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View Poll Results: Lucky☆Star - Total Series Rating
Perfect 10 197 43.78%
9 out of 10 : Excellent 127 28.22%
8 out of 10 : Very Good 72 16.00%
7 out of 10 : Good 23 5.11%
6 out of 10 : Average 17 3.78%
5 out of 10 : Below Average 3 0.67%
4 out of 10 : Poor 1 0.22%
3 out of 10 : Bad 3 0.67%
2 out of 10 : Very Bad 1 0.22%
1 out of 10 : Painful 6 1.33%
Voters: 450. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 2007-09-30, 20:47   Link #41
Autumn Demon
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the second half of the show was a lot better than the first
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Old 2007-10-01, 13:10   Link #42
horo fan
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hmm i liked all of the show, the plot was funny..i love the randomness, the character design was good, and the animation too.
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Old 2007-10-02, 10:16   Link #43
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Originally Posted by Autumn Demon View Post
the second half of the show was a lot better than the first
While a couple of my favorite episodes were early (notably episode 10), I would agree that when they started introducing the excellent extended supporting cast in the second half the show was better overall.
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Old 2007-10-02, 14:03   Link #44
Tatiana Razajev
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Originally Posted by Calawain View Post
While a couple of my favorite episodes were early (notably episode 10), I would agree that when they started introducing the excellent extended supporting cast in the second half the show was better overall.
To be honest there was actually a point I started to become worried about this series. Mainly because I kept thinking "What's the point of having all these characters in the opening if they'll never appear?" Granted that was before they appeared. Once they did appear my worries more or less went away.
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Old 2007-10-03, 08:29   Link #45
Mad Dog
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This show gets a perfect 10 out of 10. This show felt alot like the anine version of Signfield. The show was practicly about nothing, but was about everything at the same time. They pulled off the humor very well and the "Slice of Life" feeling was very much there.

Oh and i loved the Haruhi refrances! Thoese were fun to watch pop up every now and again.
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Old 2007-10-03, 15:37   Link #46
Haruhiist/Konata Fanboy
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Best comedy ever IMO, even after watching School Rumble and AzuDai. Konata's otaku-ness and anime references sure helped ^_^
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Old 2007-10-03, 20:34   Link #47
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My opinion.

Animation Quality: 9/10
Voice Actors: 10/10
Script: 8.5/10
Humor: 7.5/10
Editing: ???????
Emotional Involvement: ????!!!!!!
Overall-around 9/10 to 10/10

In my opinion, it's a good show, fun to watch, Don't know what every-body means by "Memorable".
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Old 2007-10-06, 08:57   Link #48
Ero Hakase
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Originally Posted by EternalDragonWarrior View Post
Best comedy ever IMO, even after watching School Rumble and AzuDai. Konata's otaku-ness and anime references sure helped ^_^
Lucky Star has shown me what would happen if I was a girl.Konata's Otaku-ness is sure extraordinary,and her father is exactly like her..
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Old 2007-10-08, 00:01   Link #49
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General impression of the series. - 10/10
Awesome animation, great character design.

Opinions on the overall story, writing & plot devices. - 9/10

Haha! I'd love L*S. It has all I wanted, comedy, a bit of "drama" (Kagaminya's scenes. First scene at ep 15, you see). Awesome script!

Thoughts about the animation quality. - 9/10

Characters/Character Design - 9/10

I'm only disappointed becouse they didn't introduce more Hiiragi's mom, MIL- Miki .

Which kind of footage (DVD only) you feel you'd really like to see.

*exited exited* That game that comes on DVD1!

What the show meant to you.

It's the first ever show that I followed (Yep, I was a newbie in the anime =P I didn't knew the anime episodes were one by week). So it meat a lot for me, I did never watch RAWs before. All the Sundays I was so exited to watch the new Lucky Star episode.

What could the creators/animators/writers could have done better.

They could introduce sooner the other characters, IMHO.

Total = 8/10 - Good!
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Old 2007-10-08, 07:29   Link #50
Somehow I found out
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I think I'm happy with giving this series a rating of "average" ("6").

At the end of the day, the show was simply too hit and miss. Some episodes were ROFL funny, which others (which unfortunately made up the majority) would have only two barely-smirk moments in the whole thing, and others still were even worse and were simply dead boring. I didn't enjoy the slice-of-life component, because I couldn't connect with any of the characters (although I did find a couple like Misao and Tsukasa and Hiyori to be mildly entertaining, though not terribly deep). I hated the fact that, every time Lucky Star attempted to be reflective and emotional (and "sappy" I'd say if I were a cynical person... which I clearly am not), it'd quickly cut away to something with a completely different mood, without giving the audience any pause time. I thought that was a really clumsy way to handle the more serious scenes, since it stunted their impact.

But, ultimately, these are all minor complaints compared to my biggest problem with the show: the repeated, unfunny gags. Let me list: Lucky Channel, Anime Tenchou, Shiraishi's singing, putting Takichi's voice to every single goddamn extra in the show, etc, etc (I'm sure I've already forgotten a few others, my brain is more susceptible to purging unwanted memories in my old age). The rest I could tolerate... this stuff, I couldn't. When a show takes its least funny jokes and rams them into the ground, that's what I consider the mark of a really poor comedy.

I thought this show had completely lost its way towards the end (which isn't unusual for comedy in anime, since they tend to have such short lifespans) since there was a period of about ten or so episodes were I rarely got a laugh, but then a couple of the eps towards the end were really funny. When a show like this that's barely entertaining suddenly throws a couple of interesting episodes at you at the end, the first thing I tend to think is "wasted potential", and that's a pretty good way to sum up Lucky Star, for me. It can be funny, and hell, it even was at times, but the overwhelming majority of it was inane, and I thought both Takemoto and Yamamoto handled the whole thing clumsily. I think this will be a "quickly forgotten" anime... quite literally. This is one of the only anime I've seen where I can barely remember what happened three weeks ago, even while I was watching it.
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Old 2007-10-10, 00:10   Link #51
You could say.....
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I thoroughly enjoyed this series but for someone who only watches a specific genre or starting anime some of the stuff is way over your head. Even for me and I watch quite a wide range of genres some of things are well over my depth, eg the Marimite sequence, as it's not something I would watch but a little bit of googling put things into context. It does really help to have seen a few different styles of anime to enjoy this IMO. I try not to over analyse things and take stuff at face value with a series like this. I wouldn't say that this series is random, but rather having a loose plot. The only thing I found tiring were the numerous Haruhi tie ins, but even that can be forgiven as its the flavor of the month as series' go. If you're looking for something deep and meaningful - look somewhere else, this isn't it. If you're after a laugh and have a grasp of certain anime concepts you'll enjoy this.
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Old 2007-10-10, 15:17   Link #52
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Ill probably just say what some of you other guys are saying but this is my opinion.. Ill try my best to express my self in English even though it can be tricky sometimes. (My native language is Swedish)
Well ok Here we go..

The first episode I watched was like wut? Why are they talking about eating cakes XD I was not very in to "slice of life" animes before I watched L*S but somehow it awakened a side in me that thought: This is just so relaxing and fun to watch, I LOVET IT XD!
If you are somewhat anime interested you can relate to Konata all the time ! And all the spoofs and quotes from other animes makes you lol even more.
Even ordinary things such as, eating a cake or the problem that your boobs are to small are shown, and it makes me feel like this could happen to anyone.

The characters all seem so well though through that they could be real humans! I could probably ask anything and the makers would have an answer what Konata would do in that situation XD And the interaction between the two groups of girls in the is so awesome. In the end I think there was atleast one scene were all of the girls had talked to eachother ^^ So i say Character development 10/10

The animation feels relaxed and not to detailed. It wasnt made for being an awesome animation. This just makes me concentrate more on what is actually happening instead of looking at all the beautiful surroundings. I think they made an awesome job with the type of animation they used. Animation 7/10

The opening is totally amazing 'nuff said ^_^

Well since I have been following this since the day it aired it has become a part of my week and I'm really sad to loose it. Lets hope they release a comedy with such quality as this one.

Overall 10/10 I LOVE LUCKY STAR!
*runs away to burn DVD's*
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Old 2007-10-10, 19:36   Link #53
"Bi?!" BI?!
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Personally for me, I am part of those people that watched one episode of Lucky Star, blinked in the amount of "weirdness" in it and walked away from it... only to come back re-watch the entire series.

Originally told by my friend about this series, and she said it has a nice change of pace compared to Higurashi (which was what we were watching before she suggested we switch over to Lucky Star). After watch episode 7, and despite being HIGHLY amused by the characters' antics, I told her that it isn't my anime and I probably won't give it another shot.

How wrong I was, as two months later, I marathon'ed Lucky Star in my weekend. XD

It starts out very sudden, I think. Without any sort of explanations, you are kind of just thrown into the situation with our four main characters and kinda left to understand their antics by your own. It is what makes the show nice and simple however.

While the jokes and references were funny as well, I find it is the personality of the cast in Lucky Star that motivated it to becoming one of my all-time favorites. That and because of the show is generally ran by their personalities and its simpleness, it also has a rather high re-viewability. As one of the posters said, you can grab any one of the episode at any time and just watch it whenever you are bored and still get that same enjoyment.

I also rather despised Lucky Channel because I thought it was a waste of time. By the end of the series, I almost always skipped that part until Shiraishi went and destroyed their set, then I watched it again. XD

The only good thing about Lucky Channel however is that it is the only source of some explanation of what is happening with the cast. Though they never quite introduced Konata, but just introduced Kagami, Tsukasa, Miyuki, and the new characters that enter later in the series (I wonder why didn't they introduced Konata?).

Now, onto the more technical bits...

While the animation isn't great or detailed or fancy, and it is also somewhat different from KyoAni's previous works, I thought the simplicity of the animation fitted the anime perfectly. I simply cannot imagine Lucky Star to be drawn in the FMP fashion or anything likewise. Its lack of a story plot doesn't suit those kind of animations at all.

Music is also well-executed here, KyoAni seems to know when to just let the music stop or run. It is not FANTASTIC, except for the part where Kagami received her love letter and Kanata visits Konata and her dad, but it does its work perfectly. It is often happy-go-lucky and has a nice happy beat to it, and they also know when to just start letting it go in order to convoy the characters' mood towards the situation (it usually Kagami's mood, to be honest ).

All of those helped Lucky Star present itself as what it really is, but what really worked is the script. I personally found the script to be AMAZING... and I rarely say that.

So, I am a bit amazed when someone here actually gives the script a low score, but of course, all to their opinions. The script however really brought the characters' to life, while KyoAni's executions weren't always perfect, they are usually pretty close, and at times did hit the perfect mark (Again, the Kanata scene is absolutely one of the points where their execution was perfect).

In order to sum it all up, while I won't say Lucky Star is the best anime of 2007 or something like that, but it is rather one of the anime I'll remember and it'll stay in my mind for a long time. I am also definitely buying their DVDs too. I definitely enjoyed watching Lucky Star. However, due to some of its errors at times and Lucky Channel, I give Lucky Star a 9.
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Old 2007-10-11, 08:25   Link #54
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I think my biggest problem with this show has already been mentioned. Lucky Star is essentially a close look at little tweeny trivial details of Japanese life and otakudom (actually, I think that's what the show seemed to be about, but I'll get to what I think is the show's essence at the end). They bring up interesting stuff to talk about, things we all (or at least many of us) obesrve in life and nod 'ah that's so true...' (to borrow a certain person's expression). The problem is that they never go beyond that. There are many moments that were building upto something, and I could sense something lot more intriguing and emotional than their usual 'haha thats funny.NOT.lets talk about something else' fare. But there is rarely a moment that is special or memorable, because they always end those conversations/moments into pathetic attempts at comedy, and makes for an awkward awkward and damn awkward transition into the next gag. As for the comedy, I'm aware of the fact that I'm not part of the targeted audience, yet it most of the time isn't funny even when I get the reference, so I believe that comedy is not its strongest point.

And my second problem has again been mentioned, unfunny stuff that they're always repeating for reasons beyond me (well actually no, I suppose they exist because lot of people did like them. For reasons also beyond me). Lucky channel is a big one of them. Yes I got that you're making fun of the life of Idol and the life and business behind it, no need to repeat that for 23 more episodes thx.

However, my 'problems' aren't really complaints but simply reasons why this show could not be anything outstanding. I truly enjoyed this show and don't remember a single moment that I considered a waste of time. The characters aren't anything complex, they're all simple and remain one-dimensional characters with negligible development. What's important is that they're interesting and very likable, I grew fond of them over time, and that made me feel warm about watching them talk about everyday stuff (despite the retarded loli character design for nearly college girls). Characters themselves might think they're boring and obnoxious, flat chested, short and useless, etc. but they are all different in their own ways (although pretty much based on cliched archetypes), and to other characters, they're special and valuable girls. Konata might be a total geek and have no real friends other than the trio, but to them and especially her dad (as is evident in episode 22) she is irreplaceable. Cold, unfriendly, flat-chested Minami is likewise the most special person to Yutaka. Otaku habit of staying up at night to play games or obnoxious tendency of forgetting to get off the train because she was too busy reading are interesting only because the characters I like are laughing about it and making fun of them. Each cast is perhaps like a tiny, but pretty and bright (lucky?) stars in the night sky, illuminating dark and uninteresting nothingness surrounding them. Ok, that was bit melodramatic of me and the characters unfortunately don't get many opportunities to shine so brightly.

The last few episode of Lucky Star are also something I consider memorable, I especially loved the whole Konata-her dad-her mom talk and the fuss over the dancing practices. That was really heart-warming (only if rest of the show was like this *sigh*). Mediocre in majority of the executions, but still delivering plenty of amusements with fun characters that grows on you over time, this show is simply good(7).
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Old 2007-10-11, 23:19   Link #55
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1st off let me say this... LUCKY STAR IS NOT FOR US.

Seriously, this was made for the Japanese, with more and more references to their life as it went on.

Well i gave it a shot none the less, here's what i though:

Script: 0 What? there was a script?

Characters: 7 for some reason, konata always seemed annoying. Well, they weren't all so bad

Animation: 5 pretty basic, and boring

Rewatch: 6

Overall rating: 4/10

This series really isn't for me, nor should it be for those outside of japan, as we really cannot relate to such things, it's the same as being a person who laughs at jokes they don't catch.
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Old 2007-10-12, 17:45   Link #56
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Angry ...

1st off let me say this... LUCKY STAR IS NOT FOR US.

Seriously, this was made for the Japanese, with more and more references to their life as it went on.

Final ratings aside,I don't agree with this. AT ALL!

Well let's take a look.

Script: 0 What? there was a script?
No. This is a "Watch the anime girls walk around and talk about how to eat food" show, Not much of a plot but:

Characters: 7 for some reason, konata always seemed annoying. Well, they weren't all so bad
eh, ot to me but, not every last person on Earth has to Idolize Kona-chan.

Animation: 5 pretty basic, and boring

You'd better be joking, that OP didn't look too boring to me. :/

Rewatch: 6
Should Re-watching seriously be rated?

This series really isn't for me, nor should it be for those outside of japan, as we really cannot relate to such things, it's the same as being a person who laughs at jokes they don't catch.
umm,, WTF?! Is this supposed to mean that I, an angry German boy from Wisconsin, shouldn't watch Lucky Star, JUST because it was meant intentionally for the Japanese people?! Well then, I probably wouldn't BE here, if I couldn't watch shows from another planet, I mean country, AND I'd be stuck watching flying $(-)!& balls on Nickeloadeon/ D!$n3y/ Cartoon Nothing!

Last edited by JustInn14; 2007-10-12 at 18:08.
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Old 2007-10-13, 06:17   Link #57
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erm, overall is good for me, i love it although got few episdoe quite bore...but overal are funny and good to watch. It's all about the normal life, watching this anime let me remind of my secondary school life .
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Old 2007-10-13, 22:53   Link #58
slice of life otaku
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first off, let me say that im not really otaku, but i'll also say that this is, without a doubt, my favorite anime (if not animated show overall)

Konata is definately my favorite (as my avatar/title will probably show), but at the same time, there were some frequent obscure anime references by Konata that i didnt get; this wasnt any bit of a problem, as i enjoyed watching the other characters not get them either (i got the Haruhi references though, as i started watching it shortly before i started watching Lucky Star)

voice acting: 9/10, only because this is the first subtitled anime i've watched, so i really have nothing to compare it to in that sense
from what i saw, the voices seemed to fit teh characters perfectly (i thought it was especially funny that Konata has the same voice actress as Haruhi, given her cosplaying and all, so i hope that the dubbed version does the same with the english VA)

story: 10/10 very random, but this isnt supposed to be some deep intricate epic storyline either, so it suits the show very well (this is a slice of life anime, and you have to admit--life can be pretty random at times)

emotional involvement: 9/10
a bit hard to put into words here, except to say that all of the characters are very likeable (especially Konata)

overall (at least to ep 10 which is where im currently at): 10/10
nice to see something normal out there, as in with no fighting robots/powers/demons/samurais/etc; funny, understandable and relatable characters (a slight surprise with this being from a foreign culture), random, but still making sense; a perfect slice of life anime
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Old 2007-10-17, 18:39   Link #59
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It's a decent series didn't really make me laugh much did chuckle a few times each episode but not many laugh out loud moments.
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Old 2007-10-18, 22:17   Link #60
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I gave it one of my rare 10 !
I think I never laughed that much and that hard while watching anything in my life..the show is just so full of surprises, and I didn't even understand ALL the jokes and references... I almost choked to death while laughing to hard when watching Konata's father talking about his lolicon. Of the most pleasant anime I've watched
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