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Old 2024-04-28, 16:29   Link #44
User of the "Fast Draw"
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Canada
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I enjoy some of the comedy involving skills. Like how the infant boy has a super high ambition rating which I mean sure . Can also get a good feel for their potential. The younger brother has some good combat talents while the sister seems more keen to the tactical side of things.

The thing of course for Ars is finding those hidden gems. Anyone that obviously stands out is of course nice to have, but it's critical to find those that wouldn't achieve anything otherwise

The internal rivalry for Ars' attention is a small concern, but I'm sure it'll be fine. Ars living it up in his own way on that horse ride!

My only concern coming out of this episode is the future cost. I know the brothers have the talent for it, but is it a good think to lose out on two young hunters to gain two more solid soldiers? I suppose there is the future threat coming and survival will be paramount. And of course the two seem keen on it so I suppose it's fine. But I still wonder if they should be more careful about pulling all the available talent in for war purposes and neglecting everything else.

With Rosell it is a bit simpler. His talents are with his mind. And there's only so much he can grow at home with one single book to read. Any place where he can gain knowledge is good for his future. And as shown by the end of the episode he can always direct his talents to his home village.
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