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Old 2006-08-05, 22:33   Link #76
Join Date: Feb 2006
Age: 31
Originally Posted by relentlessflame
I'm sure the DVDs (like pretty much every other ADV release) will be released with both Japanese and English audio with optional subtitles. The character name change speculation was just made-up.
Whew.... ALL i hope for is that they don't change the character's names, the seiyuus, the plot etc. etc. etc.

Even the name change of the anime would be annoying since it took me a few days to remember the name >_< lol and besides, i don't see ANY relevance with the new name.
Sure, the old name was a mouthful but it was good .

Now i have to call it some crappy name that doesn't even mean anything. (the new name causes great degradation on the anime imo).
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