Thread: Crunchyroll Unnamed Memory
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Old 2024-04-23, 10:31   Link #41
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
Tinasha has a lot of cute little pet familiars, but it seems like she has a budding Gal Pal in Sylvia! Nothing says friendship like cutting each others' hair and talking about romantic interests .

I love how Oscar introduces Tinasha immediately to his dad (Toshiyuki Morikawa?) as the woman he wants to marry and they then begin bickering like a couple right in front of him. And the king just rolls with it .

I don't know is up with Miralys and Valt, but they run into a white-haired mage who seems to have some kind of relationship or history with Tinasha and is apparently someone she's looking for...wait, "in every history" he treats her terribly? Is this some kind of alternate timeline business? Though I guess we don't get long to dwell on that because Valt gets erased from existence! Jeez .

Why does Oscar bring Lazar anywhere? All he does is complain and end up being a liability or reveal Oscar's real feelings to the Witch of the Forbidden Forest Lucrezia, voiced by none other than Ayako Kawasumi .

Lucrezia is an "old friend" of Tinasha's and enjoys the gossip of her current attachment to Oscar, and seems game for getting Tinasha laid. Sure if she loses her virginity it'll take more power to do her magic, but she's powerful enough that it's no big deal .

Of course you should never let your guard down around a witch, and while she didn't give Oscar anything to get Tinasha into bed with him physically...she did leave a whammy on him that made him dream of her in bed with him while draining his life force all at the same time (and not even getting to remember the erotic dreams). A deadly "gift" if anything. And she also let her scent on Oscar that only Tinasha could smell so she would be the first to notice and get to act the part of the jealous lover .

Dang, did not expect this to end with Tinasha making Oscar in his dreams break her dream selfs' neck. Therapeutic for Tinasha, but emotionally traumatizing for Oscar .

And after all this Tinasha and Lucrezia still end up shooting the breeze like old friends, especially when Lucrezia enjoys messing with and flustering Tinasha (which anything involving Oscar is wont to do), though she also makes Tinasha realize how much Oscar DOES care about her. She even throws in Oscar's blood and sperm that she just so happened to have to help break the curse .

Well, it's not the same as his dream, but Oscar does end up taking Tinasha to bed as they mutually apologize and hug it out. So it seems like their relationship did progress a little .
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