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Old 2011-07-15, 04:54   Link #41
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I know, right?


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Old 2011-07-15, 05:22   Link #42
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Spoiler for Little long for what I need to say:

You know, you sir are my hero.
I've been going around saying that for five years.

But, more on topic, yes no one will spill the full beans about 9/11 cuz it would be a bureaucratic nightmare. The U.S. essentially made bin Laden, so even with just that someone, somewhere should've gotten their balls kicked in for making the suggestion. Also I mean really, why are people still hung up on this? If someone ever finds out the "truth" about 9/11 he either won't live to speak it or his credibility will be so effed up no one will believe him.

Just the facts ma'am..
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Old 2011-07-15, 06:44   Link #43
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As a general rule of thumb, any conspiracy theory or documentary presented as factual on the mass media (and that includes any utube vid over 10 minutes long because something that long has to be officially recognized) is made of nothing but pure crap for the intention of scaring an audience into believing something for the benefit of someone else. By the end of the day, the guys making these films are out to make money, and considering how tightly controlled/connected the mass media is to the government, I highly doubt that anything that would compromise the politicians would show up on the silver screens. Otherwise, Wikileaks wouldn't be getting so much hate from officials.

So to sum it up, take everything you see on TV, newspapers, cinemas with a rather large dose of salt, nvm a grain.
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Old 2011-07-15, 06:47   Link #44
Knight Errant
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When considering all Conspiracy theories, you only need to ask yourself one thing:

Is this more easily explained by people being incompetence, or people being evil?

A second question you should ask:

How many people have to keep the secret for this conspiracy to hold up without whistle blowers.

A third question:

Is there a less costly way to achieve the goals of the conspiracy?

On all counts 9/11 truth fails. It's easy to explain the failures surrounding 9/11 with incompetence, people make mistakes all the time, and the engineers didn't put that much effort into building a building that withstand a head on collision from an aircraft.

Secondly, too many people would have been required for this conspiracy to work. Much smaller conspiracies have been destroyed by whistleblowers. Look at Iran Contra. The US government isn't that good at keeping a secret

Thirdly, the goals of this operation could have been much more easily achieved by them bombing a lower value target. There's no need to something so extraordinary as fly planes into a building. Most conspriacies aren't particularly magnificent, but are petty things ( a lot of them are just price fixing...)
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Old 2011-07-15, 06:56   Link #45
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There are a lot of false flag operations carried out through out history and the US had some of the most lavishing ones.

One of the most interesting false flag operation that was seriously considered by the US was Operation Northwoods where it had written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to falsify a missile attack on a commercial airliner filled with CIA operatives by the Cubans.

Here is an interesting vid;

Here are some other examples of False flag operations or Pseudo-operations

So there is really a very blurried line between conspiracy theories and false flag so I suggest everyone examine the facts closely so not to be duped.
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Old 2011-07-15, 09:01   Link #46
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One word: LOL.
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Old 2011-07-15, 09:49   Link #47
Gamilas Falls
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This is going to be like the Pearl Harbor conspiracy theory isn't it? Give it a rest. What happened happened. Did people know an attack was coming, yes. Did they know by who, yes. Did they know how, yes. Did they know where, no. Did they know when, not really.

Knowing you are under threat and by who does not make it a conspiracy when you get attacked. Especially when you don't know when you will be attacked, nor where you will be attacked. If you knew those things you could prevent the attack entirely, or at least have a defense in mind when it arrived (see Battle of Britain).

This country still operates under the law, and the law is that you are innocent until proven guilty, and you cannot be charge of a crime you have not yet committed. We also have had thousands of foreigners that train how to become pilots in this country. And thousands more that go to our schools for other things. We've also had many, many terrorists pass our borders that were not stopped because we either did not know they were terrorists, or because our border has more holes in it than swiss cheese. The later is the more likely since we think of ourselves as a free country and people come here all the time. Especially before 9/11. Most of those terrorists didn't do anything. Some got trained by our people, then left for terrorize someone else...either one of our allies, or one of our enemies. Some were not actually terrorists yet, but became terrorists after some event that pushed them over the edge...or, in their mind, forced them to become a "freedom fighter"...fighting for their homeland, rather than terrorizing someone elses.

So for conspiracy theories....I call bullshit. Simply because you can't know everything in advanced, and you can't stop what you cannot predict. Hindsight is 20/20...but looking into the future is Nearsighted at best. Sure you could pick out ways they could have or should have caught these guys, but people do that with battles from wars all the time...the "he should have turned that flank and he would have won" theories. The simple truth is that what happened happened, and those in place at the time, could not see everything you see or you think they could see. You learn this when you study History.
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Old 2011-07-15, 11:28   Link #48
Knight Errant
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Who would have predicted the middle east was about to explode the way it has in a liberal revolution? We only can see as far as the tips of our noses.
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Old 2011-07-15, 11:45   Link #49
Kurumada's lost child
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Everyone came to this thread with very strong opinions on the subject, but i didn't calculate that everyone wou,d just assume this was another conspiracy video, out of the many out there already, and start bashing the subject without even bothering to watch the video.

Do you think i would just post about 911 without anything interesting to share? Of course i know abou t 911 conspiracies. Hower, this video is not a conspiracy therory film. All it does is present you with a lot of factual information and connect the dots. I beg all of you to please watch it before commenting on the subject as this video will offer you a new perspective on 911.
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Old 2011-07-15, 12:22   Link #50
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Originally Posted by Sugetsu View Post
Looking forward to your analysis
I've watched the first Chapter on Doctor Graham, very interesting stuff Sugetsu.

I'll have to watch this piecemeal since it's over 2 hours, but I let you know what I think overall once I finish it.

I'm open to new information about 9/11 because I don't believe the 9/11 Commission's Report is complete, nor accurate.

Like I said already.
I don't think our government was directly responsible for this attack.
Now, if you ask me if they took advantage of the situation to implement more police state laws, then I have no choice but to answer truthfully and say YES they did.
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Old 2011-07-15, 14:54   Link #51
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Originally Posted by synaesthetic View Post
Edit: I'll probably be in the minority saying this, but 9/11 wasn't really that big of a deal. Sure, it was horrible and a lot of people died, but from a military perspective, it was a gnat bite. This was a pathetic enemy lashing out at us in the only way it can, and the damage was minor.

Trust me, if Al'Qaeda would have done some real damage, like, say, nuked half of NYC, body counts in the millions, we wouldn't have just "invaded" Afghanistan and poked around mountain hidey-holes for their boss. We would have reduced the entire country to nothing but a sheet of radioactive glass. These terrorists are not an operational threat, and if it ever came to a real fight, we would crush them like bugs, which is why the continued Republican obsession with FIGHTIN' TERRRRISM is hilariously transparent. They are not even remotely a match for us on a bad day; the Greedy Old Party are just using TERRRRISTS as an excuse to pump taxpayer dollars into the military-industrial complex.
You haven't taken into the civilian aspect of the war on terrorism. Basically, the threat of terrorism will have a great emotional impact on the people, who are accustomed to not being bomb while going to work. The mere threat is enough to put pressure on politicians

The thing is, as long as the affluent modern society takes security for granted, this circus of a War on Terror will continue. The warrior ethics would need to be brought back, which I doubt most, particularly the Japanese and Europeans, are unwilling to do.

Originally Posted by synaesthetic View Post
I don't believe the US government is competent enough to orchestrate something like 9/11, to fake it and leave absolutely no evidence of fakery. I do believe they're willing to use it as an excuse to take the money that ought to be put towards things that help America. Things like healthcare, space development, alternative energy and higher education, things that actively help America become a more awesome nation. I believe they use the threat of TERRRRRISM as an excuse to fill their pockets with our money.
I personally think of that as another conspiracy theory: The US Government is trying to rip money off from its people. You most likely never seen what happens in Japan and Korea, the leaders of Pork Barrels among the democratic countries They're the ones that make what the US government does seem like peanuts.

Originally Posted by synaesthetic View Post
And now they're shouting doom and gloom over the impending "default," to scare us even further into voting to put more of the country's money in their pockets. It's all nonsense. I cannot understand how this mass pathological avarice has swept through our nation's leaders, movers and shakers, but they're so sick with greed it's almost unreal.
That I have to agree to. However, we have to admit that it's the collective greed behind the politicians, the one based on the electorate, that runs the gravy trains.

Originally Posted by synaesthetic View Post
I watched a few minutes of it, which was as much of it as I could stand before I could physically feel myself getting stupider.

I've had it up to HERE with sensationalism. The media needs to fucking knock it off. I know, I know, scaring the crap out of people makes them very easy to manipulate. Which is exactly what this "documentary" does. It presents a bunch of easily-inferred things in a vewy scawy manner... and makes people afraid. Uncertain. Worried. STRESSED THE HELL OUT.

Personally, I'm sick and tired of this shit. I've had my fill, I'm done and no longer afraid. I'm not worried anymore. I'm pissed off. I barely even read the news anymore. Every story is just another attempt to scare me, to control me with fear.

I take everything that isn't attached to a peer-reviewed scientific journal with an entire lakebed full of salt grains.

I'd bet we'd all have ten goddamned years added to our lifespans if this sensationalism would just GTFO.
I agree with the general sentiments, although I think you've gone a bit too down the line, into the "potential conspiracy believer" range.

Originally Posted by Sugetsu View Post
Perhaps you will find out after you watch the documentary instead of assuming things

The documentary is about: "Core of Corruption is a documentary film series which details a comprehensive investigation into clandestine intelligence operations and conspiracies. The project is surfacing exclusive whistleblowers, insiders and critical evidence for the very first time."

Edit: By the way, i was saving this comment for when people started discussing the film but I think I need to say it: The documentary doesn't point fingers directly at the US, instead it gives so much information that you are left with the impression that the US definitely knew what was going to happen but chose not to act on it or even participated. More than this I cannot say because I don't want to spoil fun and heated discussion that I am sure will ensue after people start posting their opinions on the film.
Originally Posted by Sugetsu View Post
But why just stick to the first few minutes only? you can't judge a book by its cover. The documentary is far from stupid.

This film doesn't attempt to scare you. It only presents many different reports while trying to make sense of all that happened. In the end it won't claim that it was the US government that killed its own people and that we should bring it down like many conspiracy movies love to do. You are left wondering how involved were the US, Pakistan, South the Arabia and Israel in the attacks.
It does scare people, mainly because it connects the dots for the "ignorant" masses, allowing them to understand that the entire situation of counterspying, government infighting, and general inefficiency contributed to the incident. It would only give those who want to fire up things the ammo necessary.

The below quote from synaesthetic basically summarizes it.

Originally Posted by synaesthetic View Post
So, this "documentary" doesn't actually tell us anything we didn't already know. It just sensationalizes known or suspected events? Sounds about right.

It's not that surprising Israel was spying on us. We spy on our allies, why shouldn't they spy on us? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer and all that. It was also pretty general knowledge not too many years after the attack that the intelligence community knew something was going to happen and dropped the ball. We knew that already, too. So where are these mind-blowing revelations? This stuff really isn't news.
We know the basics of all that was mentioned in the video. The thing is, by painting a "clearer" picture, it just misleads the general public.
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Old 2011-07-15, 15:10   Link #52
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Originally Posted by Sugetsu View Post
but i didn't calculate that everyone wou,d just assume this was another conspiracy video, out of the many out there already, and start bashing the subject without even bothering to watch the video.
So you expected everyone to watch a 2 hour video before commenting? You're lucky if people read a short article on the internet if you don't copy and paste the text into your post, and even then a good portion would skip it.

Hower, this video is not a conspiracy therory film. All it does is present you with a lot of factual information and connect the dots. I beg all of you to please watch it before commenting on the subject as this video will offer you a new perspective on 911.
That's what every conspiracy theory film ever has promised to do. Except the facts are rarely facts, and the connections are usually tangential at best. So once again why would you expect someone to watch a 2 hour film that was presented as another conspiracy theory movie?
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Old 2011-07-15, 15:39   Link #53
Kurumada's lost child
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Originally Posted by Kamui4356 View Post

That's what every conspiracy theory film ever has promised to do. Except the facts are rarely facts, and the connections are usually tangential at best. So once again why would you expect someone to watch a 2 hour film that was presented as another conspiracy theory movie?
It isn't presented as a conspiracy movie. It is a 5 part analysis about powerful people who abide by their own rules and fly under radar of the public eye. This first 2 hour documentary stars things off from 9/11 and then it will release 4 more documentaries on other subjects related to Wall street, politics and corporations. The central theme of this series seems to be how 9/11 changed the face of America forever.

This documentary wasn't made in somebody's Mon's basement if you get what I mean. It took 5 years to make and collect a huge amount of exclusive footage, audio, documents, witnesses and testimony, most of which is exclusive and has never been mentioned in conspiracy theories or the media.

Well I am done trying to sell you the video. I hope I sparked your interest, if not... All I can tell you is that you won't be in the loop because there is a lot of new stuff in there.
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Old 2011-07-15, 15:43   Link #54
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If you want to sell something and get people interested, you need to provide your own commentary and thoughts on your issues. Not just any thoughts, but detailed thoughts and analysis, so even if people disagree, there's something to talk about. Otherwise you can't ask people to spend lots of time on something like that.

Burden on the thread starter, sadly.
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Old 2011-07-15, 15:51   Link #55
Kurumada's lost child
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You are right. It is wrong of me to expect that everyone would just want to watch the documentary without me giving my own analysis first. I'll edit my first post later.

I just feel that if I analyse this stuff I will deter people from viewing it since I already went over the entire thing myself, which would lead to people making assumptions based on my comments instead of the source itself.
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Old 2011-07-15, 15:59   Link #56
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That's not an unreasonable fear, though, you may always use spoiler tags, or post about it in a later post, linking to such. If you've put that kind of effort in, then all there's left to do is sit back and watch the thread grow; that's out of your control though, so no big deal.
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Old 2011-07-15, 16:10   Link #57
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Originally Posted by Sugetsu View Post
powerful people who abide by their own rules and fly under radar of the public eye.
an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot.
a combination of persons for a secret, unlawful, or evil purpose
Sounds like a conspiracy to me. You may be intending to say it's not a crackpot conspiracy theory, but what you're describing is the very definition of a conspiracy.
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Old 2011-07-15, 16:24   Link #58
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Not quite, I am not claiming that those people are evil, nor does the documentary. But I am sure you well know that there are powerful people who indeed fly under radar of the public eye and end up dictating policy at the highest levels. Those people are not subjected to scrutiny and usually don't abide by the same laws. Those people are namely CEO's and some lobbyists.

Have you heard of Grover Norquist yet? I you haven't I suggest you do. That's just but one example.
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Old 2011-07-15, 16:32   Link #59
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Unlawful and secret/surreptitious are also options. It uses an "or", not an "and". Therefore, any of them can define it as a conspiracy.
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Old 2011-07-15, 18:48   Link #60
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Originally Posted by Sugetsu View Post
Not quite, I am not claiming that those people are evil, nor does the documentary. But I am sure you well know that there are powerful people who indeed fly under radar of the public eye and end up dictating policy at the highest levels. Those people are not subjected to scrutiny and usually don't abide by the same laws. Those people are namely CEO's and some lobbyists.

Have you heard of Grover Norquist yet? I you haven't I suggest you do. That's just but one example.
Er, did it take you this long to realise the bolded part? If you did, then I salute you on finally getting it. Guess what? There is little anyone can do about this unless something groundbreaking is ignited. As for keeping tabs on them, given the sheer number, I don't think anything can keep them under scrutiny at all times.

Fareed Zakaria highlighted this issue in one of his books (The Future of Freedom), dated 2003-2004. Now, the subtitle of the book is "Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad". He showcased the role of lobbyists and money in US politics. After that book, yeah, US "freedom" just got devalued in my eyes.
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