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Old 2024-03-26, 22:58   Link #168
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Originally Posted by FlareKnight View Post
I love how Red outright dodges the accusation of cheating...despite the fact that he totally did . Sure Red, just keep moving ahead and don't comment on that one. Although to be fair it was Van's fault for going along with Red's terms when he absolutely didn't have to. Should have abused having the superior weapon. If Red lost because he couldn't be bothered to get a good sword that's on him.
I mean, he only "cheated" when Van resorted to magic first, when it came to actual swordmanship Van was utterly outclassed.

I think it was totally fair what he did and what matters was ultimately showing Van the true taste of defeat and what it means.
That was even more anticlimactic than I expected. They build a whole season around this Van thing and it's the minor event of the whole series to this point. Any of the smaller arcs in season 1 were more intense than this.
I dunno, the action animation was pretty on-point .
Even the Priest survived!? Oh come on. Are we going to reveal next that the guy Van decapitated is also fine!?
Do we want that gut to be fine ?
I mean yeah, that's a fine way to wrap things up I suppose. A bit underwhelming. But again it's still the best result for the main characters. Since they need a hero to fill Ruti's absence. If Van can get the job done then that's easier on everyone. Not that I could see Red feeling guilty if Ruti's absence lead to the world burning to ashes, but I think Ruti would probably feel bad about it .
They at least probably have a point that if Van genuinely wants to do it, and is willing to learn the proper way to be a Hero, he's a better option than Ruti. Red seems genuinely committed to mentoring him.
Not as good a season as the first one. But that's the downside of the major drama playing out in that first season. There wasn't all that much to tackle this time around. In some ways it feels like the story was intended to end where that first season did but the need to pay the bills kept the story going .

A 6.5/10. Not the worst season, but never quite did enough with its setup.
Honestly I feel like it's the same as the first season, ultimately. People enjoyed the Slice of Life/Romance part but felt the show really dragged when it got to the actual serious fantasy plot stuff.
Originally Posted by FlareKnight View Post
It's interesting seeing how they pieced together things to create this season. It certainly feels like this might be the last season we get animated. If they wanted/needed to move things around so much that's just the impression I get. In terms of endings this is a solid place to leave it.

The big issues have been resolved. Red/Rit are heading towards marriage so they are good. Ruti has been freed from any lingering regret of not using her powers for the greater good. And overall things are pretty stable. There are some loose threads obviously, but ones that were underplayed quite a bit this season so you could kind of forget about them .

Season 1 was definitely better. But hey...there was always that Ruti Opening .
Yeah, if they wanted to have Van redeemed and filling Ruti's role then couldn't exactly let the Cardinal bleed out. Although that is the most realistic result for him. It does involve ignoring all the people Van let get killed before arriving in Zoltan or how he casually chopped off that one guy's head as a first response. But it also fits that Red and company don't really care about the wider world, but rather just their corner of it in Zoltan.

It's a convenient option. And more effective than hoping that Albert could possibly fill the role.
They even brought back the season 1 OP! Then again, I don't think anyone was expecting this show to get a second season, so never say never .
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