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Old 2016-03-29, 17:04   Link #39
Join Date: Feb 2016
Originally Posted by Kakurin-san View Post
If there is a tree blocking the line of sight between Anett and Axmann she can do nothing without circling around the tree first (which would've given Axmann enough time to pull out his gun and shoot Irisdina anyway) - neither killing Axmann nor providing cover - or do you think a small hand gun can blast through a tree? No suspension of belief would've been necessary had the staff just did that little visual tweak to put something in-between Anett and the Axmann lying in the snow to give the latter cover.

lol that is pretty bad excuse, there is no way it would quicker for Anett to throw the gun at distance, wait for it to land at Irisdina, catch it and then fire rathe than move a step side way and shoot at axeman even if there is a tree conveniently completely cover Axeman. and most importantly, Axeman would have just ran away instead of firing if he hadn't saw the pistol being thrown.

and for Irisdina medical care? if she have survive long enough to wait for Theodore arrive, take here to roof top and watch sunrise, i am sure with immediate modern medication, she could or should have survive, what ever the case, this is bad writing/directing. i mean a much logical ending would be Annet not being there at all or she shot Axeman and Axeman shot Irisdina. and all this take place right at top of a hill so she can still have that sunrise and overlooking the town moment with theodore and bleed out in minute, instead of acting like some kind of immortal with no medical attention until a really good moment to die
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