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Old 2009-06-26, 06:55   Link #221
A Priori Impossibility
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Has anyone else other than me wondered what could happen if the EOCS regulations failed to stymie the wave of sensationalism or if the self-imposed regulations were to actually be taken seriously? I think there could be some significant changes in anime subculture should this be the case. We'll either have an underground movement, or find a bunch of frustrated otaku who've suddenly lost their raison d'etre (Forgive me for not having the circumflex!). If Mio from K-On! was originally an eroge character, I'm not sure if I'd want to know how the fandom would react to this ^^;.

All in all, I'm hoping that Ashlotte's reference to Columbine will prove to be an accurate model for how this whole thing plays out. But for the moment, it might be interesting to run around like chickens with ours heads cut off for just a little bit longer.
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Old 2009-06-26, 07:25   Link #222
Throne Invader
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Originally Posted by izmosmolnar View Post
The other thing I'm completely puzzled is that why is Pregnant porn banned in eroges (no it's not my sick fetish, but it's unreasonable to ban it only in 2D).
I mean I just inputted in google that: " "japanese pregnant porn" " (in quotation marks) and it has 358 hits. So why is that it's fine to make pregnant porn in real-life, and it's banned in eroges? Does the pixels feel pain? I'm sure it's probably not the most comfortable thing to have sex when the mother is in her 8th or 9th month, but whoever wants can still has sex with pregnant woman and even record it and distribute it in some legal way if he/she insists (according to the wiki it's completely legal AFAIK, feel free to correct me as I was never interested in such thing). However as of few days ago you cannot watch it when it's about fictional pregnant girls, despite that they are not even alive and hence don't even feel any pain which the intercourse could cause...
For what reason is the pregnant sex fetish banned in eroge? I'm honestly baffled how did they decide what to restrict...

Second part TL;DR: What potentional reasons led to ban pregnant porn in ero-games, while it is lawful to produce in real-life?
Why do you think eroge games with pregnant women shouldn't be banned?

It's time to start letting her make her own decisions. - Mom's dermatologist~
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Old 2009-06-26, 07:32   Link #223
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*sigh* It seems like you misunderstand me again... (I even started to wonder whether you are purposely trolling.)
As I said ( => "no it's not my sick fetish" + "I was never interested in such thing") I don't want them to see in any eroges I ever going to play, however I cannot explain why would anyone want to ban it in fictional material, while at the same time it is completely lawful to do so in real-life porn (and I could even mention that IRL married couples have sex all the way til giving birth, but I let it slide it now).
Isn't that used to go the other way around for crying out loud? It is definitely the opposite way around with murder-games (murder is prohibited in real-life while it's "OK" to do so in games)

TL;DR: I honestly don't give a shit whether it's banned or not in eroges, but then be consistent and ban it in real-life too at the very least (which raises other issues, as it's encouraged to live a sexual-life during pregnancy).
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Old 2009-06-26, 07:42   Link #224
Throne Invader
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Originally Posted by izmosmolnar View Post
*sigh* It seems like you misunderstand me again... (I even started to wonder whether you are purposely trolling.)
As I said ( => "no it's not my sick fetish" + "I was never interested in such thing") I don't want them to see in any eroges I ever going to play, however I cannot explain why would anyone want to ban it in fictional material, while at the same time it is completely lawful to do so in real-life porn (and I could even mention that IRL married couples have sex all the way til giving birth, but I let it slide it now).
Isn't that used to go the other way around for crying out loud? It is definitely the opposite way around with murder-games (murder is prohibited in real-life while it's "OK" to do so in games)

TL;DR: I honestly don't give a shit whether it's banned or not in eroges, but then be consistent and ban it in real-life too at the very least (which raises other issues, as it's encouraged to live a sexual-life during pregnancy).
Simmer down a bit I think that if it's banned in eroge games, at least it'll help a bit even if it's not also banned in real life immoral films. I consider it a step forward even if it's a teeny one At least that's one thing we won't see in eroge games. Haven't met anyone yet with a fetish like that

It's time to start letting her make her own decisions. - Mom's dermatologist~
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Old 2009-06-26, 08:13   Link #225
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Originally Posted by FragrantFlora
Why do you think eroge games with pregnant women shouldn't be banned?
I think that if it's banned in eroge games, at least it'll help a bit even if it's not also banned in real life immoral films.
Please either provide evidence that supports that claim or stop spouting such bullshit.
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Old 2009-06-26, 08:27   Link #226
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Originally Posted by FragrantFlora View Post
Why do you think eroge games with pregnant women shouldn't be banned?
It is not unusual to have sex with your pregnant wife.

NOT speaking from experience
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Old 2009-06-26, 08:48   Link #227
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Originally Posted by FragrantFlora View Post
Why do you think eroge games with pregnant women shouldn't be banned?
Why shouldn't say ... ballet dancing be banned ? I am fairly there can be actual real-life problems to be claimed with health issues of ballet dancers, unlike with images of a pregnant woman having sex. In other words: don't post for the sake of posting. I can post a long list of things with the question of "why shouldn't be X banned ?". You want it banned, the ball is in your court to bring up evidence why anyone should condone.
Originally Posted by FragrantFlora View Post
Simmer down a bit I think that if it's banned in eroge games, at least it'll help a bit even if it's not also banned in real life immoral films. I consider it a step forward even if it's a teeny one At least that's one thing we won't see in eroge games. Haven't met anyone yet with a fetish like that
Help a bit with what, exactly ? This is what completely rubs me the wrong way with the whole fiasco - i fail to see any actual benefits that would supposedly come from banning said material, or any actual issues it would tackle. (For that matter, what is so immoral about a pregnant woman having sex ?). Why shouldn't we see such material in eroges ? I mean - i dislike a great number of things (images of pregnant women having sex included, never mind stuff like portrayal of rape which is about what the whole fiasco started, which i find extremely distasteful to say the least), but i wouldn't go calling ban on things based on my gut feeling. Because, i am fairly certain, my gut feeling is no better than the person next to me, much as i would like to believe otherwise. Now the thought that there are people who are arrogant enough to think they have the right to tell and impose on others what type of fictional material they should be allowed to be exposed to in the confines of their own room - now that is a thought that actually does scare me, much more so than some people spending their free time on games of questionable content. Keep in mind these games are aimed at adults, so you should have no more right to tell him what he is allowed to play than you have of walking up to a person on the street and telling him what type of shirts he is allowed to wear.

For me personally, there wouldn't be much direct impact even if most of the things on said list got banned - i wouldn't touch content like rape, bondage or similar with a ten feet pole anyway. But i simply can not agree with the notion that something can actually be banned nowadays (we are talking about drawings in case anyone has forgotten) on the mere thought of "ick, I don't like it!" (Because that is all there is behind these restrictions really, unless someone can provide some actual information on how it would actually benefit anyone, which is unlikely to happen), and i can not be comfortable with that.
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Old 2009-06-26, 11:29   Link #228
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Originally Posted by Skyfall View Post
For me personally, there wouldn't be much direct impact even if most of the things on said list got banned - i wouldn't touch content like rape, bondage or similar with a ten feet pole anyway.
Though other than the rape, bondage, etc. words, there are words like 生徒会 and 少女 becoming NG-ed too...
And then with words like 拘束 拷問 脅迫 getting NG-ed, wouldn't that take a toll on Mystery and such serious type of stories too...?

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Old 2009-06-26, 14:21   Link #229
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First, in response to FragrantFlora;

Are nekomimi not allowed to have consensual sex?
Are pregnant women not allowed to have sex?
Are the topics of pregnant women having sex and nekomimi fetish taboo?
Is the entire topic of conception forbidden?

Why? Are we Talibans?

In the censorship basket: entirely fictitious/victimless elements (eroge/VNs, manga, doujin...).
Effect: A full frontal assault on freedom of speech/artistic expression.

Anyone heard of "thought crime"? This comes pretty close.

Those concerned with latest developments on this topic might do well to to check out the last two articles on Sankaku on the issue, concerning the publisher Minori (Wind, A Breath of Heart, ef Tale of...);
Eroge Maker Minori: “Dirty Foreigners Get Off Our Site!” [NSFW]
Minori: “We’re Banning You For Your Own Good!” [NSFW]

The questions above were part of the of the letter I sent through the link on Minori's website.

And I urge others to do the same. Link is here;
I do understand it's most likely pretty futile to hope for anything, but do we seriously just accept defeat without even trying the slightest? I will not...

As an afterword, might I remind you all of a very famous poem by the late nazi concentration camp survivor Martin Niemoeller (1892 –1984), a poem that can also be found engraved in granite on the New England Holocaust Memorial site;

(1976 version);
When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

Then they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
I did not protest;
I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
I did not speak out;
I was not a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out for me.
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Old 2009-06-26, 14:34   Link #230
Key Board
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h ttp://

somewhat related to this?

not sure
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Old 2009-06-26, 20:16   Link #231
Join Date: Oct 2006
I've refrained from commenting on the above story at the usual places because it's alittle too filled with unconfirmed partial information and speculation...The last bit in that article is more then alittle disturbing though.

No matter what enemy. No matter what ally. Mowing everything down with maximum destructive power.

That is...

"The White Devil of the Administration Bureau"
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Old 2009-06-26, 20:37   Link #232
Knight Hawk
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That has nothing to do with the eroga. It's mainly about gravure, specifically U-15. U-15 is pretty damned disturbing to say the least. U-15 would be considered child porn outside of Japan. Lurking 2ch, the youngest idol currently is 6yrs old. ooyy~ >.<;;
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Old 2009-06-26, 23:49   Link #233
Throne Invader
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Thanks for lightening up the mood a little bit

Originally Posted by Skyfall View Post
Why shouldn't say ... ballet dancing be banned ? I am fairly there can be actual real-life problems to be claimed with health issues of ballet dancers, unlike with images of a pregnant woman having sex. In other words: don't post for the sake of posting. I can post a long list of things with the question of "why shouldn't be X banned ?". You want it banned, the ball is in your court to bring up evidence why anyone should condone.
Not that I'm completely dismissing the ballet thing but what we're focusing on is rape games/ pregnant women games With all due respect Mr. Moderator, that kind of question “why shouldn’t X be banned?” is a good question to open up a discussion and it is related to the topic. It’s best to leave people a space for a benefit of a doubt..

Originally Posted by Skyfall View Post
Help a bit with what, exactly ? This is what completely rubs me the wrong way with the whole fiasco - i fail to see any actual benefits that would supposedly come from banning said material, or any actual issues it would tackle. (For that matter, what is so immoral about a pregnant woman having sex ?). Why shouldn't we see such material in eroges ? I mean - i dislike a great number of things (images of pregnant women having sex included, never mind stuff like portrayal of rape which is about what the whole fiasco started, which i find extremely distasteful to say the least), but i wouldn't go calling ban on things based on my gut feeling. Because, i am fairly certain, my gut feeling is no better than the person next to me, much as i would like to believe otherwise. Now the thought that there are people who are arrogant enough to think they have the right to tell and impose on others what type of fictional material they should be allowed to be exposed to in the confines of their own room - now that is a thought that actually does scare me, much more so than some people spending their free time on games of questionable content. Keep in mind these games are aimed at adults, so you should have no more right to tell him what he is allowed to play than you have of walking up to a person on the street and telling him what type of shirts he is allowed to wear.

For me personally, there wouldn't be much direct impact even if most of the things on said list got banned - i wouldn't touch content like rape, bondage or similar with a ten feet pole anyway. But i simply can not agree with the notion that something can actually be banned nowadays (we are talking about drawings in case anyone has forgotten) on the mere thought of "ick, I don't like it!" (Because that is all there is behind these restrictions really, unless someone can provide some actual information on how it would actually benefit anyone, which is unlikely to happen), and i can not be comfortable with that.
You misunderstood and you need to calm your tone a bit. The immoral films I was referring to were pornographic films, not having sex with pregnant women. But then again it's just my opinion. If I call em immoral, let's leave it at that. I believe there are tons of other people who view em as so but that’s besides the point. We all have subjective opinions in regards to a lot of things. Yes, the games are aimed for adults. Do you think its only adults who are playing these games? Parents can’t always be there to guard their children from such material. As generations take change and as time passes, relationships will no doubt become more perverted until it reaches a point that both parties will lose respect of the other. Nice girls meet seemingly nice guys and then get raped during dates. There are instances like that which happen even as of the present. For adults, yes you can say that you do exhibit control, but what about the mentality of growing children? We really can’t say we don’t care about this just because we assure ourselves that we’ll be responsible of our children’s actions and it’s not our problem. The kid living next door could just as easily make friends with your child/ren and invite him/her to play some games. That may not happen but there are chances it may. We adults are responsible for the environment we leave to our children and to the future generations.

And I know very well in mind that the human race will not be perfect, but if the rape games are banned, it’s at least one less thing to worry about. Yes, a lot of you guys will say, there’s still the Internet and the magazines next to the Comics section, but in relation to the thread, I just think it’s a step forward. There are pros and cons to almost every action to be taken but what I have in mind is sacrificing the present for a better future for our children, our children’s children, and for the rest of the future generations who will take their stand in this world and try their best to help it.

It's time to start letting her make her own decisions. - Mom's dermatologist~
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Old 2009-06-27, 00:20   Link #234
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Originally Posted by FragrantFlora View Post
Well if there's one main thing that comes into conflict between those who want it banned and those who don't, it's usually about the freedom of the people to do what they want.
Yes, freedom these days is considered a fundamental human right.

In my opinion, some of the reasons why there's no improvement whatsoever with the world as of now, it's because they think the same way some of you guys think. No offense ^_^V
Is the restriction of freedom and robbing other people's pleasures supposed to be "improvement"?

"There's constant violence on TV, alot of gay relationships on tv, alot of sexual material on tv and the internet. Before they start banning those rape games, why don't they take care of those first."
Taking your second statement, you can be taken as discriminating against homosexuals. Bam! We've violated anti-discrimination stuff feminists tend to whine about front, left and center.

Well, in my opinion, I think we should just focus on the rape games as a separate issue first and forget about the guns and murder thing. It can be hard to focus on too many things all at once right? Oh yeah, and I am for banning the games Nobody take this personal all right
Well, then you'll have to substantiate:
1) Why it is OK to rob the freedom and entertainment of a certain fraction of population by banning rape games?
2) Given 1 can be substantiated, on the list of things that can be banned, why should it be first? Why should that segment of the population be the first to suffer?

People who are against banning -> People who play the games, people who are against censorship for their reasons(someone please tell me why you're against censorship)
Without practical motivation, it is very difficult to get people to do something. Thus, the mere presence of that motivation is not a reason to dismiss the points they are making.

People who are for banning - > People who are disgusted with it,
Generally, "disgust" is not considered a good enough reason to rob other people's freedom and happiness.

people who are concerned about their children and the other young ones out there(I'm seriously trying to not sound bias here, it's of what I know )
I'm happy to give up that piece of happiness brought to me by eroge (and the occasional rape eroge - its not my favorite genre but can be a nice change of pace) if it WILL actually help children. Problem is, that is just about never substantiated. In my experience, the whole children angle is generally rhetoric to mask their own personal disgust at X (but they know it won't sell; see above), rather than some scientifically validated knowledge of the harm X brings to kids. It is just playing on our evolution-ingrained instirct to "protect" our children (read: our genes).

While we are talking about kids, though, why not see it from another angle. Do you think it is a good idea to teach kids that freedom is what is acceptable to you personally, or robbing other people's happiness is Good even though they are causing no one actual harm? Or to exploit other people's natural weaknesses, to be deliberately manipulative? That's what you teach the kids when you support censorship (the last when you use that whole "kid" argument).

I wouldn't consider myself a hard-core feminist really,
And if you do you won't admit it, so as to avoid discrediting yourself.

but I think that rape games belittle women. It disrespects them. I really can't say the same for porn stars since they're the ones who choose that job. But I think, that if the games are banned, the road to a brighter future will reveal itself even just by a little.
I've never really understood that whole "belittling" or "objectifying" arguments of the feminists - I'm of the opinion they read too much into it. But even if H-games come right out and SAY that women are objects, such ideas are protected by freedom of speech. So long as speech does not turn into action, there's no substantiation to prohibit it.

As for certain Hate mail sent to feminists in the wake of this incident, I say the same. As long as none of those hotheads actually execute the threats they scribble to vent (I'll admit I've scribbled some such comments on other forums whose threads have the appropriate general atmosphere), the feminists have already caused them more actual harm, already stepped on their rights more than the inverse. It is like whining about something bad mouthing you after you punched them in the face...
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Old 2009-06-27, 00:50   Link #235
Knight Hawk
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Originally Posted by FragrantFlora View Post
On a personal note; I hate the rape genre, like RAAGGEE~! HATE. Be it real porn or drawn, watching the female sex getting such humiliating treatment is just . . . ugh~. Anyways onwards to respond to your post!

It's the parents responsibility to teach and educate their child. Like wise if the parents aren't responsible, the child will follow such bad habits. Censoring is NEVER the right answer, EVER. Education is. If an individual doesn't know the line between fantasy to reality, they should seek help. Lastly, porn will never be banned and it's multitude of fetishes. These current events will be forgotten, just like the banning of loli years back.

FragrantFlora; Don't take this as offensive, but you remind me of my grandmother. She's a hardcore christian.
--A dream called "Youth". We'll eventually wake up from this dream, but the memories will continue to endure. - Karasuma, School Rumble
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Old 2009-06-27, 02:23   Link #236
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Originally Posted by FragrantFlora View Post
Not that I'm completely dismissing the ballet thing but what we're focusing on is rape games/ pregnant women games With all due respect Mr. Moderator, that kind of question “why shouldn’t X be banned?” is a good question to open up a discussion and it is related to the topic. It’s best to leave people a space for a benefit of a doubt..
He's not answering you as a Moderator, just a debater, I think. Anyway, what's WRONG with that proposition is that it places the onus on the wrong side. It is the equivalent of a prosecutor demanding of a defendant "Why are you Not Guilty?" It is YOUR minimal duty, while restricting freedom and robbing a certain percentage of a population their happiness, to somehow justify your proposition.

You misunderstood and you need to calm your tone a bit. The immoral films I was referring to were pornographic films, not having sex with pregnant women. But then again it's just my opinion. If I call em immoral, let's leave it at that.
When you call another person's potential likings "immoral" in a forum, you might be asked to at least SLIGHTLY substantiate it rather than just calling it your opinion.

I believe there are tons of other people who view em as so but that’s besides the point.
Popularity arguments might win democracies in mob rule, but not debate.

We all have subjective opinions in regards to a lot of things.
You are free to your subjective opinions. However, certain feminists are attacking a freedom I happen to be using and succeeding beyond their expectations (they started out particularly targeting rape and now it seems they are getting a bonanza as bonus). Now this subjective opinion is objectively and adversely affecting the happiness of a certain percentage of the population. It is also objectively affecting the livelihood of a certain percentage of real, live, presumably law-abiding Japanese. This subjective opinion had better have something to it than "subjectiveness", or it has proven to be far more dangerous than eroge ever was.

Yes, the games are aimed for adults. Do you think its only adults who are playing these games? Parents can’t always be there to guard their children from such material.
You can start by demonstrating, rather than asserting, the need to protect children from porn. Next, you can explain why it should be given a higher priority than guarding children from certain adults (especially parents, which are supposed to be role models) that feel it is Right to rob people of their pleasures and putting a crimp on the Freedom of Thought and Expression.

As generations take change and as time passes, relationships will no doubt become more perverted until it reaches a point that both parties will lose respect of the other.
Please substantiate your concept that eroge has the power to cause this.

While we are on the subject of respect, we should note that censorship "belittles" 'freedom of speech' and 'respect of other people's differences'. Surely, over the generations, the effect this has on our ability to respect other people is unlikely to be positive.

Nice girls meet seemingly nice guys and then get raped during dates. There are instances like that which happen even as of the present.
I'm sure flipping through the statistics, there must have been a case or two of this somewhere. There might even be one or two of them who just happen to have RapeLay or Rape Man or Renzoku Rape or any number of similar works in their collection. Now, please substantiate your concept that they won't have done that if they hadn't seen porn. Judging from the number of porn viewers vs the number of rapists who happen to be porn viewers, it seems justified to hypothesize that any person who rapes due to watching porn is at least 99% of his way there to begin with, and most likely over 100% (he's going to do it no matter what).

Have you considered the other side of the ledger, even in these marginal cases, where indeed the presence or absence of rape porn might make the difference. Every time Potential Rapist jacks off, he goes into refractory, which seriously reduces his urge to do anything sexual (including rape) for at least a couple of hours. So, if he's jacking off to computer porn (rape porn or not), which is engineered to be more stimulating than real humans can generally be (at least in the possible respects), he isn't raping a real human for the next two hours. He may also be relieved and may settle for the simulated experience ... etc, etc.

For adults, yes you can say that you do exhibit control, but what about the mentality of growing children?
Pro-censorship people don't exhibit meaningful control over their urges to restrict other people's freedom, sometimes even using their kids as weapons in their fight to do so.

The vector of the effect this has on the "mentality of growing children" who watch their role models doing this (completely unhindered of even the slightest insulation it is wrong, which is much more than generally can be said of rape porn) is obvious. The magnitude ... glances at people shamelessly promoting censorship and thinking they are right ... the effect is clearly significant and causing damage to a certain minority.

We really can’t say we don’t care about this just because we assure ourselves that we’ll be responsible of our children’s actions and it’s not our problem. The kid living next door could just as easily make friends with your child/ren and invite him/her to play some games.
This experience is indeed teaching me the folly of "not our problem" thinking. I was indeed thinking "not our problem" back when it was violent game censorship in Germany, and now things are on my doorstep...

That may not happen but there are chances it may. We adults are responsible for the environment we leave to our children and to the future generations.
I agree. The first step is to save them from people that think censorship is a good idea, for the reasons mentioned above. FOR OUR CHILDREN!
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Old 2009-06-27, 02:30   Link #237
A Priori Impossibility
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Originally Posted by FragrantFlora View Post
Not that I'm completely dismissing the ballet thing but what we're focusing on is rape games/ pregnant women games With all due respect Mr. Moderator, that kind of question “why shouldn’t X be banned?” is a good question to open up a discussion and it is related to the topic. It’s best to leave people a space for a benefit of a doubt.
Sure, I'll give the next Nazi movement the benefit of the doubt. Sorry, that doesn't fly.

You misunderstood and you need to calm your tone a bit. The immoral films I was referring to were pornographic films, not having sex with pregnant women. But then again it's just my opinion. If I call em immoral, let's leave it at that. I believe there are tons of other people who view em as so but that’s besides the point. We all have subjective opinions in regards to a lot of things.
If I told you I think cute animals are disgusting and that I was in a position of political power to ban ownership of any small animals before biological adult age because I consider this act immoral, would you accept this? Please don't say: "But cute animals are harmless! There's nothing wrong with them!" What you're basically telling me is that my own opinion is perfectly justified in carrying out the act. It's the logic behind it. Let's put this into symbolic form, shall we? Simply because it has implications for morality doesn't mean we can ignore the more abstract nature of human reasoning in order to satisfy ourselves in our respective points of views.

(A and B) then C

If I think something is disgusting (A) and there is the political power to ban it (B), then I will ban it (C).

Plug in anything into A that you want, but none of them are justified accordingly. Most of us would tell ourselves that placing our personal opinions ahead of others' opinions is not necessarily the right thing to do, at least not without due cause. This is a proven example in history; just look at a list of dictators. This justification simply won't hold, and having it as a basis for passing laws means that (according to your words), we are deciding the pros and cons arbitrarily without respect to others.

There are pros and cons to almost every action to be taken but what I have in mind is sacrificing the present for a better future for our children, our children’s children, and for the rest of the future generations who will take their stand in this world and try their best to help it.
Wait, you haven't given me any proof of how exactly the children are being saved yet. After all, you've got to provide evidence that's capable of being shared with others before you can really convince people, silly!

Long rant short:

Most people are aren't taking offense to your opinions. In fact, most people can understand your moral perspective. You are actually the person doing the misunderstanding (not others) in that you think we are taking offense to the subjectivity of opinions in general when we're trying to point out flaws in your logic. Hopefully this will allow you to understand the perspective of others, instead of simply dismissing it as a matter of opinion while all the same claiming yours is the way it should be done. This isn't to prove your feelings wrong, but to show you that you haven't proven your feelings right.

Anyway, I think that until another piece of news specifically pertaining to the restrictions on games comes out, we shouldn't get keyboard happy in expressing our opinions. We're cluttering up the thread even more.

Last edited by Kylaran; 2009-06-28 at 01:17. Reason: Was planning on adding something in but decided to leave it at that.
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Old 2009-06-27, 02:55   Link #238
Pretentious moe scholar
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Originally Posted by FragrantFlora View Post
You misunderstood and you need to calm your tone a bit. The immoral films I was referring to were pornographic films, not having sex with pregnant women. But then again it's just my opinion. If I call em immoral, let's leave it at that. I believe there are tons of other people who view em as so but that’s besides the point. We all have subjective opinions in regards to a lot of things. Yes, the games are aimed for adults. Do you think its only adults who are playing these games? Parents can’t always be there to guard their children from such material. As generations take change and as time passes, relationships will no doubt become more perverted until it reaches a point that both parties will lose respect of the other. Nice girls meet seemingly nice guys and then get raped during dates. There are instances like that which happen even as of the present. For adults, yes you can say that you do exhibit control, but what about the mentality of growing children? We really can’t say we don’t care about this just because we assure ourselves that we’ll be responsible of our children’s actions and it’s not our problem. The kid living next door could just as easily make friends with your child/ren and invite him/her to play some games. That may not happen but there are chances it may. We adults are responsible for the environment we leave to our children and to the future generations.
You do realize that most children who get these kinds of games download them off peer to peer networks, right?

Here's my question: how many days do you think it would take after a ban being issued for "banned rape game" torrents to start popping up? One day? Two?

We already know that the controversy over Rapelay has increased interest in the game immensely. It doesn't deserve to become a legend to be passed around.

As for the environment you want future generations to grow up in... well, I write stories that contain some pretty strong sex and violence and expect my adult audience to be able to differentiate the moral elements from the immoral, so clearly my work has no place there either.

Originally Posted by izmosmolnar
That Equalitynow article is a pile of rubbish. I remember it was there when the whole issue emerged, and I had no idea wtf Equalitynow was.
I knew about Equality Now simply because of their connection with Joss Whedon - and by extension pretty much the whole Firefly fanbase. I'm kind of glad I found out about this whole shitstorm before attending any of the charity Serenity screenings that they benefit from - I mean, yeah, it means I miss out on getting to see an awesome movie in a fan filled setting (always the best setting to see a cult classic IMO), but there's no way in heck my money is going to a pro-censorship organization.

I think that people are concentrating on them too much though. Much as I dislike their agenda, I think the witchhunt has taken a life of its own now.

Re: Minori controversy

I'm a bit surprised to see them taking such a proactive stance. But then I remembered people talking about how the anime adaptation of EF Chapter 5 didn't show the a certain character's scars while the game did - so technically they have put out a game where you can have sex with a girl who has lots of scarring from past rape and abuse.

I don't see scarred girls as being on the banned list, which is a good thing... would have been ironic to see a title with what I'd consider (based on the anime adaptation) a strong anti-rape message get caught up in this. Ironic in a really, really depressing way.
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Old 2009-06-27, 10:40   Link #239
Sexy Tornado
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Moonstone are next then it seems:
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Old 2009-06-27, 11:24   Link #240
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Well, I can still get in without doing anything special.
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