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Old 2024-03-02, 23:38   Link #102
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Originally Posted by FlareKnight View Post
I'm back and forth on Satou's choices. Honesty can be the best policy and all that. But their powers are also tied directly to their bonds. Harping too much on "Hime is #1" could result in a weaker power than he'd ideally need to get through all this. I just don't think he can get that much more power out of his bond with Hime than he already has until they actually cross the line. Which again he's chosen to try and put off until after all this is over with and they are back on Earth.

Obviously Satou is hardly the first harem protagonist with a clear-cut #1 and has minimal interest in the rest of his harem. Not everyone can be the "everyone is #1" type. I just hope it's not a fatal flaw. If things work out Granart should get huge props. She's one who is willing to struggle towards a result she can be happy with. With Satou the way Satou is...

In some ways it would be interesting to see the story go down a bad end route. Satou doing the right thing for him only ending up dooming the world because the power of light simply isn't enough with the other abilities running low. I doubt it will go there. But honestly it probably should since Satou is trying to have it all his way. It's understandable that he wants to be selfish in that way. But...selfishness can destroy a world no matter how pure it is.

Saphir really is my personal #1 for this show though. I love how she's just "can I just go back to my own room" during that whole debate about who is sleeping next to Satou. She's still got a pretty pragmatic view on all this. Which could of course be an issue since with Satou and Hime being such a main pair there's less reason for her to build a tight bond with Satou. But in the end she can stomach it. And she can at least keep her sister's lover safe while going along for the ride.
Satou really lucked out that all the girls fell for him and care about him even though he doesn't feel like reciprocating their affections more than Hime's.

Honestly I love how Nefritis has such positive and wholesome vibes with this Harem .
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