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Old 2024-04-20, 09:37   Link #26
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Join Date: Aug 2013
An angel, a yuki-onna, and a normal girl all meet at a park...and one guy is stuck in the middle! Good thing Noel just so happens to be an angel-otaku .

Tsumugi, you look good in sweats, don't feel self-conscious! Although I love her jumping from emotinoal extremes..."he's too nice! That's why I love him! But it still bothers me! I KNEW he wasn't getting bento's from his grandma! Wait, I'm the only one he isn't on a first-name basis with!? He has a cute girl as a co-worker? Can I work there too!? Wait, he's living with another girl? Why can't that be me!?" .

Shintaro goes to the trouble of trying to cover for Noel and she just bursts out with the truth and flashes her panties (and admitting he caught her changing) in short order. But she wants to be honest with Shintaro's friends because I guess they're the friends of her friend, and you have to be straight with someone to form meaningful connections. And even Tsumugi admits she wet the bed until the 5th grade, poor girl .

I'm not surprised Shintaro had a nightmare about the government raiding his apartment for Towa, Noel, and some random kappa girl...but Tsumugi couldn't sleep because she knows he's living with another girl. But at least they can relate to each other as two normal people trying to keep a supernatural secret :not:.

Noel is...very enthusiastic in her friendship. Like she can't turn it off and has to be absolute friends with someone to the point where she wants to constantly hang out with them and do friends stuff, right down to being unable to keep it professional at work. I'm not surprised the boss assumed they were dating, though if Noel can't keep her private and professional life separate, she might not be able to work with Shintaro .

I guess Towa can talk to cats! Kind of! And of course she and Tsumugi show up at Shintaro's work and Tsumugi gushes about how hot Shintaro is in work mode while trying to prevent Towa from doing his job .

It's sweet that Towa wants to help Shintaro with his job so he can have more time to spend at home, but he's working for his own sake and he just enjoys having Towa there waiting for him at home .

Meanwhile his boss thinks he's in a love triangle...and Noel just dumped him .
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