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Old 2006-09-03, 10:16   Link #79
Sailor Enlil
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Philippines
Technically speaking, I'm playing Quake1 (yep the old classic FPS game, still fun to play after all these years). But not in its original form. I'm playing using a TC (Total Conversion) known as Minako Quake which turns your character into Sailor Venus (albeit with powers of almost all the other senshi as well as her own, and she even has Sailor Saturn's Silence Glaive, which serves as a last resort attack by blowing everything up). See these screenshots of the Senshi Attacks.

Thanks to that mod I'm fragging those monsters with the cool senshi attacks - my favorite is the Jupiter Oak Evolution, which can kill most monsters with one shot (the Shambler can be taken down with two J.O.E.'s), followed by Mars Burning Mandala (good for killing groups of weak enemies like the grunts, enforcers, and knights), and the Venus Crescent Beam (good for blowing things up, like groups of zombies - just stay out of the blast radius or you're really gonna get hurt!). And there's the Venus Love Me Chain, which is used like the Grappling Hook in the CTF games so you can get around to normally impossible-to-reach places.

Apparently the author of the mod has a thing against Sailor Chibi/Mini Moon, and somehow turned the Wizard/Scragg (the flying armless thing) into Quake2's Technician (the barrel shaped flying thing) and renamed it the "Pink Spore Monster", except that it shouts "Pink Sugar Heart Attack" when fighting and even shoots those tiny pink hearts to add to the effect.

Last edited by Sailor Enlil; 2006-09-03 at 10:31.
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