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Old 2004-06-19, 21:57   Link #70
Blue Dawn
Join Date: Jun 2004
Age: 44
Well I just finished up Snow Drop...good strong story, a bit more repetitive than I would've liked, but overall the game itself isn't too bad.

I loved the OP/ED and the seiyuu's fit the characters nicely. Be warned, h-scenes aren't really that high in quantity until you start getting the "True" days. I believe there's only 4 sets of true H-scenes, the rest would go towards the more high-end ecchi.

But at least it's consentual and fitting to the story And the two totally seperate "Best" endings really contrast one-another.

I've got Kana and Chain up on deck to try out...I'm more of the story-driven ero player if you haven't already noticed H-scenes are the just not the top of my must have list :P
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