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Old 2023-12-30, 17:15   Link #46
He Without a Title
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: The land of tempura
Originally Posted by Kanon View Post
It was the opposite for me. I kept waiting to find out what Akane did to end up imprisoned, and as the movie was wrapping up I felt cheated they never told us. And then, BANG! It happened. That was a very bold and smart move. Sadly, I don't remember enough of S3 to tell whether her action had a lasting impact on society. I only remember what happened two years ago being a mystery and Akane getting out at the end.
I'm halfway with you there. It took me way too long to figure out that this was happening before Season 3 and, when I got there, I was waiting for the shoe to drop so we could finally figure out what happened to Akane. When it finally did it made up for the rest of the movie for me.

Not that it was a bad movie, mind. But it was mostly spectacle with not much substance there. Sure, we got the backstory to Shindo's dad but the MacGuffin of the entire movie, the papers, ended up not really amounting to much of anything.

Still it was a brilliant move to have Akane basically sacrifice herself in the most public fashion possible to make a point that Sibyl isn't infallible and that the justice system is still needed. However, like you, I also don't remember most of anything from S3 so I have no idea if her sacrifice amounted to anything. Maybe I should rewatch season 3 now? I feel like, were I to have seen this movie first, I wouldn't have been so cold on that season.
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