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Old 2006-11-29, 21:47   Link #50
Vallen Chaos Valiant
Logician and Romantic
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Within my mind
Age: 43
Originally Posted by Kai Yukari View Post
suzaku`s an idealist.
lelouch `s a realist.

lelouch`s powered by his revenge. he doesn't want peace, he just wants the destructon of brittania. to fulfill this purpose he will do anything, even if it's evil.

suzaku is the epitomy of righteousness. he wants peace. he will fulfill this purpose by his principles even if it means he'll have a hard time w/ it.

personally, i like suzaku's ideal but it looks like lelouch's the one who is making more progress.

but what kind of end are we taking about here? destruction or peace?
Exactly. There is a fundamental issue in comparing these two character's actions, because their goals are actually not identical. There is no way Suzaku would be willing to start a war in order to free Japan, because hundreds of thousands will die that way and there even is no guarantee Japan would be free at the end of it.
Suzuka wants peace and harmony, but wishes to follow the law.

On the other hand, Lelouch wants Britannia to crash and burn. The assumption (quite correctly) is that when an empire crashes and burns, there would be millions killed. That's already put in to consideration as far as Lelouch is concerned, and is dismissed as a trivial matter.
Call me cynical, but so far I haven't believed a word Lelouch said as Zero to the cameras. It's all public relations. He wants to defend the weak, but the only weak person he is interested in protecting is his sister. Everyone else is disposable.

As an example, in episode 8...
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