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Old 2022-10-09, 07:08   Link #101
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They said that suit had an AI program and Lady Prospera mentioned drone technology. Given Delling's note about how humans should kill humans in the prologue, it's hers.

Elnora isn't out of the woods though. Sending her daughter into a situation that she knew would likely have cause an inquiry would give her the opportunity to approach the council, Delling, and Jeturk. She likely prodded the latter into asking about her arm for the reveal and then having him bring up the market shares since it would be stronger from his point of view. Mio's appearance wasn't expected, but it did create the perfect opening for that moment. Delling only cares about results, but he seems to have a pure hatred for anything he deems a Gundam, so when the notion of all of the profiting came up he was directly contradicting himself and stifling the group as a whole. That would have caused dissension and we already saw he barely escaped death.

It still does feel like she threw Su under the bus though.

The cinnamon roll didn't know what to expect.
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Old 2022-10-09, 07:10   Link #102
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Originally Posted by Kazu-kun View Post
Also, I just realized all this is probably Elnora's scheme to have Dellin fight a due against Sulleta. Does she want Sulleta to kill him? Is that what her revenge plan is about? But it would too early for that, right?
The way the OP has Delling and Elnora...Lady Prospera framed (ugh, what a dumb name in a franchise rife with dumb names for masked characters), I'm already starting to wonder if she's the real villain of the series.

Delling's petty power manipulations feel like he's gone a bit dim since the Prologue. The only reason the others obey him is because they're afraid of him. Miorine pointed out his hypocrisy plain as day.
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Old 2022-10-09, 07:22   Link #103
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I really enjoyed the episode, despite there not being a battle. Liked the elaboration of the politics here, which feel like Gundam (especially the spacer vs earthers thing) despite being in a different flavor. Loving the company politics so far.

At first I wondered whether maybe just maybe there was a possibility that Miorine was a bit too harsh on her dad but nope he doesn't want to play by his own damn rules either.

Curious to see what Lady Prospera's plan is. She's fairly confident about things playing out as she wants. I wonder whether she predicted Miorine's gambit cos they didn't talk I recall.

Loving the show a lot so far, definitely a lot of potential and so far living up to it.

Originally Posted by ryllharu View Post
The way the OP has Delling and Elnora...Lady Prospera framed (ugh, what a dumb name in a franchise rife with dumb names for masked characters), I'm already starting to wonder if she's the real villain of the series.
Personally I love the name, but that's just me.
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Old 2022-10-09, 07:26   Link #104
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Originally Posted by SonicSP View Post
Curious to see what Lady Prospera's plan is. She's fairly confident about things playing out as she wants. I wonder whether she predicted Miorine's gambit cos they didn't talk I recall.

Personally I love the name, but that's just me.
It's a few steps above Mr. Bushido in 00, but it is very much on the nose referencing Prospero from The Tempest. I guess the whole series is.

Aerial = Ariel

Mercury = the hostile island they get banished to.

Want to bet the red one is some variation of Caliban?
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Old 2022-10-09, 08:20   Link #105
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Rewatching the episode helped me connect the dots in regards to some stuff that came up in the Prologue.

Prospera's claim that Aerial is not a Gundam "it's all drones lol" sounded like 100% bullcrap at first, but if we give it the benefit of doubt... Last episode, Suletta didn't get the cheek marks that indicate GUND-Arm strain. We have no idea what happened over the last 12 years, but judging by the Prologue, Elnora does not seem like someone who would let her daughter ride a suit that could potentially leave her crippled. Aerial's detailing looks really different from the Lfrith too (compare the Gunpla: Lfrith, Aerial), indicating more than just a paint job.

Maybe Elnora/Prospera really managed to improve the base Gundam technology in a way that resolves the previous ethical concerns, and all that's left is creating a situation where Beneritt/the Cathedral has no choice but to recognize that - hence the convoluted scheme to get Suletta to school? Especially if we consider that the reasons for eliminating Vanadis were probably more than just concerns for human life - we're told that Earthians are looked down upon because they're behind in regards to technological prowess. The company that applied the GUND technology to mobile suits was Ochs Earth. Delling's little speech was just a nice sounding story for the masses, whereas the reality was that Beneritt eliminated research that was a danger to their vested interests.
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Old 2022-10-09, 09:04   Link #106
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Originally Posted by kuroyanagi View Post
Rewatching the episode helped me connect the dots in regards to some stuff that came up in the Prologue.

Prospera's claim that Aerial is not a Gundam "it's all drones lol" sounded like 100% bullcrap at first, but if we give it the benefit of doubt... Last episode, Suletta didn't get the cheek marks that indicate GUND-Arm strain. We have no idea what happened over the last 12 years, but judging by the Prologue, Elnora does not seem like someone who would let her daughter ride a suit that could potentially leave her crippled. Aerial's detailing looks really different from the Lfrith too (compare the Gunpla: Lfrith, Aerial), indicating more than just a paint job.

Maybe Elnora/Prospera really managed to improve the base Gundam technology in a way that resolves the previous ethical concerns, and all that's left is creating a situation where Beneritt/the Cathedral has no choice but to recognize that - hence the convoluted scheme to get Suletta to school? Especially if we consider that the reasons for eliminating Vanadis were probably more than just concerns for human life - we're told that Earthians are looked down upon because they're behind in regards to technological prowess. The company that applied the GUND technology to mobile suits was Ochs Earth. Delling's little speech was just a nice sounding story for the masses, whereas the reality was that Beneritt eliminated research that was a danger to their vested interests.
I think you may have nailed it. But I, like ryllharu, can't shake the feeling that Lady Prospera (our Char-expy) won't at some point become a foil to the protag due to a difference in methods to achieve the same goal.
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Old 2022-10-09, 09:07   Link #107
Happy Sphere
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I thought Suletta's connection with Ariel was the reason she doesn't suffer from the data storms? The bond between girl and machine is important here, I think, and allows her to pilot it in a way literally nobody else can. It feels to me like mom is exploiting her daughter's unique ability. She is lying to the council about Ariel being a Gundam and using the fact that Suletta can pilot it without problems to drive a whole truck full of wedges between Delling and his subservient corporations. Similar to how we are all highly suspecting that Prospera's face is fine and her right arm was replaced long before she fled to Mercury.

So yeah... I liked this episode a lot. As others have mentioned, it provided ample and weighty reason to continue the school duels. It further strengthens the connection between our two characters. And, we get a decent amount of intrigue.

Oh, I also liked the ending. The sketches of the girls within the crystals were detailed and cool without resorting to simple computer animation to make them work. Loved all that refraction around Miorine where you can barely see her in one of her later crystals. Also, loved the red crystal early on that was the cockpit of Suletta's Gundam.
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Old 2022-10-09, 09:35   Link #108
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What a polite and well-spoken Haro .

Well, Miorine isn't really taking the fiancé thing seriously in as far as she has no intention of marrying anyone as part of her fathers' plan, but she needs someone to ward off suitors. Not that that precludes something genuine developing between her and Suletta .

Well, yeah, no real surprise that they immediately arrest Suletta and take custody of the Aerial because of how it obviously looks and works like a Gundam. Although Suletta seems genuinely adamant it isn't, how much of her childhood with Vanadies does she remember? Like her father? Or does she really believe her mothers' cover story ?

The proper Opening! And it's got a lot of nice SulettaxMiorine scenes as well as showing off the rest of the cast and Suletta facing off against all her rivals set to a fun and engrossing theme .

Why does Elan not want to fall in love? Is it something to do with his family or personal experience? Although when a character says they'll never fall in love...they usually end up falling in love. And I can totally see his interest in Suletta heading that way :blushing:.

The tension between Earthians and Spacians is still on full display, particularly for poor Nika. Best Girl doesn't deserve to get treated that way .

We get more insight into why Miorine hates her father so much...he's basically treated her as an object and forced her away from everything she actually cared about, be it the piano or possibly even her own mothers' funeral. What a dick. Is Miorine so determined to get to Earth because she was more comfortable there or because she wants to see her mothers' grave ?

Well, at least Guel had enough sense to send his goon squad to help Miorine after what he did to her. Miorine really loves her mothers' tomatoes though .

I just love how Miorine is venting her frustration in a bathroom while playing a mobile game. That's so relatable .

Was that Yuko Kaida? I wonder how much she'll factor into the plot. I actually wonder how much disposeable income Miorine has at her disposal...she's probably quite rich despite her circumstances .

So the masked lady/possible female Char is totally Suletta's mom. If Mamiko Noto's recognizable deep and soothing voice wasn't enough of a clue, she has the same robotic arm. She's just dyed her hair. But they write off it and all the other Gundam bits as just a byproduct of living on Mercury, although I don't think anyone legitimately believes her .

Delling is a power-hungry jerk. He only sees his daughter as an object and an element of his power and feels he is a king with everything he has at his disposal and will broker no disrespect or counter-argument, and seems to care only about himself and his position. And he's still determined to erase any and all Gundams that survived the slaughter he instigated. Miorine and probably the world deserves so much better .

Miorine telling off her dad was so satisfying. And we get the setup for the rest of the series, as Suletta and the Aerial will have to prove themselves against the other companies' Mobile Suits to be to stay at the school and not get scrapped. Does this count as a tournament arc ?

Ah...that hug between Suletta and Miorine was so adorable! Even if Suletta has no idea what's going on .

Is Guel going to be our resident slap magnet? Was that staple red MS at the end piloted by him ?

The Ending is a banger courtesy of Ryo of Supercell, and fittingly very Suletta and Miorine focused as we see the two separated but Suletta eventually finding Miorine and freeing her from her diamond cage. It's so sweet .
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Old 2022-10-09, 10:20   Link #109
kari-no-sugata II
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This episode was not what I expected and in a good way. For stories aimed at teenagers, a common theme is “the adults are the problem” and while that was emphasised in this episode, we also see quite a bit from the perspective of the adults which changes the tone a lot. The whole trial before all the executives seemed a bit forced though - if Delling was just going to unilaterally state that Aerial was using banned technology, why have a trial in the first place? Maybe he wants to make it clear that he’s the one who ultimately sets the rules, even if it’s at a whim? I guess he prefers to rule by fear. Maybe the writers also wanted to give a nod to the “witch’s trial” farces from history too.

Miorine sure does blow hot and cold. At the end of last episode she seemed quite accepting of Suletta but at the start here, she changed around enough for me to jokingly think “divorcing already?”. She has mostly given the impression of only caring about herself and her goals but she puts aside her escape attempt to go help Suletta (and rail at her father). Beneath that cold exterior she seems like a good girl - she helped Suletta a few times in the previous episode even before she would have had any logical reason to do so.

Originally Posted by Ragashingo View Post
I thought Suletta's connection with Ariel was the reason she doesn't suffer from the data storms? The bond between girl and machine is important here, I think, and allows her to pilot it in a way literally nobody else can. It feels to me like mom is exploiting her daughter's unique ability. She is lying to the council about Ariel being a Gundam and using the fact that Suletta can pilot it without problems to drive a whole truck full of wedges between Delling and his subservient corporations. Similar to how we are all highly suspecting that Prospera's face is fine and her right arm was replaced long before she fled to Mercury.
We did see her have the blue markings in the Prologue though.

I'm guessing that Suletta's connection to Aerial has been dialled back as much as possible to reduce any possible side effects but since she's been working with it for so long even that is enough. It might have some non obvious limitations though. Like, maybe they've added a layer of AI assisted technology to make the GUND-ARM technology be effective with a weak connection but it only works in simple scenarios. This would allow them to pass off their technology as not being banned GUND-ARM tech in the short term. Enough to get them accepted for now.

Or putting it another way, Aerial isn't as OP in its current configuration as it first seemed. I'd also guess that Suletta herself has been kept in the dark - or putting it another way, she has no reason to believe that she’s a witch. I’m sure that when the shit hits the fan Aerial will be “unlocked” and we’ll see Aerial’s true full power and the blue markings on Suletta’s face.

For the upcoming duel, I’m guessing that Sulletta and/or Aerial will be put in a disadvantageous situation or terrain or have certain limitations in the name of fairness (“evaluating the technology”) so that it can be a close match. That way, Guel can regain some of his pride hence the title of the 3rd ep.

Originally Posted by kuroyanagi View Post
Maybe Elnora/Prospera really managed to improve the base Gundam technology in a way that resolves the previous ethical concerns, and all that's left is creating a situation where Beneritt/the Cathedral has no choice but to recognize that - hence the convoluted scheme to get Suletta to school? Especially if we consider that the reasons for eliminating Vanadis were probably more than just concerns for human life - we're told that Earthians are looked down upon because they're behind in regards to technological prowess. The company that applied the GUND technology to mobile suits was Ochs Earth. Delling's little speech was just a nice sounding story for the masses, whereas the reality was that Beneritt eliminated research that was a danger to their vested interests.
Maybe I'm reading between the lines a bit too much here but in this ep Delling gives the impression that he's emotionally against GUND-ARM technology. As in, it's not "just business" to him. At least, he seemed a little too quick to dismiss it. Maybe someone he cared about died due to it? However, he can't ignore a sound business justification. This also has the nice plot benefit of driving a wedge between him and the other executives.
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Old 2022-10-09, 10:41   Link #110
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Originally Posted by kari-no-sugata II View Post
Miorine sure does blow hot and cold. At the end of last episode she seemed quite accepting of Suletta but at the start here, she changed around enough for me to jokingly think “divorcing already?”. She has mostly given the impression of only caring about herself and her goals but she puts aside her escape attempt to go help Suletta (and rail at her father). Beneath that cold exterior she seems like a good girl - she helped Suletta a few times in the previous episode even before she would have had any logical reason to do so.
She's a tsundere through and through .
Maybe I'm reading between the lines a bit too much here but in this ep Delling gives the impression that he's emotionally against GUND-ARM technology. As in, it's not "just business" to him. At least, he seemed a little too quick to dismiss it. Maybe someone he cared about died due to it? However, he can't ignore a sound business justification. This also has the nice plot benefit of driving a wedge between him and the other executives.
Well, we don't know how Miorine's mom died, but it's really hard for me to imagine Delling as someone capable of compassion or caring for someone else.

Especially with the implication of him doing something regarding his wifes' funeral (either not letting Miorine go or not even bothering to show up).
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Old 2022-10-09, 11:12   Link #111
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I thought they were backtracking on the yuri during the first half of the episode but they instead doubled down on it. The ED is all we need. Despite Miorine having so many suitors due to her status, she's probably the one who's going to have to compete for Suletta's heart rather than the other way around, as Suletta already appears to have charmed one boy.

The hearing was a total sham but that was the point. I do wonder what would have happened if Miorine hadn't interrupted.
Rize and Kaneki
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Old 2022-10-09, 11:18   Link #112
Sonic!I AM SONIC!!!!!
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Originally Posted by Ragashingo View Post
I thought Suletta's connection with Ariel was the reason she doesn't suffer from the data storms? The bond between girl and machine is important here, I think, and allows her to pilot it in a way literally nobody else can. It feels to me like mom is exploiting her daughter's unique ability. She is lying to the council about Ariel being a Gundam and using the fact that Suletta can pilot it without problems to drive a whole truck full of wedges between Delling and his subservient corporations. Similar to how we are all highly suspecting that Prospera's face is fine and her right arm was replaced long before she fled to Mercury.
I don't think the bond matters much based on what we saw in the Prologue. Suletta didn't know Lfrith and connected to it in her first try pretty seamlessly and was able to use its powers fairly good without literally breaking a sweat. The other two pilots using the system by contrast, struggled and were breathing heavily.

I suspect Suletta for whatever reason (likely biological) is just a natural at connecting to the Gund Format.
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Old 2022-10-09, 11:28   Link #113
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Originally Posted by kari-no-sugata II View Post
Miorine sure does blow hot and cold. At the end of last episode she seemed quite accepting of Suletta but at the start here, she changed around enough for me to jokingly think “divorcing already?”. She has mostly given the impression of only caring about herself and her goals but she puts aside her escape attempt to go help Suletta (and rail at her father). Beneath that cold exterior she seems like a good girl - she helped Suletta a few times in the previous episode even before she would have had any logical reason to do so.
I think she was unaware that Suletta wasn't going to be allowed back. She launched into action... well, into a phone call at least... the moment she heard Suletta was going to be expelled.

Originally Posted by kari-no-sugata II View Post
We did see her have the blue markings in the Prologue though.
True, I'd forgotten about that. But, I took the blue to be a good thing. Like, a full sync or something that was the end result of the GUND-ARM tech working at full potential. Ericht wasn't in any distress, unlike the other GUND-ARM pilots, even after destroying three enemy mobile suits. She was all innocent smiles.
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Old 2022-10-09, 11:36   Link #114
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Originally Posted by SonicSP View Post
I don't think the bond matters much based on what we saw in the Prologue. Suletta didn't know Lfrith and connected to it in her first try pretty seamlessly and was able to use its powers fairly good without literally breaking a sweat. The other two pilots using the system by contrast, struggled and were breathing heavily.

I suspect Suletta for whatever reason (likely biological) is just a natural at connecting to the Gund Format.
The analogy I like to go with for now is that she was introduced to the technology young, and obviously personifies the mobile suits. Like a child inherently understanding how to use a tablet or a cell phone. This wouldn't be the first mecha to play around with that idea.

The adults struggle with it because they view the GUND-ARM as a machine, at best an extension of them, but not an actual being.
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Old 2022-10-09, 11:41   Link #115
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Originally Posted by ryllharu View Post
The analogy I like to go with for now is that she was introduced to the technology young, and obviously personifies the mobile suits. Like a child inherently understanding how to use a tablet or a cell phone. This wouldn't be the first mecha to play around with that idea.

The adults struggle with it because they view the GUND-ARM as a machine, at best an extension of them, but not an actual being.
Yeah. That's what I'm thinking, as well. If not a bit more so. Ericht loved it. Sat in it. Played in it. Hid in it. Was concerned for it as if it was her big sister. Biology may play a part. Even a big part. But I think crossing that 33rd layer was heavily based on mutual trust between the pilot and Gundam... even if a lot of that trust came from the naive innocence of a young child.
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Old 2022-10-09, 11:48   Link #116
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Originally Posted by Kanon View Post
The hearing was a total sham but that was the point. I do wonder what would have happened if Miorine hadn't interrupted.
I mean, the kids called it a Witch Trial. Those typically are nothing more than a sham as the methods to prove someone wasn't a witch were either lethal or were absurd and robbed the accused of their posessions.

That's probably why she went to Jeturk early on. She'd have him mention the sales and use that as a springboard.

Though I do wonder about her thoughts on Mio defending her engagement to Su.
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Old 2022-10-09, 11:54   Link #117
kari-no-sugata II
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Originally Posted by Ragashingo View Post
True, I'd forgotten about that. But, I took the blue to be a good thing. Like, a full sync or something that was the end result of the GUND-ARM tech working at full potential. Ericht wasn't in any distress, unlike the other GUND-ARM pilots, even after destroying three enemy mobile suits. She was all innocent smiles.
The impression I got is that this was a next-gen type system they were working on that improves the fundamental technology. I suspect it doesn't remove the downsides of GUND-ARM entirely but pushes out the cross-over point to where it becomes dangerous far far further. It's just that it's more selective or otherwise harder to make a connection to it at all. We might get a "nature vs nurture" type thing here - how much is it her personality and how much is it her biology. Do they even understand themselves I wonder?
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Old 2022-10-09, 12:37   Link #118
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Well yeah, I suppose getting arrested and interrogated would be the natural course. Blatantly using a Gundam like that. Though very cute that she acts like Gundam is a name. And since her suit has a different name it can't be a Gundam .

Credit to Prospera for trying a bit harder than that to deny it's a Gundam. It's still absolute nonsense, but credit for the attempt. Really is trying to sell white as black. She's got a great sense of drama to be sure. Throwing prosthetic arms around helps guard her from having to take off that helmet and actually reveal her identity.

Credit to Miorine for making a quick and bold choice. Even if she didn't stick to it. Still giving her props in a couple seconds deciding that yeah she was still ready to make a run for it. And at least her initial escape plan had some logic to it. Not sure what the plan was if Miorine didn't show up there at the end.

I feel like it will at least take a dozen episodes for Suletta to get comfortable to a point where I'm going to start liking her. But at least she's got the skills to make fights entertaining in the meantime.
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Old 2022-10-09, 13:03   Link #119
Obelisk ze Tormentor
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It's funny that our MC in this episode didn't do much and is basically reduced to this:

Originally Posted by Kanon View Post
I do wonder what would have happened if Miorine hadn't interrupted.
Vim Jeturk would probably suggest a redo of the duel between Sule & Guel (or against Delling himself) considering that he seemed to have made a deal with Prospera. And then Prospera will bring up all the benefits of the current Aerial data to the council just like we saw in the episode. But since Miorine barged in and suggested the duel herself, all Vim & Prospera needed to do was to push it.
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Old 2022-10-09, 14:49   Link #120
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Originally Posted by ryllharu View Post
The way the OP has Delling and Elnora...Lady Prospera framed (ugh, what a dumb name in a franchise rife with dumb names for masked characters), I'm already starting to wonder if she's the real villain of the series.
Well, the series seems to be referencing Prospero from Shakespeare's The Tempest, so...
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