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Old 2024-05-03, 15:12   Link #273
User of the "Fast Draw"
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Canada
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It's a fairly classic way to go, but it's fine. Putting together a bunch of questionable people and having them bond can work just fine. It was always a given when Anos talked about what she'd get if she succeeded that she'd never actually go back home. So needed an episode like this to build the bond between teacher and students. They are all messed up and are fitting to be together .

And hey it continues Emilia's arc nicely. Honestly it's one of the better ongoing character arcs in the show.

The King being utter scum is sadly not a surprise...What a psycho. Also yeah I suppose if you expect to win immortality who needs a generation to succeed you ? Can't wait for that loser to get what's coming to him!
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