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Old 2006-09-27, 21:57   Link #40
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Suburban DC
hmm, thanks for putting that into perspective. and yea i remember reading that interview with the producer for BLOOD+. That was a part of my beef with it, if FMA could overcome it's shonen limitations and create a fantasticly plotted and crafted show (that relatively little fan pandering at all) with the coincidental nutty fangirl base, then i was almost certain the those ol' boys at IG could/would. It felt like they played it too safe with the material and had to tone it down a few notches. (Some of this is a tad harping to some i know, still a not a bad show, though.) Seed could have too, but B+ is much better then seed (havent seen destiny so no comment on that.

Ayakashi has so many interesting elemens that if left unmangled by the producers it could, just MIGHT rope in a couple of peeps older then the casual doruku viewer base. This would have ensure good ratings cause its a viewing group other then the youths (i assume) watching Major on NHK. PLus in addition to being profitable it could turn out to be a fantastic show to boot.
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