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Old 2023-08-11, 18:56   Link #103
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Originally Posted by Hyodou True DXD View Post
I can understand but I can't understand why Ishi would something that probably he wouldn't even development in future.

Akeno could have a peerage of fallen angels who own artificial sacred gears and weapons made by the Grigori and maybe some former members of the Himejima's clan that have choice to leave the clan cause they dislike the clan's rules or something.

Seriously why we should be interested in get info about the fact that Saji, Alivian and Shinra would have a peerage if at the end of day this wouldn't be important at all?
Because everyone doesn't want to have a peerage and are perfectly content with simply continuing to serve under their king like normal. Like employees that don't want to move up in their current job and are perfectly content with where they are at.

Creating a peerage can be a lot of work and hassle. You would need to find servants and then have them agree to serve under you and provide things like pay and certain benefits, etc. And not everyone wants to deal with something like that.

For example, both Sairaorg and Magdaran both have high-class devils from noble families in their peerage. Seekvaira also has a high-class devil from a noble family in her peerage.

Besides Saji, Tsubaki, and Alivian are side characters who barely have a role in the series. You can give them peerages with no consequence. But if he gave every single member of the main cast who got promoted to high-class devil a peerage then it would force him to show at least some of their servants. And if he didn't then people would feel like it was a waste to even give them one. And Gasper seems to be the only one who wanted a peerage on his own while Xenovia is just using hers to bring in those that couldn't really belong to any regular peerage while Ravel's is just to support Issei and likely assist with her duties.

He might introduce their queens and maybe one or two other servants but that would pretty much be it. Doing that with every single character would just be a headache for Ishibumi and would just oversaturated the series with even more characters than we already have. He only has to do it with Gasper and Ravel rather than everyone and their mother. There's Irina too who has received Brave Saint cards but I'm skeptical about whether he cares for Irina as a character at this point.
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