:40   Link #18
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@TS: I'm tuned more often to BBC and Al-Jazeera (although the latter has a bit of an activist slant); RT and Fox (and maybe others) are too blatantly biased as they serve the vested interest of influential groups and governments.

*shakes head*

I wonder why you're an American.
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Old 2011-03-08, 02:00   Link #19
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Originally Posted by solomon View Post
Simply put, people will vote with their feet.

However, what is more likely to happen is cable news magnified....or it'll turn into the more traditional Newspaper scene.

Europeans will know what I am talking about, each daily (or news source in general) is the voice of a certain politcal viewpoint or party and coverage will reflect that. That is likely going to continue on the internet as audiences continue to fragment.

Problem is though, I worry about journalistic standards becoming even MORE lax and new sources eventually becoming no better than the PRC's People's Daily only for profit.
That's the blessing and curse of user generated content, ANYONE can post ANYTHING.
Really worried what about the integrity of Journalism, seems like our country doesn't care at all about ethics.
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Old 2011-03-08, 02:57   Link #20
Kurumada's lost child
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Originally Posted by sa547 View Post
@TS: I'm tuned more often to BBC and Al-Jazeera (although the latter has a bit of an activist slant); RT and Fox (and maybe others) are too blatantly biased as they serve the vested interest of influential groups and governments.

*shakes head*

I wonder why you're an American.
RT, BBC, AL-Jazeera and John Pilger are my main sources for news. I don't see how you can compare RT to fox news in any way; it is a network that usually reports news that most of the world media simply ignores.

Now, I realized myself how the american media is down playing the protests at home. I just did a google search to confirm what I suspected. RT isn't the only source reporting on this issue but I did find the video to be quite good.

As everyone else has been mentioning in this thread, it is old news that the media is owned by corporations and that they influence it. However, I consider that it is important to attempt to determine where this is heading. Is the world going to become completely dominated by CEOs who rule the world as monarchs because they are not elected? Are they going to deregulate and manipulate all of the world's communications, including the internet, in order to brainwash people that government is a problem to then eliminate all forms of regulation?

...oh God... This is already happening
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