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Old 2024-01-26, 07:19   Link #4
Sleepy Lurker
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Nun'yabiznehz
Age: 38
Well, the amount of onboard memory is FAR more important than raw computing power. Most crashes I've had were caused by insufficient VRAM...sometimes facilitated by an excess of processes (upscaling, openpose, etc.) and overambitious settings (like foolishly trying to generate a 1920x1080p pic instead of sticking to multiples of 256px or 512px and never going above 1280px in either height or width). Unloading all the legwork on the CPU rather than the GPU will still have you run headlong into the RAM bottleneck (don't forget that you're also sharing your RAM with Windows processes, which could eat up to half of it depending on its contents and configuration; a GPU's VRAM isn't as dramatically affected by that), I'm afraid.

So...yeah, you should look to upgrade your RAM just in case and get a GPU (with CUDA support, not necessarily a RTX) that has, say, 6GB VRAM. But the question is: is this worth the investment or would you rather save your money for other, more useful/vital stuff? I must admit that I, too, was tempted by the demons of hardware upgrade when going into Stable Diffusion, but I eventually told myself, "dude, it's just a hobby. Why would I fork 200-300+ Euros for a hobby and an occasional one at that? Knock it off."
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Last edited by Renegade334; 2024-01-26 at 07:33.
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