Thread: Ufo?
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Old 2024-05-02, 22:30   Link #123
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Join Date: Jan 2008
The Pentagon is lying about UFOs

"More recently, the Pentagon released a congressionally-mandated review of U.S.
government involvement with UFOs. The report, which is riddled with basic factual
errors, omissions and a laundry list of historical distortions, leaves much to be desired.
Christopher Mellon, the Department of Defense’s former top civilian intelligence official,
took the UFO office to task in a scathing, 16,000-word analysis of the report.

Among the report’s many flaws is an egregious falsehood about a rigorous scientific
study that the Air Force commissioned in the early 1950s to look into the thousands of
UFO reports that it had received. According to the Pentagon’s UFO Office, this report, by
the Battelle Memorial Institute, found that “all cases that had enough data were resolved
and explainable.” That statement is demonstrably false. The study in fact characterized
as “unknown” fully 33 percent of the UFO cases considered “excellent” — that is, those
involving trained or multiple observers and with sufficient information to come to a
conclusion. And Battelle employed a particularly high threshold for designating a sighting
as “unknown,” requiring a group consensus among the evaluating scientists.

The Pentagon’s egregious misrepresentation of this analysis is of like kind with its so-
called explanation for the Eglin Air Force Base incident. In short, the decades-long
“nothing-to-see-here” approach to UFOs continues, unabated.

Critically, the Pentagon’s public stance contrasts with internal Department of Defense
documents. For example, a directive disseminated last year by the Joint Chiefs of Staff
noted that anomalous incidents are occurring around the world, including “in or near the
territory…of the United States, of its allies and of its adversaries.”"

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