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Old 2024-04-29, 13:30   Link #28
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
You know it's serious when Holo finds out the identity of one of her abductors and it leaves her shocked speechless .

What's to be done about retrieving Holo? One wrong move and the church finds out about her existence, and they're utterly screwed. Milone Trading Company will be hit by the church's influence and there's probably nowhere Lawrence and Holo can go .

But Lawrence can't lose his head despite knowing Holo is captured, he has to think like a merchant. And that means making business deals with royalty who are trying to reinforce their coffers with the new reduced quality Trenni Silver, gain the perks from that deal, and then selling it to Medio Trading to still make a profit and get them to back off. Not to mention letting Milone really get to strut their stuff as a trading company that's dealt with worse than this .

Holo is...decidedly unenthusiastic about her rescue (staged to look like a burglary). She got it in her head that Lawrence was going to get in there and bust some heads trying to free her...but he still came through and rescued her, and that's enough .

Not that Holo was ever in any danger. She's attractive enough to charm any man and if that fails she can always rip off their balls .

But who was it that helped capture her? None other than Holo's old buddy Yarei...who got to see his village's God in the flesh, and while it was flattering for Holo to see someone from her village finally acknowledge her again, it quickly turned bad when Yarei used it as an excuse to double-down on his lack of faith and get rid of her .

Though with Lawrence and Holo together, they'll be the ones to have the last laugh! Even if they're also downplaying how much they care about each other and the true nature of their relationship, though Lawrence can't talk too harshly towards Holo when she really turns on her cute face. And they mutually think each other are cute .

Gotta admire the merchants who see a cute wolf woman and just roll with it. The driver even got to see a Holo dance .

Looks like Yarei and his group are still trying to hunt down Holo! I don't see this ending well...for them at least .
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