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Old 2006-11-20, 17:30   Link #3
Join Date: Aug 2004
Age: 37
Remember Lelouch's answer to how to stop the fighting. "It's simple. The fighting stops when someone wins." Okay, it should be obvious that this is completely and utterly wrong. This is exactly what Britannia has been doing, and guess what? They're busy fighting terrorists constantly. Conquering is clearly not the solution, and Lelouch's goal seems to be to fight Britannia on their own terms (war) and win, thereby conquering them. Even if he manages to do this, he's no different from them, the cycle continues. The conquered Britannians rebel against Lelouch-land or whatever. The only way his method could really stop the fighting is complete genocide, which I'm sure no one endorses. Even then civil war is still a possibilty.

Suzaku's answer (change from within) would actually work, although it'd be much harder to pull off. Obtain a position of power and gradually grant rights and autonomy (and proper names...) to the already conquered areas. Sure, the grudges will die slowly, but its certainly better than reigniting war in a recently wartorn country. And grudges can die over time in times of prosperity, as history has shown. Prosperity for all may be an impossible goal though.

Edit: Come to think of it, I'm arguing for the ends on Suzaku's behalf. Both Lelouch's ends and means are questionable. Hmm...

Last edited by Clarste; 2006-11-20 at 17:46.
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