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Old 2024-04-22, 13:31   Link #24
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Another meeting between Lawrence, Holo, and Zheren...seems straightforward enough and things seem to be going well...but Lawrence has already informed Milone Trading of what's going on with this Trenni Silver deal and they've already begun their investigation. And Lawrence stands to make an even tidier profit off of it in the end .

It's pretty high praise from Holo to compare Lawrence to the first human she truly befriended and whom she remembers so fondly .

Hochuu Otsuka as Richten! Managing this deal and offering up plenty of potential shares for Lawrence and the knowledge that this is all the work of Medio Training a noble backing him! Though it might not be quite so over for Lawrence .

Any merchant dreams of setting up their own shop, having a place to call home that's no the road, and being able to really settle down, start a family...but for Holo, that means the end of her journey with Lawrence and returning to a solitary life of loneliness. And she's so tired of being lonely, especially dreaming of all the people she cherished never being around her any more. But it shows how important Holo has become for Lawrence that he's willing to downplay his dream to emphasize that he's willing to stick beside her, comfort her when she needed comforting, and even using the illustration of his dream shop to help dry her tears .

And the mood is definitely improving if Holo is dragging him into the same bed and their lips were THIS of course Medio Training thugs had to show up and kill the moment !

Although it's also kind of romantic watching them on the run together, holding hands, and trying to escape capture...especially so when Holo is willing to play the distraction to make sure Lawrence makes it to Milone safely, even at risk to herself, because she wants to make sure he can make this deal and achieve his dream. She feels she owes that to the companionship and kindness he's showed her. But Lawrence didn't want to let her go .

The good news is Lawrence made it in time and got saved by Tetsu Inada. The bad news is they captured Holo...and because Lawrence had already revealed everything to the Milone Trading Company, using them as hostages for the business deal was effectively pointless (though it's kind of cute how Richten compares Lawrences' loss to if he lost his own wife). That and a letter from her captors reveals they know full well what Holo is, and she seems to recognize the person running this .
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