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Old 2024-05-15, 13:58   Link #84
User of the "Fast Draw"
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Canada
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It's kind of funny that Licia's dad both gets mad at Ars and actually works through that anger all on his own . Ars didn't really have to do much of anything to calm him down. Though I guess that's the way it goes for the leader in his position. Have to process things and move on quickly.

I do think it's cute that Licia was upset at Ars' next letter being late. And that unease got her father fired up! Can't afford to forget to keep in contact with his fiance .

Glad also that Ars didn't just stick to the "you don't have to bow your head" and actually found his footing. What he needed to say was that he'd make sure Licia was happy and he did that.

Respect to the kid for putting in the effort to do everything he can. But his greatest talent is finding talent. It's good to be able to protect himself, but there are things only he can do. Plus again...that body is 11 years old. There's only so much he can do!

And regardless of what lives he's lived or anything else, it's not a shock that seeing someone's head come tumbling off would be...shocking. And admittedly the point is fair enough. Getting shaken up by something like that would make leading troops a tall order. And the last thing they need would be everything falling apart because they were worried about a freaking out or passed out Ars.
Originally Posted by thundrakkon View Post
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How much do you remember from 30 years ago? How much do you remember from your childhood?

Memories are a tricky thing, and they are just that, memories. How the brain processes the memory is still yet another issue. How the brain conveniently hides certain thoughts while keeping others also comes into play.

Now, add into that the hormones that plays into peoples feelings, desires, and maturity. He is not the same person as before.

So all in all, if the protagonist died and is reborn as another person, then he is a new person, not that adult you think he is. At best, he retains some data, i.e. information, that he can pull from his past life like a Google search. He is no longer an adult at this point.
That really is it. He's lived quite some time as Ars. It's his life now. Certainly memories of his past life exist and have value. But in the end they are memories. He's lived for a long time in this second childhood so not surprisingly his mentality matches the form.

Plus let's face it. Not the first isekai that makes itself an isekai to get people's eyes on the material and then mostly discards it since it isn't actually central to the story. The key factor for Ars is his ability. Being from another world or having lived through a past life isn't really impacting his path in this life.
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