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Old 2023-12-18, 09:41   Link #35
The Mage of Four Hearts
Join Date: Mar 2010
Age: 34
Originally Posted by shmaster View Post
I already did. Try get a hold of Mina.
And you are the person who us coming up with excuses for him not to do it.
When there is no excuse to not try at all.
And I already established why that would be futile. You just want Kamachi to waste page time showing Touma "trying" stuff he can't actually do.

Didn't you just spell it out why research is needed? Of course he can't let Last Orde's brain fry.
Explore other options. Like substituting the the calculation process with himself?
Or try upgrade the entire firmware of the AIM field now that the Third Tree, product of Misaka Network, has been installed into the worldly phases.
And I say get IB involves necessary.
What has been happening around IB is negative thus far is because Aleister set ot up that way.
Now the man is no longer in charge. It is time to take a.positice.appraoch about it.
He did explore other options. Ones that don't involve playing around with potentially country or world destroying phase fuckery. Some things are better left alone.

Seriously, why are you always so negative and assume everything will fail?
Now are you going to accuse Accel for coming up with Third Tree that altered the cosmic order and tell him he should have not done that because what if the universe explode?
The same Third Tree that the narration points out is going to have serious unintended consequences?

Every time this phase stuff is brought up, it's mentioned over and over again how dangerous it is. In less than a year, there have been multiple occasions where AC phase research could have blown up the whole city or the whole country at a minimum.

But things only worked out fine because he have good comrades.
And his best is no longer enough, even with KnT.

In other words, he is in another situation he takes no responsibility (because if casualties occur in this case, the responsibilityis so big that someone will have to clean it up for him.)
Did you see we are now back to the original problem of Touma taking no consequences again?
The moment Touma decided to try and save Anna despite the risk and accepted help for it he was already taking responsibility. That's the whole reason he bent his principle in the first place. That's him taking responsibility. Your idea that if Touma doesn't do everything alone from start to finish or he's not being responsible about it is just weird.

Sure, it is right for him to ask his comrades for help. And yes, he deserve to be helped for what he did for rhem. And yes, they are willing to help Touma because they want to be useful to Touma too.
But Touma, I am sure you didn't make friends for the purpose of having them fight for you, right?
Did you notice you are running into situations where your comrades have to take responsibility FOR you, and not WITH you because you are making claims that is far above your capacity.
And now you're talking to same nonsense as the fake Saint Germain. Touma isn't God. He didn't put a gun to anyone's head to make them help him. They chose to help him of their own accord. He has to take his responsibility for starting it, but they have to take responsibility for getting themselves involved.

Not saying he has to be super strong over night to take responsibility. But did he even half as much awareness compare to say Mikoto in knowing "I am weak, and I need to do everything I have to be strong. And I know that's still not enough"?
That's why I see no value in Touma's decision in using KnT.
KnT had failed multiple time before super bosses in NT already. It can't even finish off a drastically weakened Coronzo. Is he really that wishful thinking to believe using KnT is good enough to take responsibility for his big words?
It only shows his ignorance to how weak he is in front of the ever escalating threats he is facing right now.
Now we get to the crux of the issue. You're comparing Touma with people like Mikoto and Accel even though he simply does not have the resources they do. Mikoto could set up a whole club with Tokiwadai's money to fix the AAA, Accel has the authority to weaponize a particle accelerator, Touma nearly starved to death twice in a month.

They aren't the same and treating them that way is again just wishful thinking.

Illusion, illusion, this is illusion. It cannot harm me.
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