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Old 2022-04-12, 00:47   Link #5
Join Date: May 2009
I think I understand where Kamachi is going for in the current story arc with him keep on stressing on the dispersion of information.
From Anna to Alice and her lackeys, they are all people wearing an identity of fabricated individuals from non cannon sources.
And these fabrication gain influences through wide spread of informations, be it accurate or not.
I can also see what Kamachi is trying to say by telling us to recognize the difference between Anna and the others.
The idea that Aradia and the succubus are playing with are much more primitive and basic in human behaviors. The also exercise direct magic control in spreading their influence.
While Anna is down the road of modernized information control, like how big corporates manipulate society by providing biased information. And she only does it by putting products on the shelf and nothing else.
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