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Old 2008-05-13, 07:50   Link #2081
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Where the lava and the waterfall are struck by the shadows
Age: 32
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Originally Posted by Dan the Man View Post
Wow, I've been gone a long, long time. I guess the page 100 stuff left me out of ideas for a while. Well, I've got a good character coming in a while, but for now, I'm glad to present you the worst character I've ever made...
Read at your own risk...

Name: Bud Awesome
Age: 18
Rank: Mega-Kage
Village: Konoha


Bud Awesome came from a special branch of a clan in Konoha that has every kekkei genkai ever known, and are born with mastery of every kind of elemental chakra. He graduated from the ninja academy at age 2, became a jonin three minutes later, and kicked the Hokage's ass before lunch. He spends most of his time laughing at weak people and lifting heavy stuff.

Combat - Bud Awesome has complete mastery of every kind of jutsu, twice over. He doesn't need to perform handsigns because his chakra levels defy any possible manner of measurement. His taijutsu is the best ever, because it just is. Gejutsu, hell, Bud Awesome needs no mind tricks to kick ass, but he's great at all of 'em anyway!!

Custom Jutsu -

Mega Super Ball of Death - Made by Bud Awesome forming a Rasengan on each finger, a Chidori on each toe, and a fireball jutsu shot out of his nose. He smooshes them together, and throws it at the enemy. Dead-ness.

Hyper Shadow Clone - Bud Awesome can make a hundred million billion Shadow Clones. You heard me.

Element-y Jutsu - An attack using all the different types of elemental chakra. It shoots from Bud Awesome's hands, and kills anything it hits. Even dead stuff.

Punch-Yer'-Frikkin'-Guts-Out Jutsu - A super powerful taijutsu. When it hits, you get your frikkin' guts punched out.

Don't say I didn't warn you, because I totally did.
Woot ... when I grow up I want to be just like Bud Awesome 'signs'.

Seriously I can't wait for your next true character.

Hey anyone out there with a working imagination should check this site out: It is a competition thread set up by Zaku.
I have stolen princesses back from sleeping barrow kings. I burned down the town of Trebon. I have spent the night with Felurian and left with both my sanity and my life. I was expelled from the University at a younger age than most people are allowed in. I tread paths by moonlight that others fear to speak of during day. I have talked to Gods, loved women, and written songs that make the minstrels weep.

My name is Kvothe. You may have heard of me.

Last edited by Keikan; 2008-05-13 at 08:11.
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Old 2008-05-14, 05:11   Link #2082
Gamertag: Colossal92
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Walthamstow, London
Age: 31
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Finally had the time 2 log on2 this site and put up my character's info. Please feedback and tell me what u think - would like to hear from EVERYONE...

Name: Shino Masamune
Age: 16
Rank: Tokubetsu Jounin (chakra molding and control, and shinobi-iri breking and entering) - not an official rank; given to him by Daisuke.

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 162lbs

Hair: White, and in the style of Ed Elric from 'Fullmetal Alchemist' (braided ponytail is down to back)
Eyes:Right = sky-blue typical byakugan eye; left = all white byakugan, vertical slash and blue lineswhere byakugan would be black in activation.

Black Ninja jumpsuit( right sleeve is short-sleeved, bandage on right hand up2 elbow); Navy blue tactical ninja vest (absorbs chakra on contact); spike-bottomed sandals. Also, a purple, beaded necklace (weighs a lot, like Rock Lee's ankle weights, but not that heavy)

Playing with water (turning it into ice, and vice-versa; also making ice yo-yos with chakra and using chakra strings to control it - is a signature that he is disguised as a character), playing the Ocarina, 'Shadow' boxing (fighting his own shadow clones lol)

Kunai (3)
Explosive tags (5 - on a scroll patch sown into his vest)
Black Widow (pun on Shino's fear of Spiders - on a scroll) - Shino uses Ice chakra to change 3 its dimensions; can be morphed into nodachi, odachi, or even yakatana (ninja shortsword) - usually used as yakatana because Shino prefers hand-to-hand combat.

Kekkei-genkai:Called 'Severed' Byakugan by Shino (refering to the slash on his eye - more on that l8r - allows him to not only see the chakra circulatory sytem, but also see his opponents chakra affnity, and thus predict the kind of jutsu he/she will use); also has Hyoton ( 'Ice Release' - like Haku) inherited from mother.

Personality: Believes that justice can only be truly achieved by revenge - and revenge mut be achieved, at what cost he is unsure... Never underestimates an opponent because of any handicaps (like Rock Lee for example); nonethelss, is a bit too confident in his abilities, making him sometimes let down his guard.

History (kind of adapted the storline, so...):

Suppose the Hyuga brothers were supposed to be triplets, but the third was born stillborn - at least that's what the doctors thought (this is why everyone, even the elders, think the Hyuga Clan consists of only a main and a branch family). He was found, crying in a medical bin by a traveller (Daisuke) who was on his way to the Hidden Mist village. There, Shino's father (also Shino) was brought up. Daisuke slowly realised that Shino the older was a Byakugan family member, but kept it quiet from him. So, Shino grew up. He fell in love with a member of Haku's family (her name was Petal). However, peace would not prosper. Hinata's father learned of Shino, the surviving member - and decided to have him killed, rather than accept him into the family. @ the same time, Haku's father was banding up family members to kill carriers of Haku's bloodline limit - carriers like Petal. When foreign ninja entered the village, Daisuke knew what would happen. He briefly told Shino and Petal what was happening, and gave Shino a stolen scroll with which he could practice the Juuken Taijutsu Style. Petal and Shino ran away to the Village Hidden in the Snow, and Daisuke held off the attackers. He died bravely.

Life was normal for some time, and Petal was expecting a baby, Shino the younger. However, by this time, Hiashi Hyuga had learned Older Shino had survived, and where he was staying. In order to save Shino, Petal forcefully had her baby premature. Older (Shino), knowing they would both die, gave the baby to a random passer-by. 'Name him Shino' he said as he shoved it in his arms, and returned to the village before the traveller knew what hit him. Older returned to find his wife dead, and 3 ninja standing over her body. He killed two of them, before being impaled from behind by the 3rd. As he was dying, he pulled himself off the blade,turned around, and bit the attacker in the neck. Whilst he had a firm grip (with his teeth), he placed an explosive tag on his forehead, knowing it would spell the end for both of them. 'My son,' was his last thought as he detonated it...

Older had also given the traveller the scroll, with which he could teach Shino (now the only) the fundamentals of Juuken taijustsu. So, he grew up in the weapon makers village - that was where the traveller (also named Daisuke, coincidence?) was headed for retirement. - under the name Masamune, to protect his identity. Being the only nin, he was popular among both girls and boys. Since there was no academy, Shino had 1-to-1 lessons, which helped him develop much faster than most nin his age. He excelled in his Hyoton abilities, which he himself developed alone. 10 years passed, and an academy was set up.

Unfortunately, peace never prevails in a Masamune's life, and a band of employed ninja attempted to terrorise the Weapon Makers into making them armour for free. Daisuke, Shino, and some other companions that came with them during the travel, held them off, but Daisuke was now an old man, and not as good a fighter as he was. He died in Shino's arms, after having killed 12 of the 20 nin sent. Shino's right hand was cut off, and replaced with Daisuke's, then covered with a special bandage so it would look normal. Enraged, Shino felt he must avenge his master's death, and had to leave the village. Before leaving, he was given: an operation that linked muscles to flaps, and to his chakra stream, allowing him to emit ice shakra from two holes below his wrist; the clothes he wears today, as well as a black kanji symbol; a tattoo on his back, called ten - meaning 'beyond human'.

So Shino left and became a mercenary to gain money. He did this for about 3 years (he is now 13) and was very successful - he used his age to his advantage. One mission, however, reduired him to return to his old village and racover a fabled sword. On returnin, he did not fight villagers, but calmly asked for it. An old woman presented him wioth the sword and he was on his way. When he rached the gates, she said something that stopped him in his tracks: 'Don't give it to him. The man. Your employer. This sword was meant for you and you alone. he has sent some nin to kill you, and take the sword without paying you. Beware'. Heeding her advice, he left the village.

As was foretold, he was confronted by a gang of 5 nin; the same nin that had killed Daisuke. He dispatched them quickly, and with no remorse, but was slashed on his left eye by a katana during the fight. The strike would have killed him, had he not whipped his head away in time. This caused his eyesight to slowly worsen, and eventually be non-existent. However, by chanelling chakra to his eye (due to his elite chakra control), he is able to see to an extent - and when he uses Byakugan, it is slightly heightened (like using a lightbulb with a higher voltage than it is suggested to be used with). In the year that followed, since he quit mercenarism (if thats a word), he mastered control of the sword he calls 'Cobalt Queen' and the 'Severed Byakugan', even constructing a fighting style that corresponds to chakra affinity as well as circulation, but is unnamed.

He spent time training, and learning in taverns of how his parents were killed, and Hiashi's evil acts, he decides he will go to the Hidden Leaf Village, with 1 thing in mind...The Destruction of the Hyuga Clan!!!!!


Gentle Fist - Empty Palm
8 Trigrams Rotation
Gentle Fist - Hyuga Bullet (similar to 8 Trigrams Air Palm, but like a machine-gun, and leaves you exposed, as a stance must be taken to make sure recoil doesn,t hurt your arm/ chakra circulatory system)
8 Trigrams - Destructive Rubble Fist

Ice Release - Ice Rampart (Big wall of ice grows from the ground in front of him. Requires water source - spit will do though. Lots of chakra necessary though)
Ice Release - Ice Clone
Ice Release - Ice Sphere Envelope (Big hollow ball of ice around him/ his foe, able to withstand the power of 1000 Zanbatos, inside and outside. Lots of Chakra required, and easy to dodge if u know what signs to look for, like a circle of water appearing on the ground beneath you).

Ice Release: Piercing Ice Fang (Traps target in a circular torrent of crushing, ice-cold water; similar to Itachi's Water Fang, but freezes on contact)

Ghost Clone (clone made of raw dense chakra, very agile - requires good breathing and elite chakra control;clones can be destroyed easily, as they explode upon contact with anything)

Binding Ghost Clones (many specially constructed ghost clones fix opponent to ground)

Ghost Shell Dispersion ( Ghost Clones explode, heavily damaging nearby targets - usually performed within ice sphere, and with binding ghosts, so the opponent almost always dies)

Corruption/Assasin Fist - Black Palm (version of Gentle Fist using dark chakra rather than normal - implants bits of your chakra into the opponents chakra system as 'clots')

Secret Technique (Clot activation) - Infinite Nightmare (Using his chakra implanted in his opponents system, he is able to search their brain, uncover his opponents worst fears and cause Genjutsu concerning to occur;normally has an acute effect, to the point where his opponent can suffer brain trauma and haemorrage without and external cause)

Corruption Outburst - Great Rendering Warp Fist (Using elite chakra control and 2 years of dark chakra mastery, Shino cups his hands with them at his far hip, like kamehameha, and uses his dark chakra to compress the air around his hands, then a shell of chakra around this, resulting in a controled 'black hole'. He then thrusts his hands into his opponent, putting the black hole inside them. The black hole then pulls in all of the opponents organs, then eventually the opponent itself, leaving no trace of him/her whatsoever. Uses up all of Shino's remaining chakra, causing him to pass out. Have to be within reaching distance.

Corruption Outburst - Cadaver Biju Resurrection ( Using his dark chakra, Shino can resurrect the 3 HEADED wyvern - which decided to harness its power as heads rather than tails - as a skeletal wyvern that uses his chakra to form attacks. Requires a sacrifice, but clones will do. Hard to control and user will tend to slip into a semi-coma, where they cannot control their own actions, and their bad side takes over, causing mass death of friends and foes alike. Extremely volatile technique that should not be underestimated.)

Phew!! Took quite long to think up; ages of research - and are saviours!!!
Have not finished the story yet though...will make future posts to reveal what happens...


Last edited by HeavensWrath; 2008-05-27 at 08:05. Reason: Does it really matter? It's my post anyway...MINE!!!!
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Old 2008-05-14, 19:43   Link #2083
Ryuu Kygro
Curse Seal level 7 Ninja
Join Date: May 2007
Location: In the darkest shadow of the darkest point in the darkest corner in the fifth corner of the world.
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This is an expantion on an idea form a while ago.
that bloodline limt the could copy other bloodline limt's
it can only copy other eye bloodline limits and the copyed limit must be being used when copied.
peace all
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Old 2008-05-15, 19:49   Link #2084
Ha ha ha ha ha...
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Right behind you.
Age: 35
Here's another one of my creations, made especially for the Naruto Character Creation Contest May 2008. The theme is Water Users.

Name (surname, given name): Itokawa Daisuke (糸川 大輔)
Sex: male
Age: 17
Affiliation: Takigakure (“Village Hidden in the Waterfall”), in the Land of the Waterfall.
Height: 5'9"
Eye / Hair Color: Brown / Black
Clan/Additional Affiliation(s): Itokawa Clan, Saito Kazuya (斎藤 和哉, chuunin)
Sensei (surname, given name): Kawada Mizuko (川田 水子, jounin)
Squadmates (surname, given name):Oka Kaito (岡 海翔, chuunin) and Shimazu Miyu (島津 美結, chuunin)
Class/Rank: None/Chuunin
Kekkei Genkai (Bloodline Limit): N/A
Elemental Affinity: Water
Contract Summoning: Otter
Preferred Weapon(s): Kunai knives and explosive tags, six-foot long wax wood staff, tanto (hidden).
Usual Attire / Appearance: Daisuke wears the standard Takigakure blue flak jacket, grey fatigues, and headband stamped with the village symbol. He wears black leather fingerless gloves with plates inscribed with the village symbol, as well.
Miscellaneous: Daisuke is largely a ninjutsu user, but he is quite skilled at taijutsu as well. He shows almost zero aptitude for genjutsu, although has trained to be able to break it. He keeps his tanto in a hidden sheath on his back, and only draws it either when he really needs or to take the enemy by surprise in the middle of a fight. It can’t stand up to too many direct impacts because it is somewhat thin. He has a thin scar on his right hand shaped like a backwards “L”, a result from the surgery he had to have on his hand after he broke it during the Chuunin Exams.

Daisuke’s life growing up as a child was not much different from any other child’s growing up in a village full of shinobi. He attended the Academy when he came of age, and eventually graduated with his team, which was Takigakure Team Four along with his teammates Kaito Oka and Miyu Shimazu.

When the Chuunin Exams in Konohagakure (“Hidden Leaf Village”) took place, the Team Four genins competed, but they and the other Takigakure group that attended the Chuunin Exams didn’t even make it to the third stage of the examinations. Stinging with failure, they spent the next two years training hard for the next Chuunin Exams. They made it, if only barely. Daisuke broke his hand in the middle of his final match in the exam’s final stage, after he attempted to stab his opponent with his tanto. He only succeeded in nicking his opponent’s shoulder, and the tanto’s thin blade snapped and the force of the attempt broke his hand and wrist. He was able to fight his opponent to a standstill, and the match was declared a draw when neither could go on fighting any longer. The resulting surgery to fix his hand left a scar on the top of his hand where the thumb meets the wrist.

His teammates beat their opponents rather handily because their water type jutsu had an advantage over the fire-type ninjutsu their opponents used.

Daisuke has always been the weakest on the team, but nevertheless strives to better himself, if for no reason other than he doesn’t want to burden his teammates. He also is set on being better than his sensei, Mizuko Kawada, whose tough training always pushes Daisuke to his limits. She trains with Daisuke often because she understands his desire to become stronger, but also worries that his impetuous behavior might get the better of him one day and put the squad in hot water, so to speak.

Water Style Techniques (Ninjutsu):
Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu ("Water Clone Technique") - Forms clones out of water, which are much like any other type of clone technique (e.g. shadow/rock/mist clones). They are typically destroyed with one hit. Depending on how many are made (Daisuke can make as many as 3 at a time), the chakra consumption is low to high. E-rank, supplementary, all ranges. Hand Signs: Tiger, Ox, Dragon

Mizu Shuriken no Jutsu (“Water Shuriken Technique”) - Creates a shuriken out of water and hurls it at an enemy. Works best if he is near an open body of water (e.g. a lake or a spring). Otherwise, it takes a lot of chakra to conjure it. D-rank, offensive, all ranges. Hand Signs: Tiger, Dragon, Snake, Rooster

Tajuu Mizu Shuriken no Jutsu (“Mass Water Shuriken Technique”) - Sends out more than one water shuriken, but requires exponentially increasing amounts of chakra because he also has to control their flight, making sure they don’t break apart mid-flight. Naturally, this requires a lot of concentration. The user is quite vulnerable to direct attacks while performing this jutsu. Chakra consumption is moderate to high, depending on the amount made and if there is a body of water nearby to provide the water. C-rank, offensive, all ranges. Hand Signs: (Tiger, Ox)*, Snake, Rooster
* Note: This section is repeated for each Water Shuriken created.

Suiton: Suirou no Jutsu (“Water Release: Water Prison Technique”) - A technique that utilizes water to imprison an opponent. The ninja forms the necessary hand seals which causes the water to form around the target into a spherical prison which only allows for very limited movement. Susumu must keep their body touching the water prison to maintain the technique. If the contact is broken, the water falls away and the target is released. When combined with a clone technique, Susumu can have the clone or himself maintain the water prison while the other attacks. C-rank, supplementary, very short range (0-1m). Hand Signs: Sheep, Snake, Tiger, Rabbit, Snake, Dragon, Rabbit, Rooster (must keep in contact with water prison to maintain technique)

Suiton: Mizurappa ("Water Release: Violent Water Wave") - After performing the necessary hand signs, the Daisuke fires a very powerful jet of water from his mouth. This attack is extremely powerful up close, and easily has the power to break bones if the target is within ten meters. It has the approximate power of a very strong punch if further away. B-rank, offensive, short to mid-range (0-10m). Hand Signs: Rat, Dragon, Rooster, Horse

Suiton: Mizu no Uzu no Jutsu ("Water Release: Water Vortex Technique") - This technique utilizes water to create a spinning tornado of water that surrounds the user. This technique is an effective defense and can be a powerful attack mechanism if the ninja sends the top of the vortex crashing down around him. The water rotates with enough speed to knock an enemy unconscious. Chakra consumption is average, but increases the longer the technique is held (due to the vortex eventually becoming unstable). A-rank, defensive/offensive, all ranges. Hand Signs: Tiger, Ox, Monkey, Rabbit, Ram, Boar, Ox, Horse, Monkey, Tiger, Dog, Tiger, Snake, Tiger, Ox, Monkey, Rabbit, Rooster

Other Ninjutsu:
Kuchiyose no Jutsu ("Summoning Technique") – Daisuke can summon otters to fight with him. He cannot yet summon the “boss otter”, Atsuo (厚尾), but can summon smaller ones that still prove to be useful. They use a Water Style technique called Mizu Tsume no Jutsu (Water Claw Technique) that forms three large spikes out of water and rakes them across the opponent several times. These claws made out of water are not as sharp as say, Wind Style ninjutsu, but can still put a good dent in rock. The otters are most effective in or near water. Their performance suffers greatly on dry land.

Other Little Factoids:
Hit: Sweets
Miss: Spicy food
Favorite Food: Chocolate bars
Least Favorite Food: Curry
Goals: To surpass his sensei, Kawada Mizuko, become a jounin
Favorite Pasttime: Diving and swimming, of course!

Spoiler for Waterfall Village Symbol:

Last edited by Spectacular_Insanity; 2008-07-21 at 20:25.
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Old 2008-05-17, 22:44   Link #2085
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Where the lava and the waterfall are struck by the shadows
Age: 32
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Hey did anyone see that tumbleweed that just rolled across the thread??

Well anyway I have soon jutsus' I'll throw up on .. I mean throw up on to thread soon. I have been doing some serious creating lately but it's for my eyes only. I do have a character in the works but it is just that, a WIP. Soon hopefully it'll ready but it is second priority.
I have stolen princesses back from sleeping barrow kings. I burned down the town of Trebon. I have spent the night with Felurian and left with both my sanity and my life. I was expelled from the University at a younger age than most people are allowed in. I tread paths by moonlight that others fear to speak of during day. I have talked to Gods, loved women, and written songs that make the minstrels weep.

My name is Kvothe. You may have heard of me.

Last edited by Keikan; 2008-05-19 at 04:11.
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Old 2008-05-18, 14:39   Link #2086
Homless Shadow
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: England
Age: 31
Hmph. Amazing... I've been away for so long... so long there are more people I DON'T know than I do.... But; no time like the present, and I have two special jutsu's for you.

Forbidden Technique : Vampiric Embrace
Katoso grabs his opponent by the neck, as if he were strangling them. He then lifts them into the air and grabs VERY tightly, to prevent them escaping. Katoso's fingernails become claws, puncturing the opponents neck, and connect to their inner blood/chakra stream. Then Katoso begins draining the opponent, regaining health and chakra, at the opponents expense. The move is forbidden because it also drains the opponents memories, their personality, their liveliness, some even say it drains a persons soul. The technique doent usually kill the opponent, but leaves them so close to death a simple punch could.

Forbidden Technique : Blood Ritual of the Mortal Demon
While most Jinchuriki and Bijuu's work seperately, with either one or the other controlling the body at once, this technique allows both the host and the Bijuu's chakra to mould together completely. This means the Jinchuriki has not only his full power, but the demons aswell, all combined. The Users appearance changes dramatically, usually transforming into a humanoid animal, depending on the Bijuu. The side-effects are that the user, although in relative control of their actions, does have impulses that their Bijuu would have.
This jutsu was banned from ALL nations, after realizing that a jinchuriki with this jutsu could become so powerful they could send the world into chaos if they wanted, with all that power.
(This jutsu is only really used by a jinchuriki is backed into a corner and is fighting to live against the akatsuki, etc.)

Yes... anyway, I havent been posting due to other things going on, such as exams... *spits on the ground*
But, I copied these techniques from a pretty much brand new naruto rp website, where OC's are just accepted, their mandatory. I usually post stuff there, so I'm hardly online here anymore... Anyway, on the website the sooner you join, the better rank you could get.
Think about it, and I'd be glad to see you there.
Heres the Link;

Last edited by The_Dark_One; 2008-05-18 at 14:43. Reason: Linking
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Old 2008-05-18, 21:38   Link #2087
six tailed wolf
Prince of Fang
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: charlotte NC
Age: 30
Oh boy; I haven't been on this site for a good few months

>=D and oh how I have become so much better at making jutsus! I'll start with the jutsus and then I'll get into my newer characters, it's gunna take a while remembering all these new guys...

Oh, and for those of you that remember me, Raiten and Yama and Yamatano have been modified to hell and back(so has everyone else, but mostly them) as well as a few new characters

Anyways, lets start with an old jutsu that I modified a bit
anybody remember me? probably not, oh well XD
Triple Threat- Used to be a summoning technique, now it had a combo in it too:
The user changes the molecular composition of the landmass below hmi/her and changes a good amount of it into a deep pool of water, then, with a nip on the thumb, he/she slides the bloodied finger across the water and performs a few handseals(Haven't decided which ones) with one hand, summoning 3 large sharks, two of them go under water, the other one he/she jumps on and surfs, he/she then animates the water around the opponent creating a prison of water, the 2 sharks from below Pull him under and the user flips into the air off the third shark, whom goes underwater to help feast on the enemy, then all three of the sharks zipline upwards shooting the opponent out of the water and the user dropkicks him back in, reanimating the water back into ground

This is now an S rank move instead of it's previous A(I think?) Rank, mastering the basics of this technique alone take years of vigorous training, therefore most water users don't bother learning it because it takes too much effort

Rasengan Ball: A simple move, the user simultaneously creates a burst of rotating chakra, and uts off the chakra at the same time, allowing him/her to throw it without it bursting into a blast of wind, this can be infused with the wind element(Tornado Ball) Water(Hurricane Ball) or Ice(Compact Storm)

Rasengan Bullet: The 'Mastered' move of Rasengan Ball, it uses a forceful chakra to blast the rasengan at higher speeds then the Rasengan Ball, this can also be mixed with any element for catastrophic results

Polarity Reverse: this is a very unigue lightning technigue, in that it makes it so that the polarity of an object is reversed
Magnetism: Another odd lightning technigue that makes every magnetic to whatever the user wants
Impact II: This is a unique technique in that the user fires an invisible blast of 'something' at the opponent, sending them forcefully into a wall or something

The Four Beasts Summoning(Alright, I changed them a bit, but thats cuz I didn't like Beast of the Sky or Beast of the Caves, they werem't workin out for me): though most people can NEVER learn to summon ALL 4 at once, this is a very powerful set of summonings
Beast of the Forest: A giant white tiger impervious to any and all objects of metal, though it's major weakness is liquid(but most people wouldn't think this)
Beast of the Mountain: an odd Yeti-like creature, it looks like a giant white ape with blue hands(Like the hulk's, except blue lolz) and feet, it has yellow eyes and ablue face, it's fangs, which resemble a sabretooth's fangs, are made of ice, and it's claws are made of ice; it is truly a dangerous creature to be up against
Beast of the Desert: This creature is dangerous, it is truly a giant scorpion with unbreakable shells and a stinger the width of a tank shell, however, it can control sand, therefore it assumes the shape of a Sand Golem, thus making it seem like it is immortal, because the scorpion is in the heart of the sand
Beast of the Swamp: A HUGE crocodile, this creatures scales are literally unbreakable blades

I'll add more later :P

Bored much... I'll add Tallith!!! (As you can see, I have matured more, where I don't give my characters 5 dif elements and 100+ technigues)
Name: Tallith
Age: 21
Rank: Unknown(He is not part of any village, nor was he raised in an Academy, so his rank is not known)
Village: Unknown where he came from
Element: Fire
Appearance: He has long red hair tied into a long pony tail from the base of his neck to his thigh, he wears a black tanktop with a red black and white overshirt ontop of it, the shirt has a dragon design on it as well, he wears white jeans and black sandals, he has no headband(Neither does his brother)
Signature Jutsu: Salamandra's Tongue, a brother jutsu of his younger brother's jutsu, when combined and charged 100%, it can take out a whole army, though the 100% charge takes 4 minutes, after which both brothers are exhausted and can barely hold a stance, alone, this attack creates a trail of fire in the shape of a dragon that circles his hand, when he fires it, it is like a strike of lightning, except it lights what it touches on fire too
Jutsus: Red Hot Touch: A move developed after a Hyuuga member he fought, which he defeated, a Palm attack, which after it strikes a solid object, it releases a high power blast of fire from the hand in the form of chakra, burning the chakra respiratory system and organs

Cinnamon Mist: A special technigue he developed which requires insane precision, the attack is similar to Sakura Blizzard, except that it does not require an exploding tag, nor does it require any real trouble to use, the cinnamon flows in the air, and after it is breathed in, Tallith uses his fire nature to ignite the cinnamon, burning the lungs of anyone who breath it in, and probably causing them to burst into flames

Chakra Fire: A purely untamed version of red hot touch, used on accident before he mastered red hot touch, this attack is uncontrollable, but it is almost always fatal to whomever it touches, it burns the chakra systems of those who touch it, and it tends to ignite other chakra, especially eart nature chakra, causing them to instantly be wiped of their chakra

Incindiary Snakes: using wires, and mild puppetry skill, the user controls the wires, while lighting them on fire, and makes them act like snakes

Summoning: Draego: Summons a dragon made entirely of flames, the creature is uncontrollable and goes on a rampage

Lance of Cinders: This technigue is especially strong after the Cinnamon Mist technigue, it creates a spear of fire which seems to have hardened pieces of magma as a handle and inside of the flames

Other Basic Fire Techniques, such as Fire Dragon and Balsam Spread and thats stuff

I am more into designing original stuff now, but I still love making Jutsus XD

Last edited by six tailed wolf; 2008-05-19 at 14:04.
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Old 2008-05-19, 06:17   Link #2088
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Well, my USB died so I lost my latest characters and jutsu.
I have stolen princesses back from sleeping barrow kings. I burned down the town of Trebon. I have spent the night with Felurian and left with both my sanity and my life. I was expelled from the University at a younger age than most people are allowed in. I tread paths by moonlight that others fear to speak of during day. I have talked to Gods, loved women, and written songs that make the minstrels weep.

My name is Kvothe. You may have heard of me.
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Old 2008-05-19, 14:03   Link #2089
six tailed wolf
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Next, I'll add Tallith's younger brother, Killik!!! Also, I am about to modify Tallith and add in a decription f him, as well as his special weapons

Name: Killik
Age: 15
Rank: Unknown
Village: Unknown
Element: Lightning
Appearance: He is always listening to music, so he has headphones on all the time, his hair is a bright yellow and his eyes are a wild yellow as well, he is very immature for his age, but funny and well trained for fighting, what he lacks in chakra control he makes up for in pure chakra potency; he tends to wear baggy pants with a yellow tanktop with a black dragon design on it
Signature Jutsu: Lightning Basilisk: A very weak move, but when paired with Salamandra's tongue, it is truly a worthy technique fit for a god, the attack, when used by itself, really only sends a voltage of chakra-like lightning through the enemy, which damages their bloodflow, chakra flow and coordination for a few minutes
Static Cling: He made this jutsu for comedic reasons originally, though now it is very useful, with a snap of his fingers, whomever he touches USED to have clothes cling to them, NOW practically anything will come flying at the person he touches, making it a funny, but dangerous technique
Sparky: This is the only jutsu he can use that requires good chakra control, it creates a creature made of lightning and the creature charges at the enemy, it looks a lot like a Stag
Zeus' Spear: A useful summoning technique which summons a lightning bolt which only Killik can carry
Thor's Hammer: Similar to Zeus' Spear but it is made of metal and CONTROLS lightning
Spirit of Thunder: A very powerful technique that basically just releases all of the user's chakra in a wild uncontrollable rampage, in the shape of an awesome serpentine dragon made of lightning
Calling of the Storm: Using the storm around him, the user calls down the power of NATURE'S thunder, using NO chakra at all
All Naruto Lightning Jutsus also

Weapons: He has a hammer which he rarely uses, it is unliftable by anyone else due to some curse placed upon it
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Old 2008-05-20, 04:49   Link #2090
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Originally Posted by six tailed wolf View Post
Next, I'll add Tallith's younger brother, Killik!!! Also, I am about to modify Tallith and add in a decription f him, as well as his special weapons

Name: Killik
Age: 15
Rank: Unknown
Village: Unknown
Element: Lightning
Appearance: He is always listening to music, so he has headphones on all the time, his hair is a bright yellow and his eyes are a wild yellow as well, he is very immature for his age, but funny and well trained for fighting, what he lacks in chakra control he makes up for in pure chakra potency; he tends to wear baggy pants with a yellow tanktop with a black dragon design on it
Signature Jutsu: Lightning Basilisk: A very weak move, but when paired with Salamandra's tongue, it is truly a worthy technique fit for a god, the attack, when used by itself, really only sends a voltage of chakra-like lightning through the enemy, which damages their bloodflow, chakra flow and coordination for a few minutes
Static Cling: He made this jutsu for comedic reasons originally, though now it is very useful, with a snap of his fingers, whomever he touches USED to have clothes cling to them, NOW practically anything will come flying at the person he touches, making it a funny, but dangerous technique
Sparky: This is the only jutsu he can use that requires good chakra control, it creates a creature made of lightning and the creature charges at the enemy, it looks a lot like a Stag
Zeus' Spear: A useful summoning technique which summons a lightning bolt which only Killik can carry
Thor's Hammer: Similar to Zeus' Spear but it is made of metal and CONTROLS lightning
Spirit of Thunder: A very powerful technique that basically just releases all of the user's chakra in a wild uncontrollable rampage, in the shape of an awesome serpentine dragon made of lightning
Calling of the Storm: Using the storm around him, the user calls down the power of NATURE'S thunder, using NO chakra at all
All Naruto Lightning Jutsus also

Weapons: He has a hammer which he rarely uses, it is unliftable by anyone else due to some curse placed upon it
A tad powerful for 15 don't you think?? I have a few questions. I was just wondering what's with the very non-Japanese names in a Japanese anime? Not too mention the references to greek and norse gods ... Zeus and Thor, I wouldn't think they would exactly pop up as a common place in a Buddhist Japan. I know that Hidan has his weird ass religion but even the main god of that religion is Japanese. Basilisks?? Another greek myth.

I'm sorry about this but it just seems unusual to me having out of place gods and myths like that.

EDIT: I juts re-read it. WHAT"S WITH THE 'Calling of the Storm' THING?? THE BOY IS FIFTEEN AND HE HAS A TECHNIQUE LIKE THAT?? That is so OP. No to mention the 'Spirit of Thunder' thing. And then there's the hammer. Geez, that is way more OP than I thought.
I have stolen princesses back from sleeping barrow kings. I burned down the town of Trebon. I have spent the night with Felurian and left with both my sanity and my life. I was expelled from the University at a younger age than most people are allowed in. I tread paths by moonlight that others fear to speak of during day. I have talked to Gods, loved women, and written songs that make the minstrels weep.

My name is Kvothe. You may have heard of me.

Last edited by Keikan; 2008-05-20 at 05:00.
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Old 2008-05-20, 15:15   Link #2091
six tailed wolf
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Now, if my computer will last long enough for me to explain, then I will

I have Japanese names, but I sorta ran out of ideas for japanese names after about the hundreth character
Not to mention the characters can't have the same name as any story I am working on(I already pulled a booboo by naming Tallith Tallith because he is in a story I am working on)
Who said all characters had to have japanese names anyways? No rules against it
Again, who said gods can't be out of place?

I have a few over powered people; these TWO happen to be 2 of the 4 most powerful that I have made in the past few months, the rest of them are rather weak
Calling of the Storm can only be used in a thunder storm, it is utterly useless other then that
Spirit of Thunder uses EVERY ounce of chakra the kid has(Thus, he instantly passes out)

All of his techniques are pretty much one shot attacks; kinda like he only has Aces, no regular card numbers

This alone is already a major disadvantage, if he missed he's screwed on practically ALL of his techniques

I like doing the out of the ordinary, having their advantage be their disadvantage as well

I also like going against the grain when it comes to inventing characters

Sorry, no idea what OP means lolz

the teenage area is just where the body begins to reall develop, after 21 the body MOSTLY begins to deteriorate at a VERY slow rate; thus I felt it fitting for him to progress like that, as he gets older, his techniques weaken exponentially, and after 21 he can't even use the Spirit of Thunder technique anymore

I probably should have explained in my last post, seeing as I knew somebody would take note of it Oh well, my computer was freezing up(and still is) So I just posted it as fast as I could type it

Plus, I forgot to mention that that hammer(the regular one, not Zeus' Hammer) saps his chakra as long as his hand is in contact with it

Zeus' Hammer is like Reika's(or whoever his name is) little dagger things, they basically can redirect where the lightning should strike, thats what I meant by control(Not like he can make it do loopdy loops and stuff, that would be wierd lol)

Oh, and the Basilisk, well... I didn't like the sound of lightning snake... Lightning serpent, thunder snak, thunder serpent, spark serpent, spark snake, static snake, static serpent,

In the end, it was either Lightning Basilisk or Lightning Serpent, Lightning Basilisk sounded better in my opinion, so I chose it

Bad explanations on my part; sorry for the inconvenience lol

I'll be sure to better explain the characters later one, my bad XP

EDIT: Forgot to mention, him also always listening to music puts him at a disdvantage too, headphones=muffled hearing Loud music=Distraction
He has an odd obsession with music

Last edited by six tailed wolf; 2008-05-20 at 15:16. Reason: One more flaw
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Old 2008-05-21, 11:59   Link #2092
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Originally Posted by JeyaniOchuuga View Post
Name:Jeyani Ochuuga
Blood Type:AZ
Home:Land Of Waves, Village Hidden in The Mist.
Kekkai Genkai:None.

Appearance:Jeyani Wears His Mist Village headband hanging from his Neck. His Hair is Black and has Darkblue Streaks through his bangs. His Bangs are Hanging from the left side of his face and its reaches his Chin.His eyes are Black but in the lgiht he has NavyBlue Eyes. he wears a Black short sleeve dress shirt with a DarkBlue Thermal LongSleeve under. He Wears Black Shorts and Is Right Handed. He uses Kunai and Shuriken but he usually prefers Senbon. He wears typical Ninja Training Shoes.

Story:Jeyani lives a normal life as a Chuunin in the Village Hidden in the Mist. His team members are Loki and Jendo. Hes successfully done 41 D Rank Missions 29 C Rank Missions 12 B Rank Missions 2 A Rank missions and No S Rank.
his Squad Leaders name is Huri. A Master in Genjutsu. He has a full family With both parents and a Sister name Kryn(Kuh-Rin). Neither of His family are Ninja except His Father Henka. a Jounin.

Personality:Very Cheerful, Caring, and Quiet most of the time.

Likes: Going to the Dumpling shop for dinner almost eveyr day. Watching the stars on his Roof.(He lives in a 3 story house with a patio where he likes to go eveyr night. Hanging with his frends in front of the Bathing Spa.

Dislikes: People who Label or judge him. Misunderstand what hes saying and stutters when they talk to him. mostly girls. People who do Fire type Jutsus.

He Trains In TaiJutsu and NinJutsu.
He does basically Ice Type Jutsus.
His Idol is Haku. Which Explains Why he does Ice Type Jutsus.

Made Up Jutsus and regular Jutsus:

He knows all of the Academy Level Jutsus.

Ice Style. Frozen Ice Sphere
Description: When he shoots his ice sphere the longer it takes to hit the bigger it gets. its a homing jsutsu so the opponent cant run away from it unless there really smart.
Advantages: Freezes the area the sphere hits. Depending on the area their at.
Disadvantages: The Ice is controlled by the Chakra of the user. When the Chakra Runs out or the user releases the jutsu the opponent becomes unconcious.

Ice Mirror Jutsu
Description: Creates a dome of ice Mirrors that depending on the Shinobi who cast this jutsu eliminates the opponent before he can get out.
Advantages: Senbon can make the job easier In eliminating the opponent. Nothing can penetrate the Ice Mirrors.
Disadvantages: When the opponent gets out its is easier for him/her to attack the user from behind the mirrors.

Ice Style, Ice Chronicles
Description: When Jeyani releases this Jutsu a life or Death decision and torture comes forth to the opponent and jeyani.but the tortue part doesnt effect jeyani. a Giant Ice Dome forms around the opponent and a small ice dome surrounds jeyani on top of the bigger dome. The Ice becomes Dry Ice and Shocks the opponent at contact. there are 3 steps to the torture.
1stStep: Ice Tipped Senbon go through the Dome and if hits the opponent. whatever organ or body form it has hit it will freeze at contact.
2ndStep: Jeyani Gives the offer for the opponent to forfit the match or fight. If not, then Jeyani Creates a Chilling Fog, goes into the Dome and does Hand to Hand combat with the opponent. When Jeyani feels hes done he goes up into the smaller dome.(Jeyani is the only one that can enter that small dome)
3rdStep: Jeyani finally warns the opponent that they will die after the this attack giving the opponent the option to forfit the match or fight. If not, then a Thick Hail with Senbon in it Blizzards and thats the end of the opponent.
Advantages: Can kill the opponent during this Jutsu.
Disadvantages: Fire Type Jutsus can often melt the opponent depending the level of the fire.

Summoning Jutsu. Death Dragon Of Ice.
Jeyani is the only Ninja who can summon this Ice Dragon. Jeyani uses the Dragon to make his Jutsus bigger such as the Frozen Ice Sphere or the Ice Chronicles.
Advantages: This Dragon Is 91feettall and is indesrtuctable unless Jeyani releases the Jutsu
Disadvantages: This dragon is like a human understands situations and can release itself during a stupid situation.

Please Tell me what i need to work on if you have anything for me to upgrade.
You said that his kekkei--genkai is none, but in order for him to use ice-based jutsu, he would have to mix water and wind-type chakra in his system...he would have to have Hyoton (Ice Release/Style)...Good character though
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Old 2008-05-21, 14:53   Link #2093
six tailed wolf
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Well, in a way, yes you are right Heavens, but the only thing Haku referred to as a Kekkai Genkai is his Ice Mirros(Which is what he said his character had, which is why your right) other characters that are not of the Haku clan have the ability to use Ice techniques, however, only Haku can use the mirrors

I'll add my other 2 strongest characters in a bit(Daisuke and Reia)

Then, I will post my modified versions of Zeak(Reinvented the Ketsueki clan and Zeak is less of a beoch now) Hiyayaka(Modified Jutsus, added more, changed elements), Raiten(Modified clan and stuff), Yama(Changed his elements, clan, and a few minor and major details), Yama's Younger Brother(Differentversion of the original), Yama's Older Brother(New and improved, more moves, stronger then the new Yama), Ark(Changed elements, abilities and weakened him) and all of these peoples(though I didn't post Ark on here, so don't bother looking for him if you are interested in seeing the original, the original was way too strong)

Last edited by six tailed wolf; 2008-05-21 at 14:55. Reason: Added reasons for why I modified each character; I'll add them soon
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Old 2008-05-21, 15:01   Link #2094
six tailed wolf
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Originally Posted by Dan the Man View Post
Wow, I've been gone a long, long time. I guess the page 100 stuff left me out of ideas for a while. Well, I've got a good character coming in a while, but for now, I'm glad to present you the worst character I've ever made...
Read at your own risk...

Name: Bud Awesome
Age: 18
Rank: Mega-Kage
Village: Konoha


Bud Awesome came from a special branch of a clan in Konoha that has every kekkei genkai ever known, and are born with mastery of every kind of elemental chakra. He graduated from the ninja academy at age 2, became a jonin three minutes later, and kicked the Hokage's ass before lunch. He spends most of his time laughing at weak people and lifting heavy stuff.

Combat - Bud Awesome has complete mastery of every kind of jutsu, twice over. He doesn't need to perform handsigns because his chakra levels defy any possible manner of measurement. His taijutsu is the best ever, because it just is. Gejutsu, hell, Bud Awesome needs no mind tricks to kick ass, but he's great at all of 'em anyway!!

Custom Jutsu -

Mega Super Ball of Death - Made by Bud Awesome forming a Rasengan on each finger, a Chidori on each toe, and a fireball jutsu shot out of his nose. He smooshes them together, and throws it at the enemy. Dead-ness.

Hyper Shadow Clone - Bud Awesome can make a hundred million billion Shadow Clones. You heard me.

Element-y Jutsu - An attack using all the different types of elemental chakra. It shoots from Bud Awesome's hands, and kills anything it hits. Even dead stuff.

Punch-Yer'-Frikkin'-Guts-Out Jutsu - A super powerful taijutsu. When it hits, you get your frikkin' guts punched out.

Don't say I didn't warn you, because I totally did.

LOLZ this thing made me rofl;

sorry, I couldn't help but double post, seeing as this has NOTHING whatsoever to do with my previous post, if that's a problem sorries I'm a teenage writer, I'm used to posting a post as a subject, which is why I am a bit of trouble when it comes to double posting, I'll try not to when I can, but this was too funny to pass up

Anyways, on with the characters; first off, I modified Yama into various stages of his life where dramatic changes occur; so I'll start with the youngest:
Shadow Shift: This is somewhat like Shadow Dance, except for you can move at a much higher speed, it is one of the closest things to teleporting that there is, normally, the user does something he or she can concentrate on such as a snap or a clap, then redirecting that concentration to moving without actually moving, this causes them to move through the shadows around them, when the user wishes to stop, they reinvent the noise they had originally concentrated on
NOTE: this jutsu is one of the ones I made yesterday and I have not fixed it up to where I believe it will work, so don't say it is flawed and stuff, I already know it is
White Fang I: An advanced sword technique that requires no chakra, while it is very powerful, it puts the users fatigue at an all time peak after using it, the user uses their odd white chakra to cloak themselves slightly, making them flash as they move, they appear above the enemy with a white katana in hand and follow through with the flip, in training, experts of this technique have been known to slash mountains in half, though that is notreally required to use it
Black Fang I: Same thing, except you use black chakra to blur your body, you use a black KUNAI and you appear below them at the side and slash straight through, this move can also cut mountains from the base
This is what you'd call the 'normal' Yama, when he was 8, nothing was very significant about him accept for his animal-like way of relentless fighting and his animal like movements
Yama Yurenshi
Age: 8
Appearance: Girl-like silver hair grown long, his body is much more developed due to having to survive and travel to the Storm Village in order to live, he wears a tattered black cloak that is torn slightly in various areas and faded old grey pants
Rank: Genin
Jutsus: Shadow Shurikens, Ice Shurikens, Shadow Clone, Ice Needles, Minor Invisibility(Similar to Naruto's cloak of invisibility, but without the cloak, he cannot move when using it though)
Weapons: A special kunai he made out of a burnt piece of wood that he had when he appeared at the storm village, he put in a yin yang insignia and the kunai apparently has mystical properties, though non of these are known as of yet, in fact, these are never known, after Yama killed his first person(with this weapon) he burned it never to see it again, but he still carries the ashes with him
Background: No memories whatsoever of where he came from or his former training though he remembers his jutsus and instincts, when they found him, his genin headband was scratched and damaged to much to decipher what village it was from

He is a rather skilled lad, he fairs excellently in nature, he is proficient in hunting, survival, fishing, herblore and other various things. Though he is not anywhere near as good as the older ninja(above 12) he is much better then any 11 and below Ninja. He currently lives at the Hospital, mainly because he really shouldn't be training or anything due to various strains and sprains throughout his body, though his youthful cockiness and stubborness causes him to continue anyways. He is fairly skilled at the shadow shuriken technique, though he can only make 2 different 'shadows' at a time, these shadows can actually hit the target surprisingly. It is still unknown how he is able to do this, but this makes him a very reliable genin with a seemingly weak Ace up his sleeve.
His Ice Shurikens and Needles also give him a unique skill, later these useful techniques will branch out into various more powerful forms of each, or just improved versions of the original. He is fairly versed in Shadow Clone as well, though he can only currently make one, he is able to use shadow clones in an expert way(Such as changing them into weapons or to do a surrounding area attack) He is a sneaky kid and likes eavesdropping, so he created the invisibility jutsu after studying chameleons for a few months... he simply told the nurse he was doing an education report on them.

His attitude is very proud and cocky, he is not the best friend, tending to be the prankster in the class. Though his pranks are very well created, and his teacher even commented that he has the works of a trapmaster within him, then again, his pranks are horribly evil, usually involving something very embarassing for the unlucky victim of the trap.

Though he changes throughout his tale, that cocky, childish side of him even shows when he is older, though, not as much

Now for his 14/15 year old phase is the first big change where he remembers a bit of his past andgains new abilities
Yama Yurenshi
Age: 14-15
Appearance: Same length hair with one strand crossing through his blue eyes, he wears a hoodie with a ripped left sleeve revealing a tattoo of a dragon, he wears white shorts and black sandals
Rank: Genin/Chuunin
Jutsus: Shadow Shuriken, Ice Shuriken, Shadow Clone, Ice Needles, Minor Invisibility, Blade of Ice
Weapons: Tattoo does various powers that involve a dragon
Background: He remembers his past filled with ice and 3 familiar voices can be heard in his dreams, other then that, nothing
He is much mor e hyper now due to excess chakra caused by the tatoo which the tatoo's ink is highly chakra potent,causing an extra source of power, he hasn't changed much, other then liking to drink sake illegally and making much more effective traps
His shadow shuriken now make 4 shadows, which if he spends all his time concentrating on them; he can make them home in on a target
His Ice shurikens are more effective due to the redesign of the shape, a three point star with notched tips for the most damage possible from a few shurikens
His Ice needles have small little hooks along the tip making it dangerous to pull them out
Minor Invisibility is the same as it always was
Shadow clone, he can now make 5 different clones
Blade of Ice is an effective technique that can make a sword out of ice, this sword is extremely hard to shatter and thus a surprising tool for a kid of the Storm village to wield

This was a quicky, I will add what the tatoo does in a bit

Last edited by six tailed wolf; 2008-05-22 at 20:27. Reason: Finishing Yama(8 Year Old)
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Old 2008-05-23, 16:13   Link #2095
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I'm new here, and I just found out that you made a storm village. I did the exact same thing. That is so cool.
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Old 2008-05-23, 16:14   Link #2096
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Sorry bout the double post, I just have a question for six tailed wolf. I was just wondering why Yama can't remember his past.
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Old 2008-05-23, 21:23   Link #2097
six tailed wolf
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Lolz, great minds think alike XP
Spoiler for It will spoil my character's plot line if ya read it, but it answers Yondaime's Question:

If you don't want the spoiler, then basically, a demon screwed up his memory
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Old 2008-05-24, 07:34   Link #2098
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Talking A better ninja, then before!

Name: Bella Yumisuki
Sex: female
Age: 16
Rank: Chinnin
Village: Waterfall
Height: 5'7
Weight: 120
Eye color/ hair color: Greenish/bluish, black w/ red streaks
Clan/family name: Yumisuki
Element: Water/wind
Style: Ninjustsu (elusion), Taijustsu (dancing –ballet)
Summoning: Birds
Pet: Has a parrot her name is Ayaka (she sings and talks too) Kind of like Akamaru and Kiba.

Weapons: usual ninja weapons but hardly uses them. Ice stars. Her voice (singing, it controls water, other things.)

Attire / Appearance: Her hair is semi-long, side bangs. Headband on neck. Elbow sleeves fishnet shirt under her spaghetti strap shirt orange color w/ a fish on it. Black skirt and fishnet leggings. She has freckles on her face. She’s half-Japanese and half-Irish

Personality: Active teen that loves having fun, she’s quiet and outgoing at the same time.
Likes: She enjoys animals, her favorites are birds, and sea animals. She loves to sing, and fish with her dad. The water, swimming.
Food- seafood, sushi, cheesecake

Dislikes: Cats and eating chicken.

She used to live in a small old town in the waterfall village. Her mom died when she was born and her dad was a fisherman in the town. Her town relied greatly on the fisherman’s catch for food, resources, etc. But when she was very young about at 5 the fish count was extremely low, and resources were running down. The fisherman had to travel north to get more fish, which wasn’t the safest way, it was extremely risky. Her dad was one of the best fishermen in the town he had to lead the journey up to the north. But Bella was confused about the situation, but she knew that her dad might never return from the trip. She pleaded and pegged him to stay, but he said he had to go. He made a promise to his town to keep it surviving. So he and the others traveled to the north. He was gone for weeks, and there was no sign of them, then one foggy morning there was bodies found on the coast of the town it was only the few of the fishers and Bella father. When Bella heard her dad was safe she was so grateful she didn’t want to lose both her parents.
They got medical attention, as they healed they said that they got caught in a horrible storm. And the boats were destroyed, so the town decides after all this starvation and loss of loved ones. That they would go to the main waterfall village to live there, and maybe get money from jobs in the main village to come back to there town and fix it up and live better. Everyone agreed to the plan so everyone packed their belongings and headed to the village with the permission of the head of the waterfall village and help from ninja. In their town they don’t have ninjas. Many of children saw the ninjas that were helping. They thought they were so cool so Bella and her friends decided to be ninjas to be when they get older and to get money also.

After living at the main waterfall village, for a few years. The town people decided to stay, in the main village.


Bird swam- She summons her bird summons and a big swam appears floating above her head. She lets out I high wail and the bird swoop down and attack you. Ripping you to shreds and biting you with their beaks.

Water voices (only when water is around mostly)-
She starts singing in an opera tone, and her voice put you in a daze. Water slowly lifts into the air swirling in circle slowly growing pace, it then twirls around you violently faster and faster cutting you up but you don’t feel it, it’s a painless death jutus. You think you see birds singing around you when you’re in the daze.

Ice clone-
She makes hands signs and then, water forms a floating block that freezes. It freezes an image of you in its ice block and the ice forms into another you. That ice sculpture of you knows all you technique and such, so it’s ice clone. So you pretty much are fighting yourself.

Ice sculpture-
She makes hands signs and instead of a water block, water plates are formed around you. If you’re image is caught in the plates you get paralyzed, slowly you turn into ice, you are either broken or melt or whatever. It’s kind of like medusa, when you look at her you turn to stone but if you look into the water plates to long you turn to an ice sculpture.

Voice control-
She starts singing a certain way and you get controlled by her voice singing. Depending how she sings is what you do, kill yourself, kill teammate, forfeit whatever is best for the situation.

Title wave-
It's when she is singing higher and higher a big wave forms/grows. Then when the singing stops the waves splashes on the opponent drowning them.

Water clones-
It’s almost like ice clone but there ice scriptures of Bella; they are solid like naruto’s clones. But they last longer then his.

Thousand flying ice shricken-
She jumps in the air and she quickly throws thousands of, ice stars at the opponent(s).
(This one is not really a Justus at all but technique)

Graceful swan lake-
It’s this whole dance like ballet, that the moves she does doesn’t look like fighting but dancing.
She lightly touches her opponent’s pressure points. It’s not like Neji or Hinata’s byuakgun. It’s like the real fighting style where you know where the point are, but this is ballet style.

She transforms Ayaka (her parrot) into a giant parrot. That attacks her opponents too, and she can fly on her parrots back. 4 people can fit on Ayaka’s back.

I think this one is better then my first one. Don’t you think? I like it. :big grin:
I worked hard.
How do you get your ninja’s pic on the post? I don’t know how. I wanted to post a pic I’ve drawn.

Hey, check out MY MANGA IDEA, so i hope u check it out and express your feelings.
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Old 2008-05-24, 08:27   Link #2099
six tailed wolf
Prince of Fang
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: charlotte NC
Age: 30
Well, just thought I'd mention, uif you mean the big water wave thingy, it is tidal, not title, just thought I'd let ya know

and, for putting a picture on, in the quick reply post the options are as follows:
Remove Text Formatting, Bold, Italics, Underline, Font Color, Insert Link, Insert Picture, Wrap, and Spoiler

Insert Image looks like 2 mountains with a sun and a pale yellow background

Man I wish I had my scanner still... I can't post any of my new drawings, all my previous drawings(I haven't posted any on this site, mainly because they are an embarassment to how I draw now, and because I never even liked em... except for like 3 of them(A werewolf, a wierd lizard like creature and a Blood Village member that I made a long time ago) suck compared to my new ones T_T
And I can't use my mom's digi-camera because she uses it for her business...
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Old 2008-05-24, 16:52   Link #2100
Homless Shadow
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: England
Age: 31
Name: Tao Kendra
Gender: Male
Elemental Affinity: Fire, fire, and more fire.
Hair: Medium length scraggy hair, jet black in colour
Eye colour: Bottle Green
Age: 20
Village: None (Missing-Nin)
Appearance: Wears a VERY large, baggy, blue cloak, that almost looks like a robe, he has a red belt, and black/red gloves, and a hood. Always has a 'mad; grin on his face, and almost constantly has a ball of fire in his palm, which he likes to play around with to get rid of boredom.

Fire Style : Flaming Havoc
Tao sends out a shockwave of fire chakra, causing tree's too set alight, earth to burn, and enemies to be defeated of course.

Fire Style : Pinpoint Explosion
Tao points or thinks about a a location, and his fire chakra zooms in on that exact spot and detonates. The range of this isnt far though.

Fire Style : Flame Curtain
A wall of flame blocks Tao and his opponent. Tao can make more walls, and can shepard his enemy, and sandwhich them between the two or more walls. The technique uses alot of chakra.

Fire Style : Burning Speed
Tao can dramatically increase his run, dodge, and attack speed for a short amount of time.

Fire Style : Bombardment
Tao repeatedly throws small fireballs an opponent(s), throwing them fast and in mass.

Fire Style : Summoning Jutsu : Phoenix
Tao can summon a small phoenix called "Lepra" to his aid, the bird is small, 'cute', and can talk. But appearances can be deceptive, Lepra is incredibly hard to hit, is very fast and nimble, and can dish out a very mean fireball against an opponent.

Passive Technique : Lava Walking
After years of training and pratice, Tao has learnt how to walk on lava, wihout it bothering or hurting him. Its like water walking, but more chakra is used to keep the heat away from the feet.

Fire Style : (Fire) Terraforming
Tao heats the very ground around him to such an extent that it becomes lava, shifting the terrain to his advantedge, he can also manipulate the lava so it goes toward enemies, or melts and scorches certain people/objects

Fire Style : Land stand of the Forgotten Fire Warrior
Tao ignites himself compltely, and usually runs into a crowd of opponents, then uses up all his chakra to make a enormous explosion, that not many will live through, even Tao. Even if Tao by some miracle survives the blast, by having 0 chakra left afterward, he will surely die anyway.

Tao is an unknown character, from a forgotten land on the very edges of the map. All thats known about him is that he posseses abilities and strengths far beyond hokage level, and if he wanted, could cause some major havoc. But, hes also known to have a generally good nature, loves freedom and vitality, but still has one hell of a bad temper.

((Tao Kendra is an expansion of "Taoken", whos my Fire Mage on WoW... I got inspiration to wonder what would happen if I turned him into a naruto OC, and this is what I got Also thought about 'five forgotten elemental warriors' theme, so heres perhaps the first of five; the Fire Warrior))
If you wanna find m on Wow:
Silvermoon EU
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