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Old 2024-03-13, 01:26   Link #4
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Join Date: Oct 2013
Originally Posted by kiak666 View Post
Hi, just want to let you know that as someone who has some fond memories of the show, I also have to agree that Season 2 was a letdown, with my personal grievances being the lack of growth in Haruto's character as well as Shoko's character derailment during the school massacre.

With that being said, it's interesting to see how others would have handled the story of Season 2, even if it's been a decade since the show ended (damn, I felt old...).

I've read about your post and I actually like the idea of the Council 101 having their own personal Black Ops, as this makes them even more threatening than the way they're presented in the show.

I noticed that you're removing the memory loss sub-plot so that Haruto still remembers his promise. If that's the case, how will you handle Marie's character as well as the way she dies, seeing how the memory loss is a major part of her story?
I'll make it so that she simply died due to using too many of her runes, and that the researchers intentionally blanked her memory. Honestly, the whole memory loss subplot I felt was just a cheap excuse for the writer to add in melodrama to the whole Shouko betrayal thing, when it really wasn't needed, and just made Shouko come off as far less likable.

Not sure where I should start the fic though, as going back through the infuriating episode that I plan to start it from isn't something I'm too keen on. It honestly makes my stomach queasy when I try to.

So I'm thinking I'm gonna start it perhaps shortly before the televised execution, with a few brief flashbacks to Haruto feeling alone, as here, despite Inuzuka telling him to focus on what he can do right now, and to go on a date with Shouko, he still can't get Saki out of his mind. Again, the fact that only he cared about her being stranded made me really frustrated at the heroes (she's one the pilots, and became one and an idol so she wouldn't feel alone, and you guys just left her alone? Seriously?! ), so at the least, I plan to increase Haruto's worry for her. Especially given the theater chat the two had, where he was able to actually see how lonely she was.

Yeah, the Council having their own mercenary task force I think makes them far more dangerous, plus it would also make it so that they don't get so easily wiped out at the end. Heck, I don't mean to come across as twisted, but one scene I have planned is that, in the aftermath of the massacre, the Taurus Company troops basically burn all of the bodies of the dead students and ARUS soldiers. One of whom happens to be Marie's body, as the heroes weren't able to hold a proper burial for her when they got back with everything that was going on. Both Haruto and Shouko see this as they are escaping, and it only adds to the guilt.

On a related note, I feel old too. Heck, it was me going back to the show after a decade that led me to do this, as I feel that there was so much potential that was sadly wasted. So, here I am, trying my best to fix it. Even if a lot of my personal fixes also involve relationships and the like in the show.

Btw, thanks for replying. Want me to give a few ideas I have for it? Personally, I'm most eager to get into the scenes between Haruto and Saki such as the former's rescue of her, and not just because of shipping, though that is a part of it.

Last edited by LightDragonman; 2024-03-13 at 02:06.
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