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Old 2006-08-31, 10:22   Link #61
Kinny Riddle
Gone for Good
Join Date: Apr 2004
For a while I was playing Star Ocean 3, but I was put off by its way too steep learning curve. I'm more of an "old-school" RPGamer, and I prefer the old-styled turn based stuff. Plus the older one gets, the less time one can concentrate on any RPGs, especially one so complicated as SO3. So I've decided to just pull all my resources (i.e. free time, besides anime of course) on one RPG franchise - the Suikoden series, starting with Suikoden V.

I know it's out for nearly half a year now, but its release coincided with a wonderful light-novel based anime about an eccentric cute girl and her supernatural antics (no prizes for guessing). Anyway, I've finally gotten myself to start playing, and oh yes, Suikoden V definately has that Suikoden feel to it again, something that was plain absent in III and IV, especially IV.

(This also means Haruhi-ists will be calling for my head for not translating the novels lately. )

I don't know if this place includes Bishoujo Games as well, but at the moment, I'm also trying to finish Tick! Tack!, the Nerine spin off to SHUFFLE!, before the Kaede spin off Really? Really! comes out sometime next month.
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