Thread: Ufo?
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Old 2021-06-27, 01:15   Link #88
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Government Report On UFOs Offers Limited Answers While
Drawing The Public Spotlight

"There were several curious references in the document. Despite the limited data, the
UAPTF claimed it was possible to perform some clustering of data around "shape, size,
and particularly, propulsion." It was unclear what kind of propulsion the report is
referencing. Examples might include prop, rotor, lighter than air, jet or some unknown
category. In areas like these, the report did not offer specifics.

Further, the authors of the report stated that 18 incidents described in 21 reports
involved "unusual UAP movement patterns." These unusual patterns are not described
in detail, but are loosely characterized as involving abrupt maneuvering, remaining
stationary against the wind, and moving at considerable speed without "discernible
means of propulsion." Earlier in the report, the UAPTF notes that observations of
unusual flight characteristics “could be the result of sensor errors, spoofing, or observer
misperception and require additional rigorous analysis.” The report itself again provides
no details about the data underlying the 21 reports.

The UAPTF stated that a "small amount of data" supported UAP "demonstrating
acceleration or a degree of signature management." The reference to "signature
management" likely refers to some aspect of stealth technology, traditionally having to
do with reducing a craft’s radar, infrared, visual, and/or audible signature. However, the
report also cautioned that additional analysis would be necessary, including by multiple
teams or groups of technical experts. The report states: "we are conducting further
analysis to determine if breakthrough technologies were demonstrated."

Although much of the underlying data appears in doubt, the report asserts one strong
conclusion: "UAP threaten flight safety and, possibly, national security." The report again
offered few details, but indicated that 11 incidents involved "near misses with a UAP."
Further, the report acknowledged that there could be a broader danger from espionage
against military activities and facilities, or from a potential "breakthrough aerospace

The UAPTF emphasized the need to standardize and consolidate reporting of incidents
in order to deepen the analysis. The report mentions the use of artificial intelligence and
machine learning to "cluster and recognize similarities and patterns.""

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