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Old 2024-02-04, 11:21   Link #98
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
Well, it's smart of Tisse and Ruti to keep Red and Rit informed of what's going on. I doubt it's going to be as simple as just letting Ljubo have the airship, though I'm surprised Red even cares if they misuse it. But his main priority is keeping Ruti safe and helping his little sisters' business .

Danan is pretty much recovered and is ready to get back to fighting demons. He's just not the Chill Life type of guy! But he can't leave without getting in one round of sparring with Gideon, and Red can't deny him. Though despite how skilled he is, he's still a lot more rusty, so that means training .

Red completely shutting down at the prospect of sparring with his wife. He can't fight Rit! Though to be honest I can imagine them sparring devolving into something else (and with less clothes on) .

Red needs to train, and who better to train him than Yarandrala who is not only a skilled warrior but even an avowed author of military tactics? Heck, let's bring everybody and make it a training camp !

I love Ruti and Danan trying to outdo each other in bringing firewood (Ruti wins) and it takes the elf to tell them to stop hurting the natural ecosystem .

It's kind of nice that this is the closest the Hero's Party has all been together in a while, even if there's a lot of bittersweet memories attached to that...especially involving Ares .

Red is the luckiest man alive, getting to watch his wife strip naked so she can wash his back when they're bathing together !

Time for the duel! Red is fighting to rep the chill life he's chosen to lead, while Danan wants to test Red's resolve...and while Red doesn't win, him holding his own against Danan and even doing well against him convinces Danan that the strength he's gained through the chill life is valid and true .

Dang, never thought I'd see Red happy to see Albert, but he's practically a different character now. And he finally warns them about Van .

A Hero and his fairy (who seems like she's in love with him) walks into a bar and stumble onto a guy going crazy trying to kill people for his blessing...and then coldly lobs his head off. Theodoroa tries to instill in him the importance of due process, but all Van cares about is not a personal sense of justice, but the belief that everyone in his life, even the people he kills, is sent there by the Almighty Demis to aid him in his quest. That means it's okay to kill people. And he thinks Ruti believes that even more than he does, just as they're heading to Zoltan. This won't end well
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