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Old 2024-04-21, 10:58   Link #368
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Oh hey, a letter from Paul! Not only is he giving out some fatherly praise to Rudy, but he's also informing him that they're on their way to free Zenith (with Roxie!!!). But it's no place for children, so a familiar set of hands are delivering Aisha and Norn to Rudy for the time being. Sounds like Norn will be a bit of a handful, but it's time for Rudy to step up as a big brother! In fact he's ready to support his entire family .

It's cute watching Rudy and Sylphie practice magic together, and healing magic won't be his speciality like it is Sylphie's...but they've also got kids to think about. Assuming Sylphie can even have kids, but the only woman Rudy wants to love, kids or no kids, is Sylphie .

They're finally making progress on Nanahoshi's summoning circle! Or they were until it turned out to be another failure. I mean, it's just a moment to grow on, right? Well, too many failures and her inability to go home finally breaks Nanahoshi and she loses it...and it reminds Rudy too well of his state when he gave up on everything .

Piggyback rides and princess carries! All the better because even Julie gets one !

Sometimes you need to bring in some different perspectives and open yourself up to others, as Rudy does with the rest of the gang by roping them into helping with Nanahoshi's problem. And with Cliff and Zanoba's insight, and the doll that almost killed them, they're able to come up with a solution! Especially after Elinalise comforts her man from overthinking too much .

It's cute how when they have the sleepover Cliff and Elinalise sleep together. It's like they're already married !

Nanahoshi seeing there's a chance is restored, and while she and Cliff bicker a bit, they're prep montage ends up bearing fruit as they manage to bring over a plastic bottle! Pretty basic, but still an achivement! And now Nanahoshi has hope she can return home and she has other to thank for it. She even manages to open herself up a little and enjoy herself around everybody, something that's new for both her and Rudy .

I love how Rudy is carrying a drunk Sylphie home and who should already be there but his two little sisters already fighting...but at least Aisha is happy to see him. And who else should follow him but the man, the myth, the legend...RUIJERD !
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