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Old 2007-02-01, 14:10   Link #55
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Portofino
[QUOTE=kagato3;818844]Lets see chapters 190 - 222 she has been shown in
As stated Wiki is one of the worst souces of infomation with out a second source as anyone can edit it. Agian there is no indecation that Kukaku had any anger focused on Rukia or Shinigamis.. Ganju's anger had nothing to do with his denial his anger was all based on the fact his brother was killed by a Shinigami and he was never told all the details.
kaien's death is no state secret. both ganju and kukaku could and should have known the details. their current behavior indicates either ignorance or denial. stuff like "rukia didn't leave with an explanation" "never told the details" are lame excuses because they're not babies, it's also their responsibility to learn the facts. deep inside it's kukaku who doesn't want to hear the real explanation, because her brother was possessed and died a pretty lame death.

what isshin hates the most is not the hollow who killed masaki, or the shinigami who was responsible for karakura at that time, it's HIS OWN inability to protect his wife, even though he didn't have any powers at the time, because he's a MAN. only sissies go all the way to find excuses and dump blame and hatred on others

kukaku should have apologized/thanked rukia on behalf of her brother, she should have apologized to ukitate for letting him down. it's humiliating indeed, but admitting the humiliating fact like the germans is way better than living in denial like the japs.

No one has claimed Kaien was all great and powerful but he was at least at what is considered VC level.
yet VC gin gracefully and effortlessly finishes failed experiments. VC gin >> kaien. at best he was a low level VC. and we know all the main players of this current arc has got to be at the very frikken least top level VCs to be of any use. kaien is mediocre by comparison. as a member of one of the 5 noble families, compared to members of the other noble families we've seen, namely yoruichi and byakuya, he's crap.

charge of the Vizards and also was the one of that took the longest of the Vizards to beat her hollow which is implied to be an indecation of how strong they are.
implied by who? you? is it implied anywhere in bleach that A taking longer than B to learn his zanpakutou's name than B means A's zanpakutou is more powerful? yes, ichigo took the longest time to beat his hollow, and we know being the shounen hero his hollow is quite likely the most powerful. but is it implied anywhere in bleach that what applies to ichigo also applies to others?

yachiru's also "in charge" of the female shinigami, and tasuki also abuses ichigo, doesn't mean shit. what we see in real battles is that vaizard hiyori was crushed like an ant by hollow ichigo in shikai mode with a single hand and scared shitless. and she was totally EXPECTING the hollow. compare that to byakuya's composure against UNEXPECTED hollow ichigo in BANKAI or one armed unreleased grimmjow against UNEXPECTED VAIZARD (that's hollow+shinigami powers) ichigo in BANKAI. you find me another leader in bleach this lame and i'll agree with you.
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