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Old 2022-09-17, 21:30   Link #5
Join Date: May 2009
Outside the lingering mystery of Anna, I wonder what Kazuma is trying to convey with Bridge Brigade.
And this volume revealed, they are just a bunch of short cut taker baking off Aleister's methods.
The ascension Aleister speak of is through proper training. You need the mental fortitude to overcome Coronzon to attain 8=3, and from there you heighten your wisdom to attain to the cosmic truth as 9=2, and finally take step further to become 10=1 by creating your own law that defins you as you.
But the members of the Brigade are just short cuts takers who adopted make shift ascension through, a lack of better word: "molding" themselves with fabrications.
They lay out fabricated narratives, than sets the requirements that validates those fabrications into giving them false God hood. Then download such godhood onto themselves to give them power. A crafty but shallow way to falsely mold their exterior to appear as if 10=1 is achieved.
Ultimately they try to create a bigger result by aligning multiple narrative together as the Brigade.
Geeish, they are certainly no stars that Aleister preached. One needs to ascend to at least 8=3 to be referred as such.
And no wonder Accel find it hard to resist to go out and deal with them himself. A full fledged 8=3 like him could have disposed of them easily.

I think this is one of the Anna parallels that's on going.
Anna is disappointed of humanity because they twisted her teachings and not heed her advices.
And now we have the Bridge Brigade distorting Aleister's teaching to the point that Aleister is regretting of his invention of Magick. system.
While the Brigade members are channeling power from their fabricated gods, Anna is the window of Aiwass the full fledged 10=1.
I guess Anna purposely trying to make a mess out of the Brigade not just for fun, but because she takes it personally. As in the Brigade reminded her the people distorted her teachings.

As of Alice, I felt Anna is trying to make Alice in to a parallel of her. So Alice will experience the same pain she had experience. More precisely, she try to recreate her past mentioned in the interval chapters onto Alice.
When Alice going all sobbing with "sensei dislike girl with super power like me?", I am sure Anna is all "just as planned" inside.

Last edited by shmaster; 2022-09-19 at 17:38.
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