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Old 2010-11-28, 11:46   Link #37
Join Date: Nov 2010
Originally Posted by Kafriel View Post
Someone hasn't been following bleach lately
Ichigo's fights > Natsu's

In the world of Fairy Tail, Natsu is a Dragon Slayer, i.e. the plot. Saying he doesn't move it is just absurd.
He doesn't move it, the world and guild doesn't revolve around him. Hell he brings least to the plot other than finding Igneel and being a DragonSlayer which they haven't gotten up to that point yet.

Goku and Luffy fight -monsters- for kicks, they only fought for survival when they were 5.
Whats the difference.

Robin was.
For good reason, her life basically sucked and everyone she ever loved betrayed her.

Erza, on the other hand, wasn't. Also, Erza is like family to Fairy Tail, Robin was an unknown assassin with the entire world against her, and the only thing they got in common is that they were saved by someone.
Robin had no allies and nakama and was generally misguided until Luffy and the Straw Hats came into her life, also her character is much more written out better than Erza's.
Erza fought her way up the tower, trying to save everyone, and ultimately Jellal as well. Robin just sat there, took the bait and prepared for death. You can't seriously compare the two arcs, they're just too different to even look at.
Yet like Robin, she's a total tool to Gerald and the Magic Guild, and is seeking a way out with Natsu. Yeah totally not similar.
Goku: Alien sent to destroy the planet, looks to have fun, eat lots, fight strong guys and save the earth. No specific purpose in life.
Natsu based off him in every way. The original dumb nice guy fighter. Also Natsu rips off his Kaioken and Kamehameha.
Luffy: Pirate aiming for world domination. While he has the whole "nakama" thing carved to his bones, he's mostly in goofy/eater mode and is weak most of the time.
Natsu's design and clothes looks exactly identical. Well part 1 wise. Looking and searching from something is something Natsu has in commen with Luffy. Also has a furry friend like Luffy.
Natsu: A mage looking for his lost dragon mentor. Never loses a fight, seeks out the character of his enemies while fighting, the only thing in common with Luffy is that they both care about their friends. Oh yeah I can totally see how he's a god damn RIP OFF!
He lost to Erza and Shanks err I mean Gildartz.

He ate etherion and almost died for his friend.
Spoiler for MANGA spoilers ahead!:
Luffy and Naruto already made self sacrafices to save friends by doing things out of character or almost dying.


Natsu is the main character yet he's the least developed one.
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