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Old 2024-04-11, 11:33   Link #34
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Zagan has been through a lot, especially with his rough childhood, but now he gets to wake up to a "Good Morning, Master" from Nephy who prepares breakfast for him and watches him while he sleeps. Is there no better living than that ?

She cooks! She cleans! Her ears wiggle when she's happy! She blushes like a tomato when she sits on your lap and you mutually feed each other! Nephy is the best! And Zagan's communication difficulties make him come off like a total chad with her !

Zagan was almost killed by a sorcerer when he was young, but he used said sorcerer's power and magic to turn against him and save himself, setting him on the path of using sorcery as a means of survival. And Nephy is a quick study on the nature of sorcery as well, so maybe she could learn it ?

Chastille really picked a bad time to intrude on Zagan's castle, especially right during a moment he was having with Nephy, and he really doesn't want to waste a second on her and her Angelic Knights...especially when he can pretty much defeat her guys in barely a minute .

Though Chastille calls his bluff and is able to hold her own against him, especially with a Sacred Sword that lets her slice through his magic like it's nothing. And she was hiding her true strength for half the fight as well. But she has a lot of complicated feelings about Zagan, especially after he saved her, and the rightness of her mission of decrying all magic when some, like Zagan, need it to all she can think to do is fake his death, risk being branded a criminal, to pay back her debt to him .

Though even if Zagan was willing to consider that (and it looked like he wouldn't for Nephy's sake), Nephy ends up settling things when she comes out, get targeted by Torres, and Zagan gets wounded protecting her...causing her to unleash the wrath of nature on Torres. And you thought Zagan was the scary one! Good thing Chastille had enough sense to get out of there and realize her man screwed up .

Nephy was branded a cursed child, cursed with white hair and elven mysticism, and it was that curse that caused her village to turn on her and treat her like an "other" and imprison her...only willing to use her power when it served their own ends to protect them from an invasion. So of course she didn't do anything and the village was destroyed, and she couldn't help but laugh...until the crippling guilt settled in and she blamed herself. But Zagan would've killed everybody in her place and believes the villagers had it coming, so he doesn't judge Nephy for it and fully accepts her and her power, and that's exactly what she was looking for all her life as they share a sweet embrace as Zagan comforts a crying Nephy .
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