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Old 2024-05-15, 13:15   Link #135
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Join Date: May 2014
The questionable divine item is confirmed in the palace. Chris explains that the item could be used for nefarious reason. It is odd that a goddess would grant such item to anyone. Considering Aqua was the gatekeeper between Earth and isekai, it could be possible. She probably think granting such item to a Peeping Tom is harmless. In the last episode, Kazuma appreciated the thought of that Peeping Tom. Only a goddess or the grantee of the divine item can use it for the full potential. It is still dangerous when used by nobles with bad intention. The story after the ending credit proves Chris is right. Kazuma reluctantly agree to help Chris. Kazuma calling Chris oyabin makes her upset. After all the havoc they raised in the palace, the humiliated government vows to capture them. Kazuma is too scared to stay in the capital, since he doesn't want to be confined for life. Kazuma shows his ability when required, even the forbidden skill he learned from a demon. It is probably having strong ally like Aqua would nerf his luck.

When a palace guard asks about their identity, Kazuma shouts out "Silver Hair Thief syndicate. Chris shouts out "Mask Thief Syndicate". Neither one wants to be association with their traits. Their disguises are not bad. Only Darkness and Iris can see through their identity.

Spoiler for speculation:

Last edited by scififan; 2024-05-15 at 14:29.
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