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Old 2006-11-23, 20:54   Link #40
The Dark Knight
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: From the deepest abyss in the world, where you think?
Age: 38
The idea of social darwinism whose epitomy can be seen as the various eugenics projects of the 19th and 20th century and the Austrian Corporal himself and his various pet projects.
I think we both reached a misunderstanding here.

The emperor basically strives for a competitive world where if you want to get to the top, you do it with whatever you got. Even if your mental or handicapped you still have the opportunity to fight to the top. In this world we provide everyone with equal opporutunities as best as we can so that everyone has a chance. I think he's just using "evolving" in his own words.

In the case of Britannia, the one who becomes the Emperor via the struggles between the various siblings is not automatically going to be the most suited for the governing of a globe-spanning Empire.
Not really, the one who becomes the emperor through the struggles is most likely the one that is the most cunning, cruelest, and devastating. Basically the strongest.

Apparently the emperor actually provides people equal opporutnities from what I have seen for everyone to fight to the top. He provided Lelouch with shelter and establishes his children as dictators in various areas to see how well they fare.

Though likewise I'm against such an act because of the instability it could cause. The emperor is really taking it to the extremes.

The reason communism doesn't work has nothing to do with equality and lack of conflict, which it had in spades both external and internal, but rather too much government control in production and almost every other aspect of life with far too much devotion to ideology and purging of the old order.
Note I said true communism. No nation has ever reached that point.
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