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Old 2023-12-18, 11:30   Link #37
The Mage of Four Hearts
Join Date: Mar 2010
Age: 34
You double-posted.

Originally Posted by shmaster View Post
I'll agree to disagree then.
But I stand that denying something as futile before even trying is true futility.
Touma has actually had discussions about things he can actually do, like carry gun, other weapons, etc and why he doesn't want to do it. That's the sort of trying he needs to do, not chasing after windmills.

But will you fault Accel for that in fighting a world ending threat?
Especially we are having these type of threats at increasing frequency?
I don't fault him for what he had to do in the heat of the moment. But that also isn't an excuse for him to risk the world blowing up to fight a potential threat in the future.

Didn't I say this is not the problem. Touma asking for help and hus comrade helping him are perfectly fine. The issue is that fighting with someone is different from people fighting for you.
So how exactly do you define this difference then? Do other people not have free will to you or something?

Can you not see how Touma has become increasingly useless before the ever power inflating super bosses?
What you are saying is that it is fine Touma to continue to job and leech off his comrades for victory?
Since Touma's harem is so loyal to him, he can just continue to take leverage in them because they'll end up saying yes to him in one way or another?
Having people to rely on is no excuse to not improve yourself. Especially you are making claims far above your capabilities.
What's worse that he breaking principle in using KnT is essential asking someone to fight for him as well. Just he asked someone he hates instead of someone he trusts.And this just sounds like more excuse to even not try.
Touma, if you are going to rely on your harem so much to fight for you now. Why not just ask your harem members in England to host you there? I am sure you'll have a better living condition there and better chance at improving yourself. At least that sounds like a better approach at life than crying for help last minute when a super boss shows up.
I'm saying Touma is just one person with limited resources. Unlike Mikoto or Accel he can't easily figure out ways to improve himself and the enemies aren't going to wait on him to. He has to work with what he has in reality.

What you're doing is essentially blaming someone who lives in poverty for not having tens of thousands of dollars in their bank account to do stuff.

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