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Old 2006-04-29, 22:25   Link #55
Anime Madness
Join Date: Apr 2006
Age: 39

Hi ppl. I used shijipierre's script for creating my karaoke. And finally i've finish it. But now i'm in serious trouble. I'm not an expert encoder, so i don't know how to proceed.

I have my composition on AE with my Opening video (wich i obtained it via "direct stream copy" in virtual dub) and the karaoke. but now, how I add my op movie with karaoke to the rest of the video?? I tried to render the OP in AE with a lossless codec and then use the "append Avi segment" option in VD, but I get an error message about diferent video streams and data.

So, AE gods, please help me. I'm not asking you to telling me your great encoding secrets in AE, but just a Standard way to make the final episode without having to load the entire raw episode in AE. A more extensive version of just "Filter (AviSynth, etc.) --> AE (render karaoke/signage) --> VitualDub/AviSynth (add .ssa/.ass script) --> Done!" <---- I understand the process but i don't know how to do it. Please Help.

Another Question: It is posible to load an AviSynth file on AE ??? I tried once but i just keep getting error messages.

Thanks in advance.

PS: sorry about my bad english
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