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Old 2013-11-15, 20:10   Link #191
Mad Scientist #0000
Join Date: Nov 2008
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Age: 35
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Well, there are actually many adaptations which chose the "read the original or GTFO" approach.

Take the old JJBA OVA series, for example.
While Part 3 is a somewhat self-contained story, things don't make even half as much sense without you knowing the plot of the previous two parts.

Same for many other short OVA adaptations, they leave out much content. Yet it remains presentable.
With a good director and skilled storyboard writers, even that could be mitigated considerably.
Flashbacks and other ways to get a glimpse into the plots of Extra and Unlimited would be surprisingly effective, IMO.

The only problem is that these type of shows are almost exclusively for the fans of the original material.
It'd be a pretty poor choice for a company which wishes to "branch out".

Animating the original Muv-Luv would've been pretty nice.
In 2005 or so.
Unfortuantely from what I heard, in spite of Age's intentions, no one supported them with that.
Otherwise you'd been probably seeing Muv-Luv Extra right after the Akane Maniax OVAs were released.
Followed by Unlimited and then some years later Alternative.
But well, their timing was just unlucky I guess.

Even now, Age is no Type-Moon which can decide to re-make the adaptation of Fate/Stay Night a while after Fate/Zero's success.

For them an approach similar to what did the pull with Total Eclipse is the best.
And from what little information I have that indeed seems to be the case.
I'm probably telling old news but there will be a new Muv-Luv series starting from 2014.
I don't think they have announced the title yet but everything strongly hint for Schwartzesmarken.
By which I mean that there's already a trailer for an upcoming VN that tells the story of the 666th TSF Squadron.
I don't particularly mind this, if at all.
It's just this will slowly generate the paradoxical situation where everything but the actual core story is getting animated.

Oh well, who knows?
Maybe we'll see animated Takeru and his friends in 2025.
Probably after the VN series gets a remake.
Theorizing Age will keep milking Muv-Luv even then.
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