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Old 2023-08-15, 18:45   Link #1028
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Join Date: Jun 2023
Originally Posted by Lucidrago View Post
True. He doesn't need a deep background to grow as a character but needs some type of background to have some of the more serious plot points in DxD to be relevant like Tobio's grandmother being a former a former member of the Himejima clan. The whole thing with discrimination against devils not of pure birth doesn't even affect Issei as the only devils seen that actually seemed to care so much about that were Riser and Diodora and do I really need to explain why they were bad examples? He pretty much got engaged to Rias' and regardless of all the nameless naysayers they can do nothing about that since it's the Gremory family's decision. He became a high-class devil in less than a year which is rather extraordinary. And he is now a Special-class devil and only one person in the Underworld has a rank/title that surpasses that and it's Ajuka Beelzebub.

When Ishibumi decided to make the series way more serious starting I'ma the fourth arc, he took away the main thing that made Issue unique SMH the series interesting which was Issei powering up through breasts. While still wanting to keep the series comedic and light-hearted but to be honest it just fell flat. And once Issei became so overpowered he really didn't need them anymore and the series lacked any real stakes starting in Shin, the series just lost what originally made it special and it was only left with its flaws which were there since the beginning but are even more obvious now because of the lack of focus in the series now.

I actually liked Volume 24 besides the Rias vs Vali Rating Game because it was a return back to what originally made the volume so good with a legitimate strong opponent and some real actual stakes and Issei being the actual underdog. And getting a ridiculous power-up at the last second through the power of breasts allowing him to defeat Thanatos. But then again I have a bit of a bias towards badass scythe wielders.

Issei isn't really the only character that has remained mostly static and unchanging. Pretty much all the main cast has. Sure they've gotten stronger and matured a bit but that just naturally comes with the territory. Almost none of their interactions have changed with each other besides how some of the girls address Issei now. Issei is still the same reactive protagonist who takes no initiatives with his harem despite proposing to almost all of them. Almost everyone is just a caricature of their former selfs and the only thing about them we can look forward to is their next power-up.
Again the background at large is the supernatural world. You could make him engage in different aspects of the world to grow and the atrocious pacing of the Series became a decline because it’s a symptoms of plot moving too fast -/- characters doesn’t develop fast enough going on 2 years compared to characters who been in the series

Aight you said you’re diligence pretty sure anything else I say would generate the same response dam Dxd is a dead community but again back to what I said he lacked the execution stem from the lack of world building/ foli and the whole tit thing ruined it all because it’s tied to ExE which is ish obsession. He had other ideas such as Indra war and Malebranche that would’ve spark character development for a lot of folks but can’t blame the guy lack of passion + sickness comes with spiral creativity decline he said this many times on his blog it’s bound to ruined the story moving forward and wasted SS I genuinely believe Dxd could’ve been the greatest thing ever made, maybe upcoming vol other characters would have new goals same thing with issei. He lacked true defeats so who knows what will happen knowing Dxd going downhill. Anyways what you’ll like to see from shin 5?

Last edited by Dareal_truth; 2023-08-15 at 20:59.
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