Thread: Licensed Wortenia Senki
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Old 2023-11-01, 17:27   Link #420
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2018
Location: I've fallen and I can't get up.
So now that we have some more translated parts out from JNC, I have some questions I didn't know I would have.

* Asuka has been rescued, that is good. Her benefactor was in love with her and would have done his best to protect her, but her identity was a danger in the church. Being with Ryoma is safer. What is her input to Ryoma now that she is in his custody? We saw a little bit that she is naive enough to wish that he would surrender to Lupis but smart enough to know that is wrong after her encounter with a poor man murdering a woman she helped.

The archer that killed several of Dilphina's squad indicated he knew Ryoma's father. Have we heard anything on that since?

* Did Sudou take Lupis to Oltomerea? If she in fact survived, she has no friends or political capital and no power. The only value she has is her name and bloodline, but it is worthless in her home country and their allies as Xarooda looked the other way and is going to fall anyways and Myest secretly sided with Ryoma. And the Church? They made a deal with Ryoma (not sure how good that is long term). So my thinking is she will be presented by Sudou to Oltomerea and be the piece they need to justify their expansion. One of the princes will betroth her and use her as an excuse to 'retake' the land from the usurper Ryoma. They would then plan to absorb it into the empire. They might even keep Lupis alive to have children to legitimize their rule, but either way she is back to being Sudou's pawn. So this returns to the question: where is Lupis Rhoadserian heading after her escape?

* Has Ryoma forgiven Helena? It seems like there has been some cooling off from what I read, but her betrayal was certainly something Ryoma would not forgive in most circumstances. If anything, he would make an example of her while elevating Bergstone and brother for being loyal.

* Where does Radine stand in the new order after Ryoma acted again when nobles tried to make her their puppet?
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