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Old 2006-09-26, 00:21   Link #29
The Commissar Vanishes
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Tallinn, Estonia
Age: 41
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Pink Explosions are a must for a Sunrise mecha series. They are the homage to the original Kidou Senshi Gundam and they have entered the realm of subconscicous anime symbolism a long time ago (along with stuff like angsty protagonist looking at his hand, which is always an homage to EVA today).

btw, what's this "major producer influnence" phenom?
"Producer influence" is the notion of a show catering more to the commercial side of things (like having lots of different mecha to make plastic models off and lots of bishounen for the fangirls to swoon other) rather than the artistic side of things (like a good story and interesting characters).

It doesn't mean that one cannot exist without the other, but for high-profile shows like Code Geass, and especially for high-profile Sunrise shows, producer influence is very high. I am just not sure what Taniguchi will be able to make of it if he is constantly pressured to make it more marketable and sellable.
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