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Old 2024-04-28, 08:38   Link #79
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
So the Dragon Keepers have a "Sacred Banquet" that they infrequently attend that brings them all together along with their "Buddies." Blue's got a loli, Green's got a blonde delinquent, Pink has a hulking mustachioed man VOICED BY FUMIHIKO TACHIKI, and of course Suzukiri shows up for Yellow. And she immediately pays little to no respect to the group and makes it sound like Blue is sleeping with his Buddy! That's our Suzukiri. Though even she can't talk back when Red makes her apologize, much as she hated it .

I love how Green is talking about eating food when he's the only member whose mouth we don't see and how Blue gets headbutted by his Buddy Aizome and gets scolded by her .

So Red Keeper actually admits he lost his Divine Artifact, he's even wearing a stunt costume, but that's just what his Buddy Himura was after in leaking the location of the Artifact...all so he could take over as Red Keeper. But Sosei isn't about to let anyone steal his job, not when he's still strong enough to murder Himura right there. Jeez, these Keepers are terrible .

BUT FIGHTER D YET LIVES!!! Only having a leaking wound where Blue's Divine Artifact hit him, but it seems like Hibiki is actually working with Suzukiri enough to be there to try to apply first aid and help...and failing that basically lead D on into not only finding a way to heal himself but also give out his name. Hibiki is definitely not as naive and simple-minded as he looks .

Why is Hibiki so interested in fairness or believing in both sides? As a boy he was torn between his familys' rigid sense of justice (that let a cat get eaten by crows and deplored the behavior of the Dragon Keepers) and his own idolization of the Dragon Keepers' fighting to protect humanity. But then his parents got involved in a cult that saw a "God" (voiced by Hochu Otsuka) come forth...and killed everyone. Hibiki was only saved because his sister slapped some sense into him and tried to save him, but how did he survive this encounter with the God when he tried to stand up to it to save her ?

Oh hey, his mom is voiced by Ami Koshimizu! That's like her 4th or 5th role this season! And she was a certified MILF! And his sister was pretty cute too...wait, that sounds like MAO. And she had a pink sweater when she was jogging...wait, his sister couldn't be !?

Hekiru (Kensho Ono?)! A nervous mess but also kind of psycho! It probably would have been nice to know ahead of time that Junior members get copy Divine Artifacts that can also kill Fighters, especially when D's body still isn't at 100%, but D still has his crafty mind and ability to trick people going for him .

Dang, I did not expect to see Hibiki commit to this by cutting off his own hand so they can pull a complete switcheroo. And D respects that by challenging him respectfully as a rival. Now Hibiki is a Fighter and D is now Hibiki, having nearly perfected his Hibiki act and completely infiltrated the Dragon Keepers! Now the story has really begun .
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