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Old 2024-04-25, 17:15   Link #78
User of the "Fast Draw"
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Canada
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Kazuma can really only manage to be a decent person for a few minutes at a time. As soon as things start going his way he naturally tends to turn into a worthless scumbag.

Iris does have some cute moments in the episode though. And she's certainly been doing her best to behave overall with a crisis being far more important than getting what she wants. And while the capital is obviously well defended she does seemingly have to sit there and endure the uncertainty of one attack after another. At least she did get some good moments out of this.

For the sake of that poor maid I'm glad Kazuma got what he had coming later on . Having everyone show up to just shame the hell out of him! Not often that Darkness gets to play the role of the sadist and unleash some humiliation . She did have some trouble (and kind of helped out) later. Though again Kazuma('s arms) definitely paid for that one!

Poor Megumin though. While Kazuma was slothfully enjoying himself she was clearly having a rough time. Really fell for the wrong guy .
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